I 2 THE UNIVER61TYUOF MICHIGAN DAILY, &I + of 1.P aIhi. Psbilheq Daily (Sunays excepted) during the Colege year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. OFICE: Thmere building, 829 S Male St. be- tween Liberty ad William Ste. MlrAGING EDITOR J. . THOMAS, '00 L. BUSINES8IOMANAGER . H. BAS, 100 L. EDITORS -H B. S~tILMA, '95 L, Athletics. E. L. Gesue, '93 L. G. D. HeDUwucv.'O. BUTLER LAMB, 'O. . IL Woonow, '98 1. 6..CAPrBsEL, '00. A. OAPrBEL, '99. F. EGELHARiD,'9. The ubcription price of the Daily is 2.50 for the cllege year, with a reular delivery before noon each day. Notices, commuica- ions, and other matter itended for publica- tion must be handed in at the Daily sfficebe- fore 8 p.mor mailed to the editor before 3 s i., of the day previous to that on which hew are espected te a pear. Subscripione may be left at The Daily Office, Meyer's or StolOet's Newstand, or with ussness Manager. Sbcriber will con- fer a favor by reporting promptly at this office anv falure of carriers to deliver paper. i' sesIziiiila' 131sb isin cetingit piotrait palinilg of tielos, lvi T. GriffinDisotheir elss 1oaleorl l itl Is. very grceftl ribtse Ito5a111a11-who wa8 for. so long i.1peridti,$u(ebiiilons' Ito the deiartliosi. NO 011011 coll have bei soe leted for thiis iark of distifletiost svho desrveis tie grtiiude of 'tile Ltniversiiy sore ltn r. (trifli. Il~e is it man whss'ose Katsio si a broai-miisded and ai e la Lwyer las. for ysa'oirsieessiqtetioieild tis' lsis wichithis'Univeriy fels ii bst' ing depriivedi Of his 's1elVIeTS cosl nsot be expresset inia.ribtter 'siies' Ilithsn thit elioseisby the 199 aw lss11. Wvhen '1s11 lss s iemssrils iblis re adouptesd lbsesustomsis es to be a ibg-bear asoit-hisis ovsn It e to s .Liiy classes illthelast.Ciertily. thl asscis 5to bei'coniiiartuli isuponii its choice'an51511 Uaviesit y 011011ti- slng the r-elielli of liie' porri Of so \\sorisy tasirsi. The East to Act. 10 . 'Giyl, of lbsei'nivesity Ati- leie Clls., Nisw'York ity Wdrits- sisy snt out a foriial-all to YiS'e (ks'rseli for it siietigof retresent- tiveisoftltes sluniversities ill Nw Yirk on Feb. :12, te sobjet iof tihe meseting being to rilliofni aioisoites' to1 revise the foobaili rules. It is very likely tbht te rinemeln 'wili be caledl 1111011to seve's-t isrst-- SOtatises osi the rllss tcommsitee- as ,-oliposetl it duriing she lst lwi meet- ilogs, wvlen the foloinlg sere te members: Water Cmsp sof YSane Alexander !Moffitt Of rintl, olJist (. 'Bel, of IN liliyiaa, iosels H . ,eas of Hssrirv,. AL. Deniniss sf (or1ael, Isl '.sil lissiiel of te Faiteil'tates Nvals Aesiseisy at An- iaixeui, andsl itgrosssite of Lehigh. s cegite t large. It is not xpoted thotthesueis will b1e thorongloly" revised at the first con- ferenc. Several will hve to beo ed in order that the overhaling of thbun 'will he sw oncopletle as to cate a cs- sation of fatalities which occred b~st season on the .grisdiron, ths potting a 4p T all publi'citicisms regarding o o~brtly oftiege . One rule whih will be cosd rd ini all its phases is the one wici gov- ei's us iss plays. Froms wvat fat beenu said it seeino-probablle.ht mass plays will be abolished by nakin every mon in the hune, which iioldcs the ends, tackles, guards osd colner, seven isens in all. to re'mail in positin sontil the hll uhs eelsnsapped back. Ii this way sisly our son, fle qusater backl, he lobo half bks ostd tile fall backoct11 be Iermittied-o make any sort of ai fomlatiosi behind the lte. Ganapol's Song Recital. A pltiasnt cf-lllllilellary esiitirl''l lors giv'eno is owe'u'li'iy al Wedlie - clay -ev'e'ningty Mir. Boris I..f Iiospl of Dit'oit, assisted by Josephu N. Kro- lik, formserly 'lit. A shri ansd interet. Mug progrsam wastesndueed. l. Kro- lik'ssoetions fromni (iutiOl's "Li. Refines'di.Sabati" beig silsiessary wellire'eivioed. u' ue coispanist, 191iss Msiuleiii, of Deroit, shl~oed t'remair- abile symupathy"Indrulcostilibited thu' tertlly to ite ssocsss of ills'progiraw. 'l'lue foloinu itsibse r sses' iou PRiOGRAM. Dee Waderer.--_ ...-..-.. r SchubertI Mr. Krolik. Die Beiden ilecadiere . .. Rob. Schman~ Mr. Gaapol. "Thou art lihe unta a lower,"-... . Smith The loper and the devet ............. Reissifer Mr. IKrolik. Still ie sin Nacht----------------..... B hm Hanppy Three .............. .......... Roecel Mr. iGanapol. "She alone harmeth my sadnes," From La Reina de Sabat..-O Gounod Mr. Kroli. Toreador Song frsm amneront.------Blzet Mr. tanapol.J IF YOU WANT THE BEST FRATERNITY STATIONERY, BADGES OR PINS Send to & 4 237, 29, 241 Woodard Ave.. etrot. Designs and estimates furnished on al work of this iod ATHENSTHEATRE TUESDAY, JANUARY 25th~ AAU (DI.ZNTER 'aSHOESI j-OF- Every Description. js r ~~A LAR GE LINE OF O U S O m NX SHE OUR WINDOW? __BEALSIISHOESTORE, 101)X. Main Strept, Opposite th e Courtn liei. SAn, Opportunity FOR FINE DRESSERS This week we".put. Ton saleĀ° all. our FieTailored Suits, in Cheviots, Cassi- meres, Clays and Worsteds-all made after the latest Winter Fashions, equal- led only by " high-priced merchant tailored clothes Choice $14.50 We have cheaper ones which we have reduced. But this week we are making a special effort to reduce our stock of'- fine suits prior to inventory, February 1st. loft Students' Lecture Associ'ation COMING AMERICA'S GREATEST 'IMPERSONATOR, LELAND T. POWERSY ",A PAIR OF BORROWED SPECTACLES." ivestytaW ,Saturday Night, January 21 Season Ticket for Remaining Num~bers $1.50. Reserved Ticket for Remaining Numbers 50c extra. CONSISTING OF WVashington--------------------a 9 Sousa's Band--------------------e.6 Oratorical Contest------------------March c8. Burton ----------------------I- -- -_-,April8 $1.50 MEN'S CALF LACE SINGLE OR DOUBLE SOLE... - Men's Winter Rnssett haeavy doubfe sole, shoes for dress and. evening, also full assortment for ladles at equally low prices. Gym Shoes-ladies' and men's-black serge-nil shzes 75c. WCIIf. J. AP.RILL, 119 E. WASHI1NGTON ST.. Prices, - 25C, 550 75 and $i.