:..: .. THE. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAIL'Y. Great Redviction Sale - For Onle Week Only SWEATERS GLOVES . GOLF HOSE $4.50 for $3.45--$4.00 for $3.00 $3.50 for $2.85--$2.00 for $ 1.39 $2.00 for $1.87--$1.75 for $1.49 $ 1.50 for $1.42--$1.00 for 6i9c $2.25 for $1.75--$1.75 for $1.50 $1.50 for $1.25-$1.00 for 89c Neckwear, $1 for 63c-75c for 43c Fancy Hose, 75c for 63c==5Oc for 43+c Fancy Shirts--the biest 94c COMBIN ATIO1N UNDERWEAR PAJAMAS «* IN OUTING FLANNEL........ MAIN STREET, S. M A C K d& C OQ MAIN STREET, S. _ . You want a Mando- dolin, Guitar or Banjo, don't you You want the price right, don't you* SEE OUR WINDOW. ANN ARBOR MUSIC CO2 205-207 E. Washington St. ANN ARBOR* Time Table, SundayS~ept, 5, 1897. "TIME TABLE: Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Standard Time. N05TH. SOUTH. 8:43 ai.. 7:15 am' *12:15 a. m. 11:11a.m. 4:46p.m. 8:05p.m. eRon between Ann Arbor and Toledo only E.S. GILMORE, Agent W. H BENNETT 5. P-. A. 'Toledo 0. The Niogaras Falls Route."r Central Standard Time. TRAINS AT ANN ARBOR. EAST. - WEST. Hall :and Ex.dl4 B., N. Y , Chii---. 512. N.Y, Special._4,55 Maill .0------9181 G. Rt.Express ---!1,10'Paciic Ex.---123) *N. S Limited-_--8'IS P.M. Eastern Ex. ---9 47 Western Ex----.0 385 AM. GR. & KEx -.. 555I D. N."Express-.-_5 50 Chi. Nt. Ex.---74d7 Atlantic Ex..7e 05 *North Shore Limited is an extra fair train to be a charge of $2L50 to New York than on other trains. 0. W. RcooGLSno H. W. HAYES, G. P. & T Agt., Chicago. Ant., Ann Arbor CAN FU NISH MUSIC Of FIRST-CLASS. Orders for all Fraternity parties, club dances. etc. Leave orders at Ann Arbor Basic Co. or at lesidence,1710 Geddesoave. P. S. - Will ;take popiln on Piano and is ight reading at above namsd.Places. A. J . Johnston. . of M. Shaving Parlors andliath Rooms ~3si:SOUTH STATE 'STREET. Ladies' artistic Hair Dressing up stairs Old friends tall again. We welcome new fnes. J. 5LTIOJANOWSKiI. E3NOCHI DIETERLJ3,; EJIBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Calls'AtteneclDayor Nighi. So. 1ie East Liberty Street: Residence, 53 Soutot rth Ave: Phone 128. RANDALL, THE PHOTOGRAPHER. WASHINGTON BLOCK, ANN. ARBOR, DROP IN AND GjET ONE.... -OF-- SID W.. MILLARD'S Football Calendars for s898. P. ~ SCLEED. 'HRISMAS 30S. STATE STREET CHIT A Take home one of, Bnok Binding...... ...2 cents and 09 cur U. of M." Pins or Solid Gold Fountain Peaso .....1.00 and op. o0fl1 other novelty in Waterman and Wint Pens in stock and Pens Repairsd our hIi e. Wholesale and Retail Paper. B1/s lbs. of Lin- as. .xs. LEADIeNGs en Paper for 50c. TV . rnld nJWEER BROWN"' DRUG STRaE CORNER MAIN AND HURON STREETS Is the place to buy Dissecting Instruments and all thing needed for Bacterology, Pathology. Histology, Etc., Etc. 'ww"""PRIOBS RIG3HT. ,. i Century Magazine Prize Offer. With the aimn of tens'oiog;;lng lite'r- :ry activity among college gradnates The Centnry 'Magazinc offers to give annually, duriiig four successive years, three prizcs of $250 earl:. openl to ;the conmpetition of ipersonis Who recrive the degree of Bachelor of Arts in :iny Cllege 'or university ini the T.ni:lte States during the coinimneniouit sies- oons of 1897, 1898, 1899 our)11100. Tice pizles are given as follows: One for the best.nietriral o ~riling ofI 110ot fewver than tifty lilies. jOne for the best essay ini the field of biography, history or literary criti- cisn:, of nuot ffewer thall foor tiisusand. woirds or more than eight thousand. 0110 fsr the bsest story of not fewer thau four tlhousatnd words oi' more than eight ticusaiid. (Competitors mrust onh::::t iypewvrii ten lmanuscriptl 0n or before June ist oif 1120 year succeesing graduaton. The toalluscript oheuld be addressedi to the Etditor of the: Century, sil! should 'be signed by ai pen-nanme, the namve and address of author shlld be placed in a separate sealed enve.- lope, The manuscript must be writ. ten .after grnidnatiou :iud mutst not htave ibeen prevwiously published. T1hy editor withhiolds the rigiit of 11(t aw-ardifng the prize ill any class ill ease no manluscript is thionght worthy of the prize. The Century Magaztoc reserves, the right to print tile prize liahluscritst without furthewr p aymenat, the copyright to revert to the author three isissitlis after the dasle of isubl2- ration lit the Miagazine. Requests hove beeni niade to illow persons with the degree of P11. B. to cuntt ete, but it has been decided not to extend lie comntetitions ro such lpersonis. CALENDARC. tFridaiy, lIM. 21-4Webster '8oeict- Atnnual Banquet. Frido~y, tanl. 21-- Webster Society, Anisual Bainquet at Elks Hail. Saturday, Jan. 22-Leland T. Pow- ers in University Hail. Thursday, Jan. 27-Joint meeting of Philological aod 1'llilosoiltciSssc:e- ties at Lecture Rhoon:, Tappaii Hall. Fridaiy, .:Jan. 28-Final UiiverslyS Debate in Pu1irVersilyHal Saturday, Jan. 29--Book-cr P. Wa sh- ington i Universi ty Hall. F'ridlay, Feb. l8Junior Hop Ila W iter- i:,"an itymlosiui. Theses neatly typewrittenl, 3 cenlts per folio (twvo espies). Call on or ad- tross S. A. t-tarper, 127 7. Liberty St. 7C. All kinds of reporting. done. Lec- tures' or speeches .taken; these -writ- ten; copies malde anld furnished promptiy. CIHAS PNGETHA RD. TO RN T-Front ,1a:1 side suites, niodern Improvemlenits. 727 E. Univer- sity_ ave. FULERBILORS Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing. Work called for and delivered. 8312 5. STATE ST.. over Rtosey's. Phone No. 214, New State. 0. M. MARTIN, FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Embalming a Specialty. NO. 9209 FOURTH AVENUE. Ambulance night or day. Residence, 3012P1ifth Avenue. ANTON TEUFEL, Trunsks, V.alises. Dress Suat CasesasSt Telescopes. Trunks and Valises repaired neatiy sad cheaply. No. 307 S. Male Sireet U F. M. Goods. HALLER'S Jewelry Store. Lowney's Chocolates W.r W. TUQTTLE'S, M~t. ALLEORETIS, If you wish. KO A LI[ ALL 0RADE5 OP HIARD. SOFT, CANNEL AND SMIOKELESS COAL.S AND COK1F.. M. STAIBBILE'r, 1ll9XV. Washington Street. "Phone S rT LARGEST lMANUACRERStOFuseAvoLenac AND BItYCLESUPorrS eAsD U Teonsa A. G. SPALDING & BROS. "The Name the Guarantee.' Official Outfiters to she Leading College, Ath. letic Club and Scbool Teams of she U.:S. Every Requisite for Base Ball,. Athletic Sports and Pastiimes. The Spalding Official League Ball Adopted by National, Minor,. College saw* School tLeagues Batse Bail Uniforms, Bass, Gloves, Mits, Chest Proiectors, Shoes, Etc. THE SPALDIIN6 CHAINLESS BICYCLE I 8 i THlE SPALINIC BLUE RACER (Chain) M.899 THE SPAILDIN6I ROAD WHEEL'" 1 MOELS UCniversity School of Dancing, Slate Street, opposite Law Building. Terms $5.00 a semester - - Single evenings 5.3 cents, Ofllce-427 Thompson Street. Sendb New Voi Ch'icago JI ., li KINDbERGARTEN, zQuoSt. Call and See Us, I PIENEW LOT OF ..Washbutrns.. Just received. Lowest prices on STRINGS and TRIM-. uINS gorall Instruets. SOHAEBERLE'S MUSIC STORE~ 114' Weot Liberly'st., Ann Arbor.