4 THE UIJMVERSITY OF MICIGANl DAILY. L ~W. J. BOOH,-Pres. W. AROD, 1st Vice-pes JV.SesusA, 2Vice-pies. The Store W e W. etmo re, 30Jo J. V NC 1z .WALt 2Ass. Cashier. _________________S. Wain S., a dQ42 S. Sat S. State - 8avins - Bautk UNIVERSITY TEXT-BOOKS, Transacts a general Banking bui- LIE NF OTE BOOKS, and T1 lla-U &:#, fhxnrs frnlk ST DE T' UP LES Cr. Sain and Hurorn Streets. Cpital, 780,000. Surplus, 30,000. Transact a Founaingenera baskzing business. FonanPens and Fine and Staple Stationery R. K uvrr, Pres. C. E. Gannn, Vice-Pes and offers all at the Lowest Prices. F5D. 1. B sElt Cashier. THfE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK ~ * S Captai Stck3, 0005iSurplusgg Reo15s,5,,000 005 Stude r~ns etr soiatio ~RIof t is Sate. eceives depeut, buy and sells echange n the principal tites of ths ______United States. Drafts cashed upon proper --""--- -- -Identificaton Safety depsit bues to rent, 0srrucss: Christian Mack Pres. W. D. Poer ---Wahinto-------------------------------------------- Jan 29 armnCsir l.f iePrtre. hsAssatCEahe.Rso Wahntn------------------------a 9 Sousa's Band ---------------------------------------------Feb.ch6 FIRST NATIONAL BAKof Ann eAror wzar im n.*LOatr lCoiet---------------- - --------apiai, 10,00. Surplus anKraeoits ee000 Burtoii-------------------------------------------------April 8 Tr~ansct agnerabi bbusines. letters of credit. Save your money by buying a season ticket. E.1). INE, Pres. HARRISON SOTIPr ______________.________________ S. W. CLARSON. Cashier $2.70Once More Doing Business C. n MAJOR & Co., The Artistic deorators The adj,ining cuts represent HOLiVES' LIVERY, 515 E. LIBERTY ST. Have a complete line of 2 fot-mn sye o ehaeo ee n f h ins ivr arsi tesat ih alPaePans OlWidwelegant crriages and ine horses. Wotold like to have our old Ctston- Shades, Room Mouldings, Et. ers remt-ulier that we are still on earth. We also kindly solit new Specialty of fine interior decorating, trade Telephone [o6, Old and New. patnting, frescoing, tinting and paper __________________________________ hanging.-Only the best of wormen LADIES' WE LT SHOES employed. Work guaranteed. --- - - Lamps Expressly 0' Students' Use C. ff. MAJOR & CO., "The Rochester," "The Yale," "Thle Royal," "The Perfection," The Artstc Dertr, That we are offering this "The Berlin Studeit," all nickle plated, varying in price frosa week at $1.00 to $2.50 each.LII F IrI Eeystudent should use Dean's "Red Star" It gives a pureI 1 3 Every LEI wite light, is odorless aid does not char the wick. Dor LADIES'AN GETMN' red in any part of the city in our cans at 10c per gallon. For AD GRLMN sae ony by DEAN $&.COMPA1N-Y. TAILOR Teesosaealoths214 South Main Street. Latet Novelties in Winter TsesoeLst n a ensa ndUVRST NTS.'fSsowtihis ant0 f2,1, d Spring Garments. UNIERIT NOES in-lesnasetd23n(101fbust 31i.anicoi seaon' Lst ndPatrn a toCriiell i - knyvni naiu-(aeo 3 vrls e:. I olCOR. WILLIAM AND MAYNARD STREET. were ormery egd at erle ilefc4 ati iy i1iitol76iiiiYi 1nWth lOthis foci thert iS all t One boc west of Unversity. were oririrly old a feucng colestKoluriat l) 0 0. of 3,03 at 11vdamni ld 2 '1he toil eepof ivtasal oi- $3.50 and $3.00 ir n a loxc V0opt S28.39 lthile 53,1)t Yale.M usic expeudluivs $4,23. Piuetol- .inic t i We have got more than We VYale each rceived $1,082 as laiu Gulieant to Give aRecitai. PIANO, PIPE ORGAN wish to Carry over to next sCoiiiiiifthueisdve tria deites .01 liu-xt, the reaitet ocg zvst in CMOIIN sea son, hence this great offer urday for te turpose of lou ciie oii ol 1 cil n ~ ADC MOIIN sisakes who will represent the Lain ersity Hal n ebrusay :1. The CONCERT PIANO TUNING onriyaantteUiest f u-MOhiga Central will offer half rtaes H E P caoi lecnetMrh2.Tefrom all poiuibs. Fuill ainounc..nemts From i/ ao11tecnetMrh2:' rmStttr onesrary, (iutstioni to be debated is lesoivei, sill be made later. ~ray $ 2.70 Tatth pliyof ncreaing the ay:A- tovi USC L !iwseadshould be ontinued." Clii- Chess Club Meeting. 812 S(TTH DIVISION STREET WellSoles. Sizes 2 1-2 to 8. eags hias the choce of sides. U +g AttheUniversityf_____________the_ meeting of the Chess Clii will b electives arce divitdedl into groups%, 1154 11e1d Wednesday night when a hndi-.Kiel Gillepie, teacher of Mandolin, Banjo the student iii ilosing an elective cap tounament will be started. 'fle and Olutar. Istuctr ilthe University 3nmut choose the whle gI-up to whiiih etry fee will be 23 cens and the school of 1idnic. is years experience as iop belongs. This rendersasur-hniasvilbarngdides a teacher. Call at Annl Arbor Muic Co'. a sper lxndlapswil bearrnge \VdnS- ternt arrange for hours. . fial educa&tion imposs~ble, day by a comnnittee of le club. I Ale University is the firstto sLe- Rverypae viime vryethr. MON Y'LOANED tabslia systemt of pensioisms for teitih- On Watches, Diamonds Wheels or other Per- ers in their old age. Any professors NOTICE.snaL Property. who has served +twenty-a've years There will be a meeting of the mlci- WATCHES AND JEWELRY REPAIRED. lay retre at isty-five, ^upon an al-iguitesiAn Bord this afteriioon at 4 Ofice at reidene, 331 . Lierty St. An Ar- twancee equi l al tt lalf his sabary. o0'cock, il Room. 9, University Hbalt,. nr. Mtich. Absnsncndentl al. flur, - - S~~to 1:30 a. m. and to 8:l0and 7o 0p. M. The registration of stidents at te ________ Joseph C. watts. University of Peiuslnaania. for 'i7. Subscribe for the Daly. Baansdneon-adWace.et a Ladls RoMeo AlAskas Eef.gr] 19 For Forty Years TRY THE . GOLDEN SCEPTRE St*am fACOA Lau ndry RI iB~as been smoked by college men and is to-day, a LIIAtERAnd SAE a. PER "CNT on wat o are ACas a pure, mild, sweet mixture for the pipe. nwatling for 05Laa~rd.