1 THE UNIVERSITY:OF MICHWGAN DAILY. board. The propoton ind ing os **fav}or gseerally yamng those wo 3efore Haming Y ouz Put~~~~nhedouhtto know is to make P oourT lastSET HE~WR PbihdDaily (Sundays exceped) dring yaseic;Wtis. etrkon ISETTEWR thu College year at as "Wtaddy," 'head oach and "Ikey' l0 o a e . T. THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. (lark, wio pitcltetd all (Chiago4 g Orrin: Times building 320 S. Sain St. be- ants itot year, tistoktn of as s-T he B errym an StudioLbryan ila ts itn. '~~.Whnti aftal MANAGING EDITORO lOtismettottWas frst btitechet their J. F. THOMAS 't0 L. wa i tgigtow wow -attotg a few ov i (Sncceesor to Gibson & Clark) BUSINESS AIANAtIf II saidttfti it was ist ike gotng nttt 112 West Huron Street, Ann Arbor. 0.. n HA, 'to L. toettleity's catmp to get a geetti EDITORS that if we wanted oint, at hcast we H. B. SanlAt,'00 L., Athletics. diiiot wanot to do So at tieitmtititt Should the Governor of South B. LEAn, '0. O. , Woorno~w 08 n re1 fui hn w- BtLE A. AMB t. 00 o. . R urOnua, 'a8Otetlit at we shionld itiuslay or sl'res Carolina meet the Governor of F. EtoLo. 1 't~tt rtroit fttO~i i~ttt North Carolina Cottltititly dosltottbitt'stealitg or - 'i'it' ttswtetoltatll tit i tha tltt( On the hnks of the raging Huron The subscription prce of the Daily is $2.0 toiOoc lhgt yft:i t - h ol o obsy fr the college year. with a regular delivery Itill intl(IltittIkey" 1sdt as 4i tii a "It's a long time between now and1 before non each day, Notices, communica- tinsadthratelnedefrpbic- hitiigiit iaiinow toas ois a (il- July)1, nd if you want to e one of ^^^'anotemterieddfrpulc- " Lion must be handed in at the Dily office be- oml Iait v I lie 'wtil- the boys-in oler words, a live fore d p. in., or muled to the editor before 3~' ieyuhdbte a h Onsagl p.i., of the day previous to that on which .letrti4sd as titneli at WillautnS ItOt.BT YA thae myba etpa.at The Daly 'e lt:t'Iiitt C'liitagt t. n Btislt.AI LI 1%r Offce. Meyer's o e'Ne stand, or httreover. tnstVT oc ls'ae; .ofM a with Business Manager. Sub criero wilto. titt1 fiitm ititrea let sNt 1 frafavor by reporting protmpty at ti thi tillte dt'ttof grttttit ietittg titnof vi. 1.aiiRy office any failure f cariesa delive paper. 4IA ~sIA JS -hS.Oiki ~vi le 1tfi And get the current college news The Wahurn is the one and ony - - Titti Mr ('-ir t a Sfoe Bttli l sitirtid It's a hummer and I nderstand the make of world-wide reputation. Stld TIhe DetrtitET-tlrig'News, tIli'og it wll fltlt rtr t r itherItosot unprecedented oter of fI-Ois made." y firtclass dealers everywhere from Its lotal d'vt'eettt'tt)elo ourtls tclitt'tt i luttlit'm e l eisto"Think 1 ill"said the other ge $,1r5 on upward. Imitated extensively, ttppett'l Itilst 'nigitth tl hus tf lthe' best mait vilabtilett'ftr tassistnt ad they ook a drink-of Ant Ar- sahsthaisturedn he inside. intoottteiltlotimand utturly ftlse ' temand oiti te ueit)tf to-us nehi bots famous water.Washeatn"miflshburn ooupont im- ports. As uotal tite. y. 1. .15wta's O r oisew alti thimattve hietiglttiuougt Leave your name and ddres for ing portraits and leter from the De reiptienit of :the Nutty kidltttttetltt'..ito i(i t- tis yetr. a regular norniig delivery of the Rskes, Calv, Eames, NordiaSa- After at fouthori luitt of ]utig ai____________ DAtLY the rest of the college year at chi and oo omer famous arist atd- spacewriulig, theic'rtilt' olitit'es: Miss Fisher to ive a Recital. hAU f .DIL ffc.teahresmaiet re uonreut 11Aftction.4tit hit'boardtitl iitet to d rs et U itruic. YNhHAY itiss ittnta Fisher, lsiritttr I te 329 SOUTH MAIN STREET.LIN&Stt. j e'o~tpriiiie.'I fr. VWa b s ie. and Adams t, Chiago. "h~t. Utsitir oaI: lit"wttrt I. to t he ttsitttto uis. t-,O ith i Stat Phone SUBSCRIPTION $15 thing ti r oay it-s tile iitd ffu--nu titan tl'tt itlt ' Attdittriitont' tt i ui t8 ifthlt'buoardt, Whots 'smedul tiritott Btt'iit -ilsl i ltiolt act'the[ f MDalyalo rurt iiettgl. Jatiti. 2t'lt'eit11geit o-ill - ~.... le. Ief'.ooh.llowsiomtiir:ts No.5mFtteawtsitiictn aceserc tt fttvoret'tiletting rtse ieltnutenslt i hett 1. ttiots:iniord itt , B_______________-. etsy, publihingtigfake reportstht a 1 . fal SoitiA. I'. itik, -"Tpewrier Mahines"i>. tot e ws 1) deicita~n .inat~er wt lustittl t'rot-t'soiomi(rtoti 0-0Ipiaos,Tper.r -acie ihtr ts10llsi tii~theto httses A. Jenk,1B. AubotI_ J N al anysf t hih-priedratines to caaci sought to ottithe l msettemi. fTle thi r e adqalio wriad ecelintheeamincasneae. heili lp I hatiwast fhe Ev-ening Nes, . htt')'ittitatitti\I. liil s. i. Vii tt ,.r j Practical, lo~prt, portable keyoari achias. whlichitomltheit'ielistitleof tafairs. Lit, the :hisses Nil. ieitg Intl (?.o-- ' AT*811 R a S01VornsdusS. etii "Pu' ielinqiutt'ts stre in ito4 urry i ttlth1s .l s"- ---re lg aixyalS' - Uetortl yoanrd. t Settlt,SottLoing iai lsttobatti tnditheii ~et . t uu ntioII, it'. cltt's--:eigt. -. Prc S50.00. -- i. 'fiTotr Stlot !\hr. \Vt'. I ttytu . TDiare a a te oo'leu 7 tliteySawTit helu'Ni'wi;sWus liki-ly "tttt ctws uvhite Ityl.m' tuo i t}o Cit "A o any ohunt ' sdriddo t e Unqindre meb -. jllantio, te twoianoitits, thin ht's 0' Zsmenriter nwn othe io retr le tolu ishndsidta slitpnfi"d tll, I lt'ytin1e lS' 7..U t: netr.tyi - or b n taen. tr-it tilt\ if n ihr Aenalsathu Syon Sold are TwsYara hetodut reaetea dAir. Itusnlitm'stteduultouthmit'Dly itst IttdteS' lbru Fut etmt Ateutin. hlt. o em dilinienretisnrain Wolb adeaai I evettig tt hla e vulmertttadu'tie XV'. Itlte~ . ttlih. Solt. is i. sa guS.- tht-euni.ig. 0a.ltt oit, oliso c (ir 'F.FAIRBAiRN & CO., Gererat Herein statenititut miutttsdl to hitti tlueuetrt nyoehnrddla .ts.tJos. 10. l ti-)-sc(-tumd Psalti (31ea 3 lriwld S. lDetrit, Mch. lTiorterinoonite \ .1, c, 11dM, 4 5. FurthlAve., Lcal Aget ,art "Pauiitht'i'ni i'u'" hecni n utdti "Iiiemeu0 ' lessiubm), tmixed cos-h .t, ireti'estl tit a~wasrH leetheti'Dtly hltinulished'uithis'eu-hlo .Iitr;hehons".liii t