2 THE UNIVERSITYUOF MICHIGAN DAILY , 2 TH UNVEEILTYOI? JCHGA~ AIL Published Daily (Sundays excepted) durig the College year a THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. OFFICE: Tes building. 32 S. Main S. be- tween Liberty and Wiliaea St. MANAGING EDITOR J. F. TOosAS. '00 L. BUISINESS M5ANAGER . H. HANS, '00 L. EDITORS H.1B. SKILM~AN, '55 L., Athletics. E. L. Gonoen, '00 L. . D. HIDIUTT. '00. BuTLn LAMB, '0 T. S. Wosnuow, '8 . .. AMrI5LL,'00. A. CAMurnm..'0. F. Ese LnAus, '0f. The subscription price of the Daily Is $250 for the college year, with a regular delivery before noon each day. Notices. communica- lions, and other matter intended for public- ion mot be anded in at the Daily office be- fuse 8 p.i., or mailed to the editor before 3 p. i., of the day previous to that on which they are expected to apear Subcriptions may be left at The Daily Office, Meyer's or Stofe's Nwtand, or with Business Manager. Suberibers will on- fer a favor by reporting promptly at this office any failure of carriers to delver paer. tRegultarri'' of thicbaseoball roll. didates xwibein in ithe gynnsillo tomorrow afternsoon. Thes'ccol of Otpt. Butler for candidates to start ii row should be heded in odthat'rf wat i- ever iiaterial itlprsort at tie ~I- velsity nmay be brought (Oit and theii best possible results otafisici. Universal Day of Prayer. Following 0is a itiioruriirt itof the Uiversal Day of P'rayer for si .deills: At tis' convs'ntioni of the Worlds,'Sttdeit hristian tedration, hld, at Wiliaiistown, ii Amei~a, iii July, 1897. it wao deided unanimous- ly by the illegats present roll: all parts Of the worli that there should be a day of univeal tarer for Su- dents. hie tein tadei' :o::elienta tbelonging to the Federationi were all rolresetcs-namiely, the 0 olveilens of Germiany, Great Britasi, Sadi- navia, America, Astralaia, Sotl' Afria, Japan, India sld Ceylon China and of ot1hrNission Lands. There wre also prsent delgatero representintg the students of ilollans, France and Switzerland. All the dle- gates of these movements agreed to unite ons a day in the first bl of Feb-ti riary. This Was the only 11:1:0 in the year oss whirh they founid it possiole to unite. A majority Of 'the 1110ve- mienlofavrmed Suday 1s the best day of the week for this prpos. tfh officers of the genral ommittee of te Federation were authorized to fix the exact- dte and to issue the al for the observanice of the say, It was tinderstsod that the leaders of sachs nlational movement would take step to ensure as general and lthoaougily - observance of the day as possible in their respsective ountries. Terefore the general oanitlee of the World's Student Christian eseration recon- mends to all student Christian organ.- rationls, to al Christin students, and to the Church of Christ that Sunday, Feb. 13 1898, be set apart to be ob- served as a universal day of prayr for studenit. Theses neatly typewritten, t cents. per folio (two copies). Call o or ad droe S. A. Harper, 327 7. Liberty st. 7 Meeting of the W. I. A. A. Graduate representatives of seven universities it, the Western tutercol- Iegiate A thletic Association met Sat- itrday. They compose thie giaduate romsmittee of the association, aind are Georgo. Waldo, Wisconsin; S. It. Duffy, Ilinois; J. E. iRaycroft, Chicago; C. S. Wsilliston, Grinnell'; S. 5. Paq'.uin, '-liin- wssota; L. D. Mfatibs, De t'auw, and D. Im. Jackson, Lake Forest. Mlichigan 01' Califoruia scTOenot represented. 'he chief questisa of tse day wvas in rss-'ar(l to the chloosinig of an athletis' fisld wl~eresn 10 ioid tic' annuii gaines 01' the association. No decisiron was reached tby the coimaitles', bt. sntwniitioittee, composed of illilliesoli chalirmnili, tackson hind Msa~l ills, was appointed to look, sip the matter anti report to a, full coumitailse meeting in two weeks. 'Two inopositiimls fo fielsvwere pre- sentrsd to thicrom~uimtee. 't'1 Univ-er. shty of Cisircago sent oflirial notice tiaint this associatioinrssuld not'AMarstall field. Ini case the offee' is lacreptcsi, the University of Cieago autihorities tirsiise to -make a ilirge 'number' of iniprovenments, inluiding the rebuiild- lug of the bicycle slid running tracks anid ttie lying outt of a strip of straightaway dashes. The gr'andl stavs ill 'bi e -torn down where nosy it is built. across the track ai tie north end of the field, so that this whole of thie track can be seen ty those in the ,tand1( aild on lihe fielsd. Giosuges 'to. ward the betteriiig of. accolmnoda tom for spectators ansd contestants are also proised. Th'is other litobosiltion was concern. lug aiiiew track, iiow Iheleoggesustrtct- Oh at 'Sixty-seveth llst. suitStony Us- land live., This field is -to have arce lent cycle track a third of a. mile in le'igthi, insidle of which wiii be a run- sling track, andc inside of this the ! athletic field. At grand stalid tt)() fret isuig, as well a0 sbleacesrs, xviii be put tll). 'flu committee decidedi that prepar. 7DINTER SHOES!T -OF- Every .Description.. A LARELtNE 0O' SEE OUR WINOWv? BEALS SliOE STORE,. 109 N. Main Street. Opposite ---She Cousrt lissne. ShirtBagis iBefore-Inventory.Prices. The choice of 25 do7. Colored. Bosom with Coloredl Cuffs or all. Colored Shirtsade hy the Mon- arch and the Trojan Shirt Facto- k' l"+ries, 75c each. Monarch White Shirts. Abouat 10 doz. Soiled and unlaun- dered White Monarch Shirts, reg- ular $1.00 Shirts, 75c each. r Unlaundered. We have a White Unlaundered h" ' __........----....._.. :.Shirt made from Utica Cotton, Continuous Facings, Reinforced Sleeves, All-Lineni Bosoms and. _........ .._ ,.,Cuffs, made full 30 inche's long- during this sale we will sell them for 54c each. - No. 5 ritted sith Sientific " I_ &.... C Typewriter Machines '~ Crqusl any of the bila-priced machines inecapacity " , (and quality of werkand eneel then is convenience. ,! Practicatlssowpriced, portable, keyboard me nues. N. o Ribon. _ o.. 7Ptttedwth SSenetOic n lefg nealwas a Unicrsal keyboar. eih. 1K- Priee. $50.00. l T pe50mersg. (l DfeO3kg ower N Tme~titeroon esthey 1 Aehes oe r dl. ?- -, e ,5e.. piity tnmste- S,006 Sold isi Two Yeats., Mlin.d Phable O8" ten 00. s aproal n y 55 nsdbtsand"..s- Suoirloro nyeoe nxdred dllar 93 Griswoeld SL., Detroit, Mich. - Typewriser nowonentox 1. c. At AM, 4855. fourth Ave., Local Agent -marklet-. N~w..Oe~ewswwrweNwwe eeN- - - atory students of the sifferent schools wvonldh notbe biarredl fromn competing ini this' meet olf this year,lint 'hereaftcr 11o inuir'aii enter the gamieso who is not a regular college stndeiit. All kinds of repsorting done. Lec- tures or speeches .taken; thseos writ. ten; copies miade slid furnished promptly. 01HAS lONGIILHARD. SF YOU WANT THE BEST FRATERNITY STATIONERY, BADGES OR PINS Send to SMITH, STURGEON & co., a237a,2034 Woodard Ave.. Detroit. Designssand estimatesnfurnishedaon all work of this kind. The English Language . Ain't strong enough to express my feelings," says the farmer as he- looked back down the hill and found his load of potatoee had slid out through the open tail-board. We ndvanced the same sentiment our- selves oawhile eago eC.whesm.e C,... 0'.from..the. ...neet-..ewith5.fen-etashis- ATHE S TH ATRE i] as the side of a barn stopped atl over our sore corns and bunions.. ATH NSHEA RE Happily, however, we discovered Snrgns Corn Plasters and our foot now fool fine. Get a free sample of it at J. L. Skinner's Store, 3001 S.. TUESDAY, JANUARY 25th.$ State Street, or at your shoe dealers and try it for yourself. 1, dozen PARISIAN REMEDY COMPANY, A$2001 Randolph Street, Chicago, 11l. Sole Selling Agents.- IT U .iSLrLJ 5 J s$ 5.001t1Men's High Class -Patent Leather and$5 0 - -Enamel Shoes - --_ These shoes are strictly up-to date and while they are univer- I~. sally used by young and drossy men-they .1.r will meet with approval by all. win. J. APRL9L E. WASHINGTON ST.-