I a 2 THE UNIVERI5ITYUOF MICHIGAN DAILY, _. published Daily (Snays excepted) during theColieg Year at . THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIAN.Oe[twe. ibryndW2ilm eS.b- ISANAINO EDITOR J.F. TOosAS, '05 L. BUSINESi MANAER~i OilH. HANS, 'it L. EDITORS H. R,. SKLLoAil '98 I., Athletics. E. L .Gxtsasl, '93 L. . D. HDNtuuuv.'i. Busses LAMB, 'i0. T. I.0500000w. 98 L5.CAMnEL.L, 1'. A. Asss'ELI. '99. F. EisNr.OARD. '95. The sbcriptions price of the Daily is $2.0 for the college year, with aregular delivery before noon each day. Notic, commnica- tionno and other matter itended for pblica- ion mst be handed in at the Dily office be- fore8 pr.,mor ma led to the editor before +3 p. i., of the day previous to that on which :hev are expected to aspear. Sbcriptions may be left at The Daily office Meer' or stolets Newtand, or with 4uasines anager Suberiber-will con- fer a favor by reporting promptly at thin office any failure of carrier to deliver paper. 'The rUnior that apteareil in .t D- triit pap11er to the affect that it fatiel on tieStudents' Lecture Aossoc'aiol Board is in favor Of e.Hproll1isin9the0 Shotage is entirely without foida- tion OnetlOf thit'delijliets as al.. ready settled ii full anld the otir wil pa in a few dysy.-U. of M. Dily. The editor of tie Dtily knows tat at the board meeting last Sattrdty. it mlotion was made to comlprom~ise with the doliniquets for hlolf and would have passed had not ClirnilT'. W. Htosier, f the iivestigating ecommit- toe, crushed it by anoucig that "iis cointinittee woud accept no such eo"- pronise. He knows also thatle hin- self favoredt this miotio. "Olo f till. deinquets has1 setted in fuli and te othier',wiii sette in a few days. " 'he Daiiy would mlake believe there ae only two deinquents. The e'dito. knows ony 1oo well that tiirewe 1re tout. Two hivi' 11ld111lu. Thec 01111.1 lwot.had anot111111' 51)last tiglt,111.2 have beenitwrned 111111uiless tey do so today they will be recoi-mnid- ed 1o the 'factity fr texpulsinl. 01nlyItsoit tite ago tie Daily camne out in its usiali cotbination Of newo and editoriai with a deiiatat there was any storage. Now it does acknowledge tat there are two de- liquents. Au old proverb ullties it citiss of petsos to cvhum good 1110212 on'eo are especially necessary. Tim" Daly would do wel to heed till proverb and either itltivatme itsiieii- tiiy or quit lying-Shudeaits' Iegiser. After a three days' seret. the 'Daily ws able to find -a copy of tte above sheet which claimTs to "reach every student ini the University." Having found it, the Daily itllrl. that the diays wvhen Aanas 'was carried out dead are over. There are ust five saenments in the above artle that emnatting fromt another sonve might need ciasification; coiing fonmte R1egster they fal, naturaiy one and all, ito the lass of lies ture and -4itu- _ Iipl . o motion o comlpromise wit2 the deltnquentS for Half Wa1114mo0d T' thught of at aiy eeting. esmse- o 'ftly G'imn as. W. Hos 'o, 2 e muvsigafing co unmitte e'e r unhditiby .1on ing tat hi omminieewould a cpt no Suh on- nroise, and, fortfe se rcasn, 2 fo tno ther, te eito f fi tmper neesrfavordsuch a moinnTie delinquents had not settled up to tilt tinme the Register was published, sne loudcdone so as the Daily staged. The Daily never denied that _there was a shortage. To refresh the memoy of the ttegister's gpower behind tie throne, we w1i1 quote f'romn the artitle to which lie refers. It is to he founid in the Daily of Thlursday, Dec. 10. "TiDle committee app~ointed to inves- tig.ate the ticket matter reportedi.that no0 forgedoi' duplicalte tickets 11111 been discovered, but that the h~ii'ibert of tickets collected tallied with the number indicated by tte funds aireaudy received -plus the shortage reported b;- the anditing i'oinioi'ttee. ThMle investi- ga ting colillulittee ulls contined and e:lmoered to take all steps iiecessa-y to c-omptel 1lilediate littleiiitit of ai', slyoita es." If tie esteemledtetitor of till' iegis- tei' will take the paiiis to reaida copy of tile Daily tdlat has not been 'blurredl t'y his Ihandlig it lie will sees that it reails "one ilelinquent thas ali'eady set- tled andli'thle others oili pait itafew days3." Butth1111poit Av-ill hour ro- spleeiable frienid atll'mptIs ho hake ill this conneictionl is too silly to merit s'iisattenltionl. t1a conclusionI we wotild like to slate thtat p~erhiaas the editoriall writer of tile Rtegister svonid serve hlis ('ountry just as well it lile iould soilueti m,,s in- cluide an afoul of ':.Itat in his efforts. MNr. 210511r it eOuDlmletillg on Mir. Hubbarid's mmeilodo perhaps pn-t the case very suciactly: "Mrt. Hubbard hetars a ,few rumors, gnesses at others. imagines others anld in the end hbas 1111 iterview which places all tile rt'- spaonsibility on somleblody else tid t":iligs imin iitoo or three o;f the much coveted dollars." Scrilture bithti it that "Money is the root of alli evil." 'thie genltemianin li Iuestiol thlerefore gets 111mloey. Takes a Quiet Method. The f'ollovinmg apipearc'd ill ye:;tkar- lily's edition ottlt'e Wasltlilmw1 vn- tug 'Timles: Iire young umen who have taken supreme delight iii creaf lug disturb- 111te in the gallery of the Athens Chea- ter recently, have eactil received a let- ter frolul Mailtger tisemner to the ef- fect that they will be ref used adinis- .ion to 1110 theater hereaftir. N.1r. Lisemaer thinko this mode of procedure to stop kissing, whistling and e at-call- iing in -the theaterus preferablle -to ejecting the disturbers during a per- forimance. IF YOU NVAN'T THlE BEST (DINTER SHOES!T -OF-. .x Every DsriD.ALREscIpiOn. CYM IZOZS r - SEE OUR Wt'NOW? x BEAL'S SH(JI STMR~, _....... :z.109 N. Main Str'eel, O0ppolte. ehe Court" Moose. TAn Opportunity FOR FINE DRESSERS This week we put on sale all our Fine Tailored Suits, in Cheviots, Cassi- mores, Clays and Worsteds-all made after the latest Winter Fashions, equal- led only hy high-priced merchant tailored clothes Choice $14.50" We have cheaper ones _which we have reduced. But _this week we are making a special effort to reduce our stock of fine suits prior to inventory, February 1st. NX Typewrter-M--- es- ------- J qul toyof thelelglepriced machlimes ocapacity (and qualiysof woriband ecent them is convesience. '""' j Practical, lsw-priced,, portable, Ikeybard machlnes- V- o ibbon. - NO- 7ratead with Soesthis seo wthig aylwati Utversal IKeyboard., Sit , Price'.'$5M-i0'p flos~a sit omayoe Hndedsdoiat ;U ifold iofel asi' Typrmierwansssts foits ogposor. SSl I To e Si.Mn. S Mohssdurnbleesecbisee man dn I~n u1Mime ennnaiWegbtsulfy.les -ud...: F. FAIRBAON & CO-5 Geral Aelts srietSt55 93 Griswold St.. Detroit, Mich. Tyiiewriter ecu aimth J. S. Al1A, 48 S. Fourth Ave., Local Agent meuket..> FRATERNITY STATIONERY, BADGES OR PINS Send to SMITH, STURGEON & CO., 227, 239, 241 Woodard Ave.. Deroit. Designs andestimates furnished on all worh of this ind. ATHENSTHEATRE TUESDAY, JANUARY 25th. $ Prices, - 25c,50c 75 and Si.oe. 'The English Language Ain't strong enough to express my feelings," says the farmer as :he looked hack down the hill and found his load of potatoes had slid out through the open tail-hoard. We advanced the same sentiment our- selves awhile ago when some cuts from the country with feet as big ae the side of a barn stepped all over our sore corns and bunions. Happily, however, we discovered Sarg's Corn Plasters and our feet now feel fine, Get a free sample of It at J. L. Skinner's Store, 110115 State Street, or at your shoe dealers and try it for yourself. 1 dozen plasters 26c.. PARISIAN REMEDY COMPANY, 208 Randolph Street, Chicago, 'Ill. Sole Selling: Agents. These st