THDE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the College ear, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN OrprE: Times building, 829 S. Pain St. be- tween Liberty and William St. nIANAGING EDITOR J. . THOMAS, 7. ATHILETIG EDITOR H. B. SasLLwAN, '8 L. BUSINESS MANAGER . H. lnx, '51 EDITORS E. L. GmissE, 'PS L. Bevtxnt LAM, '0. F. S. Sisisis, '8. 1. A. CAnroseEL, '55. F. A. Foe, '95 E. A. CAreeLL, 'ii. G. D. HsmNoTTv.'0. T. R. WooDOw, '8 G. D. JEcsiGS.'11M. The subscription price of the Daily is 5.5 for the college year, with a regular delivery before noon each day. Notices, communica- tions, and other matter intended for pubica- ion must be anded In at the Daily office be- fore 0 p. i., or mailed to the editor before3 p. in., of the day previous to that on which the's are expected t a-pear. Subsripios may be left at Te Daily Office, Myer's or Stoilet's Newtand, or with Business Manager. Suberibers will con- fer a favor by reporting promptly at this office any failure of carriers to deliver paper. 'lbs(Dolynolties wth Iulea stuelith' spirit of i'lfulilssihow'ed by the foeslly ladies in establishig lCli- plsymient oilmities' to ail the girls to 1helie'iiselvses. Such san orgsni mstioii on le lpar) of the faculty to ks'cp eedy young 1men11iforiiiid Of pssible cimploymen is gretly ieedd. PIdictions re srog ltis year th) 't lat college 'spirit is 1o be a help- ful factor at the U'niversity of Mlih- gal. Sulssriitios for the Daily o-re comiing in fster 111011 51y0 before ii its history, thle Ahleic l.-soiliou membership will be fr aolivd of lre- viusyears, 0nd liow e(oie the lus- icl ('tibs with liihe imost poiclan1101 of years'., With 'ii'orba0Srt e (xisting Michiigaii will advonce penomnally. Reception to Freshmen. The' Wonen's Lege and le girls of the :Studeneit' t'ristia Asocition' lieir aiimil1 reeptioi to the g ri's of ti' Fresiian(lss yesterdy afterion, froni 4 to 1,, in 'Nebei'iy Htol. A very large (rood ailcoded the recepion noiwitiistaiidi'og le fact that the isin made the aternoon aI vey edisgreebleuoie. 'Thle recepin eonsiiitttee weie lts. PUiehin, D'. Moser, M\rs. Drae, Mris. tresrsot, Mtiss KMark, M1issWoods o1 i,;;!b Butlr, the iresids't of lie Woudi' Leagtue. 'lie hall was tastrily dec rolt- i'd with beonruifnl pt puiants nod(1 11011155 bougis. The puch bowl was eabtily presided os--c by Miss Knowton. A moast 'enjoyale fer- noon was spentoil.inoking new girls acquainted with each oler ad the Oldegirls oo well. 97'n Scholarship Fund As a memorial to for pleasant years pased in the classiclialls of old Michigan, the cas Of '97 establishedb a fund for needy students of the lit- eray -and engineering departmnets. The fund was raiSed by fiioe._- $1 fans each class tax 'paid. The $134 paid is In charge of Trasurer Sonule and subject tW the folowing cenditions: The money donated is to Is' lodip'yitieregents 'o 2sey Oils) de serving stiili'iillof liie' lterisry and. sisgineering sdparmsents.sandi ill le re'psid Witlintelresatsuclimesasi' nisisg le agred upon)1. Sllll'Iils rs'cei- ig ssistsince fiom is fiinid'shl e' Ii's'siiiiiciiledttei Bll' arsid of it- geit il'sis-thet're'sident of lthe' ;nivr- ity ad deslsof 01tre' il'rsary 'einls sigis- eerinig dsli'lsoni'is. Rmployment Bureau. 'Tle omniiiise's'for eisiiiisyiisi't hsi bieenlorgaized 'withvll'sl. . as5 chririilil I.ts :imilo fi15nd1:1cii- ilsyisniliii'or sy olege' girl who siishesi. 'olege irls whouswnti to hellsthemselves by doing swivig, houits'wirk w'siingsn tsblels'or lsak- ing s-srs'of sit iidrs' cn 5a1lpply ltioy miembessr oflit'essommites' to aiid)thlem in bindiisg suic'lswrk,.'liis aslsislsiie's will le' gllgisessansi l lhtisl' 1isssiliis' sill h loneisii. 'lise esuisiisi lsask'seslh 011.n' ladly ishing sisciwork one ssall sit- iiiy to ith'ei. lri' s re somse' girl'sciliii nethsi iis aiditoiyelpsth°sii throgi cl- lego andilif tl'dsoies who wassn help in eertsin housis-ldllwoik will iqiee sfthe commiteiepeyn le "eferrel to suitsabs'lesesons. 'fl' comsmies' conssiss of -Mrs. . i. Srst, 1 11 Col- lege st.; Mrs. .t. Hbei,182 . Annl s.; Mrs. Alies') Pttenl l, 1405Hill of.; Miss Aeihinisn, 'iss Nel Mc- lKoy' MissFsin'ny (Goodmni. Alpha Nun FProram. The opening program of the Alpha Nei Society will be 'held Sourday' evening, 'Oct. 9, iii Alpha -Nu Hal. Te lurst nuimbei' will be an inaugural - dres by the president, C. S'iiger. Then follows the deate: "Reolve, that the growth oand prosperity of the u'nited Stoles is due m~ore to our foi'i of governme'nt than to natrl resourees." The ffiraive will be supported by J. L. Adons and L. Webster, while E. L. eismer nd C. Eiserick ciii uphold tie negaive. The Sybil will hi' read by G. b. Paul. .1I so Wilder wiii intersperse the literary ef- forts with musical 'numbers. All fi'egbiiien on's especially invied. I is 01111' through memlbersip in ihe two lierary societies of the University thast one iou enter the onnuasledebte. Library Notes. Thle 1t'iiiieisity librry ainliorite's have -been engsgeei idurig ie summer mionths in chansging the olet systni sf numbileiring thse' boos. 'Thle change is se relessingtie ooks roisi si lxd plositiont liD'h11shlcves and lcig -Iiemn ii novble or relie loation.i le new systemi is bases) sti the Dewsey decilal systemi. it has already been oaiplied to the 'books embr'ced unerl lt'lhead of sit"nglish Lit'rattre," and will tieupilied to ohl te vlumes ii fliii' course of 'tiime.t Seveninew vaesofsitbooks have been lately reeived and anO' now being n- packed and ctalogrd. Te arrnge- nmets for a ciretlating librry have been dropped 'for the present at least. as the regents voted at (their last netin to defei consideatioa of this question Flee delivery today. FOR A......MN. HOT LUNCH --Go TO- TUITTLE'S, 48 s. state St. before Ravin~g Toiur Photo's Tak~en tNSPECT THlE NVORK ..AT. .. heBerryman Studio (Successor to Gibson & Clark) 112 West Huron Street, Ann .Arbor. TheNeSte Telephone Company is now equippjing let Ansi As (icr oini exchange of the Detroit Tehephono. of the fincst telephone exehougs'. hn Comnpony. the ('oiled Stes,.'he New Slate Telephone Conipany Its Toog Distance Statin is -alretly has ceme to tile ret of telephonle establishied at the Cook Hotel, u-hire users who have been paying exorbi- cenectisus can nowe he mode with taut prices for twenty years to a moo- ie Company's exchanges at Ypsilanti, lioe, lit. Clemiens, St. Cisiir, b'ort I-bron, etc., and with the enormous opoly. tPatronize thie NewvComnpamy. Th'ie public has no synipathiy for "death bed repentance:" Watch for the Annual Anouncemert of the Students lecture Association. Cuttn Reyer & Co. wARE HEADQUARTERS FOR ~Hats /=r AND Furni shings. GIVE THEM A CALL 201 and 203 South Main Street.. - Ann Arbor, filch 'No Matter what you pay for Shoes Here We mean that your money shall bring you more shoe Value than you ever dreamed of before, "WMfl . VwAlPR LL. ,, 119:EAST; WASHI1NGTON STREET. S