3...... THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Great Redvuction Sale- For One Week Only $4.50 for $3.45-$4.00 for $3.00 SWEA ERS 3.50for $2.85-$2.00 for $ 1.39 LOVES.00 for $1.87-$1.75 for $1.49 GLOV S . $1.50for $1.42-$1.00 for 69c O E $ 2.25 for $1.75-$1.75 for $1.50 GOLF HOSE $1.50 for $1.25-$1.00 for 89c PAJAMAS. IN OUTING FLANNEL.. ..... Neckwear, $1 for 63c-75c for 43c fancy Hose, 75c for 63c==5Oc for 43c: Fancy Shirts--the best 90c COMBINATION UNDERWEAR MAIN STREET, S. MAC K ~(& CONQMAIN STREET, S. You want a Mando- dolin, Guitar or Banjo, don't youf You want the price right, don't you* SEE OUR WINDOW. ANN ARBOR MUSIC COI 2-207 E. Washington St. ANN ARBOR Tinme Table, Sunday, Sept,.6,,1S97'. TIME TABRLE: Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Standard Time. 8:43 am. 57.35a. m 4:46 . m. 8:40p.m. *RuI, beteen Ann Arbor and Toledo only E. S. GILIMORE, Agent W. H BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo 0. M I CHIAN (jEjjT The Niagara Falls Roate." Central Standard Time. TRAINS AT ANN ARBOR. EAST. WEST. Mallanod E----.347 B., N. Y , Ci-S 12 N. Y. Special---4 58 Mall---- 0----910 0S R. Expressn---1 10 Pacific Ex.---12 10 *N0 S Llmited....0 10 P. a. Eastern Ex.---5 47 Western Ex----1 38 A. M. GiR. & K.Ex --5 5i D. N. Express ---5 50 Cbi. Nt. Ex----- 7 47 Atlantic Es...7 30 *Nortb Sbore Limited is an extra fair train to be a cbarge of 1250 to New York tban on other train:. 0. W. RUGGLeES, 1-. W. HlAvES, G. P. & T Agt,, Chicago. Agt., Ann Arbor CAN FURNISH MUSIC OF FIRST-CLASS, Orders for all Fraternity parties, club dances. etc. Leave ordersat Ano Arbor Music Co. oseat Residence, 170 Gsddesoave. P. S-Will tube pupils on Piano and in ight rensdleg at above oamed Places. A. VT. Johnston. V. of M. Shaving Parlors and Bath, Rooms 322 SOUTH STATE STREET. Ladles' artistic Hair Dressing op stairs Old friends tal again. We welcome new nnes. J. It. TOOJANOWSKI. ENOCH DIETERLE, ErilALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. CalsAttended Day or Night. No. i16 East Liberty Street: Residence,53 South Fourth Ave. Pbone 120. RANDALL, THE PHOTOGRAPHER. WASHINGTON BLOCK. ANN ARBOR. DROP IN AND GlET ONE.... SID W. MILLARD'S Football Calendars for 1898. West Liberty Street. F.~~~~ . CHIED.CHRISTMAS!I 30S. STATE STREET Take home one of Boot Binding..........2. cents .and op line "U. of M." Pine or Solid Cold Fountain tees . Si..$.0 and op. sotie other novelty in Waterman and Wirt Pens in stock and our lii. e. Pens Repaired. Wboesale and Retail Paper. 3PQ tbo, of Lip- YW Arnol .110 en Paper for 50c. vV JEZ'ld~~.. oWELER NAOw is the timle to join the classes at Granger's School of Dancing!. TERM BEGINS WHEN YOU DO. I. Manager Kioth Coos to Detroit. 'li,'folowilig Y-lippilig is takol 'o li thei lDetroit Fivee Prless: versity of -Michigan tbaselill t0:110, was iii Detroit Satuiday a d hailI coneifwreewits0i Jotiii Kelsey of t 110 Detroit Athlici mbt. fMr. KcIsey, is atixiools to arrange ttii'e -iles Nsilt a the students, Sill to he play d tintDe- tr'oit anld twvo at Aim Arb)or. Alr. Keithli anounced that h1 leti rr'ang"d mst of his idttes with the AWestern Inter-Collegiate asseita tol. 'Ihle dales weie aiinotiieed lat oseti. One of the objeets4 of Mlr. lXeiihi'o vi'sit was to ar'ra1 ailge a ~liCor to Avth I the IDetroit Westeri. leage teesiti. t resideiit Van 'Dertbeck was out oif tiiwn, lhowvever, aid Keith's itoisioni wvas fruitless. It, is prottahle u thle 0,T. of M. will be giviei th' openiig exiiitioii g~lili onliithe ho~iie ,Xrouileds Oits season. Me. Keith is ('iiidieint ihpt the TOniversitytemiotsye~lr wvill bse strong er ttin ever and prce- d=tSatsucotcesosful til ttrostlorols sa soil. Hand-bail Tournament. iThehiiudliall toarioaoo'liit is uso iii ieeoiiiislild fact. itie A5tthletic Bord 1hvs ye'-ii rto g the dettils. hot it is likely itiat the trl in.i. swill btolcleah Sinrilay lilltiall the eillcies have teei lI.iied ott. yi', oughit to provide iplinty of itereiist tii the pgine . andDr. Ft'/.-4gail'skledl otter of $11) toward t Ii rice1oug1tto tie gratefully atpreciaited l ty ll. lii rorresitonuient of liie' Stiule1ts' Itegis.- tec jiuiuiieuhto t ters uutlosion tt Iit us s L a i0eoiiey rIceoht knovioig thtt s='tI a t1ilg svotildllever tbe tieigiit of initalUiersity conitest. ''ire tkiowl-. eudge 5o' lie Itecst Ie oi luititticrs it? ltie is truly remaurkatbte. All those iiuiiies lito'. 1"ute-grali at tf ie ls. slier Wedn'liesday . .haul. Ott atheitir utetails.utsvii es1x-. (tiirs of plIio .u1u tile elt ill t a reelftheii' ioeNwuiltie CAL.ENDARI. Sauorduay, Jaii. 22.--Lehtil t'.. iouw- ers in University- Bail. '. hlirsdtiy, tean 17 -JIntitmieuetiig of Phlilological asoul I'llilosoptuicallSocx- ties it I-ectore iRoomo,'fapplani Halt. A student suhiscan skatei-i' t e1n't dance' wouil Os-bepleasedui to mauke ic- (utaltallee of a hidy -onus ani dance sb tca'it Oskate;o' btject, usuutilaid aluid linotenclio 11i, liiitwo "arts.' Siatisfaitory ri-f(ri let-*s Aildi44 lox .1:0, Ain Arbor. Thleses netitly lytuewroulteii, -) (exits per folio (twose'pies). ('ill sitioe ad- dress S. A. Hatrpier, 7327 7. L~iberty S1. 7{1 All kiiids of reporitiligdhue, Le'°-- treo or seeches takeni; Iles :s will- lon; copies iiade aiidl fornishted Promptluly. OIIAS tIN(2NLOHiAUlD. FULLER & BERANEK, 'WNO"TAILORS Cleaninsg, Preosing and Repairing. Work called for and delivered. 3hi2 S. STATE w1'.. over ltosey's. Phone No 234, New state. 0. M. MARTIN, FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Embalming a Specialty.. Nt). ; Z09 FOURTH AVENUE. Ambulance night or day. Rtesidence, 302 P10th Avenue. ANTON TEUJFEL, Trunks, Valisee. lDress Suit C'ares, an& Telescopes. Trunks and Valises repaired neatlyaned cheaply. Ne. 307 S. Main Sgreet I e Wo have just re- rP ceired a large line See our window. o PIPES HALLER'S Jewelry -Story Lowney's Chocolates -00 TO-- W. w. TUTTLE'S, XteSt ALLEhORETIS, if you wish. AL GRADES Or JIAOID. SOFT, CANNEL AND S MOKELE SS (COALS AND 1COKE:. 119 h. Washington Street. Phon' 8 51 ill IN 0 51 5K111'. A, . 11 5 A. G. SPALDING & BROS., "The Name thie Guarantee." Official Outfitters tn she Leading College, Ash- leCichuband Schusl Teams of she 1. S. Every Requisite for Base Hall,_ Athletic Sports and Pastimes. The Spalding Official League Ball Adopted tby Natiosal, Minor, Loltegie nrd. School Leagues Hate IBall Uniforms, Hats, Gloves, Mits. Chest Protectors, Shoes, Rtc,. THlE SPALDIING (RAINLESS BICYCLE ~ ORE SPALDING BLUE RACER t(bald t ODE., THE SPALDING ROAD WHEEL '° ODLS Send for Illuetrated Catalogue of all Athletic Shsets. A. G. SPALOING & BROS.,f Xow York Phiiadelphia Ch ina~o Washingon .1 I -University choo1 of IDancing, Slate Street, opposte Law Building. 'forms $5.00 a semester - - Single evoeings 5-3 cents. OffiCe-427 Thompson Street. I KCINDERGARITEN, z(E Call and See Us, t RENTSGBLEB, THE PHOTOBRAPHR P Telephone "s0. ANN~ ARBOR 18JEFESON SAdvertise in The Daily r. PINE NEW LOT OF W. ashbstrns.. 4 Just received. 4 Lowest prices on STRINGS and TRIM- MINDS for all Instiuments. SCHAEBERLE'S MUSIC STORE 114 West Liberly s., Ann Arbor.