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January 21, 1898 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1898-01-21

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VOL. VIIIL No. 80.



Has received a full line of Novelties
for Fall aandWinterlin
:Suits, Trousers,
and Overcoatings
Al legretti's
Fresh' every,'week.
Only in packages-
d0e a pound.
Lowney's_£if you

To Appear Tomorrow -Night in
the S. L. A. Course.
Leland 'T. Powers, wvho rousnes io-
n. orrow night as the sixth ittuhber in
the 8. L. A. cotirse, needs n0 intr'o-



FOR THE NEXT WEEK. dt-ioni to zi 'Attn Arhor mtilc.
test received a fresh sunely ef Allegretti, and 'Thte pt'ograns fellows:':
Williams and Werners Chocolates. Largest line BROE PCALS
in the city. BROE PCALS
iLuones at all hours. '' A MODERtsN COMEDYv IN canEr s.T.
R./-.JO.LLY 8t 00.
1308 South State Street. Characters tmpersonated 1:,y Mr. Powers.
____________________________ Mr. Benj. Golidinch, Wearing kindly giarses.
________________________ Untcle Gregory, Isis Brether-----.--
- - - - - Wearisg a different tart ,
H5arry---- ti-----------enjamis's Son
Econol~xical Dick------t ---- ------ Gregory's Sos
Lorimer-----------Benjamsin's Friend
Tooth Brutshes Btartholiomew---------HisShear
Mrs Golich-----Benjami's yosng wife I
Lacy Loriuer--------Lorimer's daughter
The kiiid that we sell AC 1.-Mr. Galdfinch's morning -aam in
Hampstead. The wanld arcs through kindiy
for 25 cents or' more, spectacles.
If they. shed their ACT IL.-Is the same roam The wanld
seen thraegh barrawed spectacles.
bristles we gflive",you a ACT Itt.-Ie the same room. The old snec-
new one-no charge-- tacies hack again.
gladi to des it. Prof. and Mrs. Trueblood. r
The followving 1sI'ogroni will he rc-n-
tdered by Prof. ond Irs. Truehiod,t
CAII lO' co ~sisted by the T"ech Glee antd I -Mndou-l
: Lt~ PIR~l liii Clubs next Mondaoy eveiiing at 5
_________________________________ o'clocek, iin the Methodist cihlrchi. Tue
_______________________________eiteitaiiimeiit is for the hellefit of ther
Tech Hire Cleb.
"Ben and Jedan," a story of Soethern
330 0 = T 0 : ife, y....... hyMaurice Thompsons
Profesor T. C, Trebhlood. i
The Mississippi Rag - it'........ Ii. Drelti
Just received a special line of Tech Mandolin Cleb. t
The Set of Terqeolse..'rhousniley Aldrich
S W E IATERS Mrs. Truehlood.'
The Rainbow Dance-......George Roney
Uulor Guaranteed, Quality the Best. Mandolin Club.t
The. most satisfactory made for There in Mesic In the Air ........
the money. ...........Arranged by Webtster
Tech Glee Club.
Each $3.00 and $3.50. Scenes from "The School for Scandal".. r
Act It-Scene L. Act nII-Scene L.
4;ymnasiunn Sats sod -Shoes a Specialty. Sir Peter Teazle, Professor Truehlood.'
.PRICES 5161ff Lady Teazle, Mrs. Treebleed.c
Prof. -Huber hat recently brought3
H BO KST R out 1a gyeprit from the Journal itt
Axw DV- eu~logyof Isis four lec ture. on the
Up Town Down Town Sympa-tbetic Nervous Sys I in de liver.
S. State at. Oppoite Court~ouse
Ann Arbor Main St. ec beftore is lasses last, lty.

Handbali Tournament.
-The entries for te'tiii hall ott-
lnoelit wxiii tlos'ittOoeloik taior-
row norning.
l-elow rare given liii drawings forc
tie firt rotiid xhii-tiwill ib' paveil
siic-oiw-. L'tch game will tb' for 21
intts ad aiitl act lviigo to tie
Mullerin of ltwoioat of three-gaises. The
tles xwiiilitt'thse outhl'ti-i l Spa111
lug's -Arhioitilluid' for ticohir, '.
nhit referee an111scoror for till' till-
tittisliis allr' t leipag-s-c- I o.y t)(e
'etiestotts. 11frie tint' drawnt-ifor Is
1nu li lttt inenc t huoiiO ir((y beimadtol1'
iioti''eiri t y iagreement:(11ofii i
i)irtis interested ori if noticie is git"n
Pt'ti'lrrpoints iwith' l'-tilli-
Dr. lFiigerall. liii' 1t ii'.of t'
lotitit (tote wtsi-tt wil ilite: hi-
9t a. m.-i~avis, 'il, vt. Mitt-ol,
18 L..
9t:30i o, m.--Msi.'ill,,'9.vsxF 5a, .M-
10t3 lta. in,-Risaoh, '00,1.vs.hiAe-.
112a u. t-Wootlni')1.vs. 1cise,
113 i . n--Latmb, '0tt0, 's.Eivett.
3p. .Emmon s. "GDO.,vs.tLoni,
43 p. It-lieas.t', 'v -s. l'iinrt-t
"Verbal Taboos."
The'flourthtaotiilg otle thioogi-
nal Scietytxis'sheld'iniiRoocusmil last
night. Pinf. Stott reai liii' spar ci
the evenifig oi'"Verbal TLatioost their
Natiirte antd. Origli." Ilie sdtihat15
taboo was or iiDrlly a umlii'apilidl
by tifiorigiocs to tariots ojtns thi
use of which xas forbiddn. It htss
ioiie to be apitliedto t hosetorxviiixn
genetrailsilgetvhicii atoitits iii
sire to inerdit.'te desir' tt tatsst
st wordl arses ott of sote nitiathiy
toxards it. 'lT every tne thi'ie art
Ct'rtain woi's xhich liive iinletiait
assisiationas and wiiih't 're always
heard with dislike.loxever. it li te
lduty of everyone to saritie soe-
-tiiig for the oinnunily nt io
auithority lion 'a right to taott a wodt
-simply Ibecause le has siiie"sill
ipathy towards ii.
A general discussioin folowet cs
paper in iclih various other cues
were assigned for taboong wors.
The next meeting will le a joint inc-l
lug of the Philosophical and Philologi-
cal Societies on Jan. 27. Te question
to 'be discussed] is "Te Relation of
Philosophleal Stuly t Casica
'Thze campus arci lights w-s'e used
For -the first 'ine last night.

The Senior Law Class Will Honor
''lti'eiolaw it' -la, itiiells t i-
portatn icku'ing Iit tielt-awtxletue
istint yetsertlsy iaftt'rnoontisat It3i'cis.k
The icrtlliesi'n-i ordegriti s ltelit
itiregauts to-rit'v'.igis -oiith ei
Ives, of Hi-troit, I-. . C 'tctr. of (lii-
-ugo.,tatdlB.i. 'Magai, tir Ytsiiuttt.
litt tt.for t iii'suits f :;150, tle fisitm-
ed alttan ofitionaitc-itt'ittof.$40. eir.
anti tht tof i-x'(tit. Pelt-initthe i t
galleryc. 'lhii'iting txi lit' tilt-
si-litil to I tttie tivt'si yIthlei-class,
A -tntittlt ic s si iiuto cii-
iill,,,tiinal jjtdge of te attaicttte si
liii pict-urle it-itt-utitnti.
'T"es-hss ttu idisctssi-itheitisttler
f ti(-lass etmtleti. A it i rtisal vtei
tx-is tkeniilstrtit differeit stilt's itio-
posedand ithli ~itttto f te class
fttvtorcetit class i-st.
'Theirt esileltlwssxthen iistrttttel
to appixitf ti 'staiitt's' torci've- Iis
frontilifferent phtoigrtaphte'rsfor the
tsig of Ithe i-hss Ii-t: and a-
othertetottmnakt' arrasingremen.ts for nt
norattric-tl i-sillest, Torti- thelceit ton f
a 'lass oratori, antd for tt contest for
tt't'hoinig litfitathtiss poett. Another
xx~ein iiili e lt'tlsonto ltelet it
cisiss iisolsadtilshiiss propthe.
Webster Banquet.
'lTe tW'ebstei Socity txill loldtits
attittalbittiit ttiglt iialks' Ha~ll.
'This lbaniuts'tstalwatyslbe'i 0110Syf
te hronilelt soiaetl affasirxsif the lat
despartnecnt.andu niore extesive ar-
csilgxxiiieu-s hisvt' bs'eniiiase this yea'
hatn svser bttftrt.tOxtr two hitndrcd
tickiessixae teii sol, which asurae.
lairter gtiring thanil at ainy siiiar
stfi' i the past. Hatngterer' xil
let 55sicater.
Be5fotre the bansquet the society will
'oldi its regular weekly uitttting its
Wtxster HBall. Thefolowiig is the
programa: Hsay, It. Wesvri; sptebh,
I. 'PThomas; i~xliniltus, Messrs. H-an.
son, Samipson and AAcCreedy; vocal
stlo, Miss G earsge; debate, "Resolved.
Tchat the effects of the civil service
law have been mepre injurious thnt
be nefici," affirmative, C. R. lar-
rows and F. Thompson; negative.Mr.
rks and La.-. Anderson: lnndslhlt
and guitar duet, Messrs. Eochier and
I Storws; reding, R Glbtt

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