n.. AOL t YuL. VIII. No. 76. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, MONDAY, JANUARY 17, 1898. PRICE-3 CiENT& r . _. ,.... ,. , ,v , .. WILD. Sas received a full line of Novelties for Fall and Winter in :uits, Trousers, and Overcoatings 110. 108 E. WASHINTON ST. NEAR MAIN Al legretti's Chocolates.... Fresh every week. Only in packages- 60c a pound. Lowney's if you prefer. PALMERS' PHARMACY. Just Received a Large and Elegant Line of New PipesI Ht ad Cold Lunches at all hours Agents forHuyler's and Williams and Werners o.'s hocolale Bon Bons. R. B. JOLLY & CO. 808 South State Street. - Cold Snap Coming Winter is not gone yet and more winters are coming. A chamois vest is the best protec- tion against cold winds. Saves doctors bills. We have marked ours down to close thim out. If price is any inducement you will buy when you see them-for men and wfinien in almost any size. $1.00 tp. PALKINS' PUAR4ACY. WAHR'S BOOKCST o RE. Just received a special line of SWFATSFRS Color Guaranteed, Quality the Best. the most satifactory made for the money. Each $3.00 and $3.50. Gymnasium Suits and Shoes a Specialty. .PRICES RIGHT........ W&HURSI OK TO- Up Town Down Town 1. Staitsst. Opposi ourflouse AOa Arbor main . THE LITERARY SOCIETIES. What the Different Ones Are Doing This Year. Greater intereots i being taken in the literary societies this year than foo many yearsast. It Is evidenced by the large number of debaters who en- tered the preliminaries for the Citgo debate and by the increased attend- ance at the meetings of the societies. The 'Webster Society has a member- ship this year of 14, which to the largest in the history of the society. At every meeting the society hali is well filled and excellent programs are given. This year two of the three representatives of the law departet t on the final University debate ar", members of this society. The society will hold its annual banquet next Fri- day night at Prettymans. The Jeffersonian Society has also an increased attendance this year. At the business ,meeting Saturday night the following oficers were elected for the next term: President. A. J. Lacy; vice president, W. J. Wetherbee;i- cording secretary, L. C. Tuck; corres- pcnding secretary, W. S. Gilbert; treasurer, H. J. Cortrite; eritic, J. E. Bailey; marshal, L. P. Cramon. Saturday night the Alpha Nu So- ciety presented a ladies progratnml had as its guests the Philologia So- ciety and the Adelihi. The followig was the program given: Whisttm duet, Mr. and Miss Iess; readitg,. Miss Edna Bevans; niusic. Miss Clark; reading, .Miss Nash; vocal solo, Miss harker, itnirompte, 1iss Connor; cs- say, MIss Quinby. After the literary program a pleasant social was heid. Tise oteimberohip of the Alpha Nu So- ciety is limited to forty, and it now has this number of aetire members. Te Philolo it, organized just re- cently by the ladies, liremises to arouse the interest of the college girls tn literary society work. Two meet- tngs- have been held. The other literary societies of the University are the Adelphi Lincohlm Sunmer and Hamiltonian. It is thought that in a few weeks there will be a new debating society it the literary department. Plans are now on foot for its organization and those who have the matter ino charge report that the first meeting wll prob- ably be held during the first week of the new semeter It will be organ- tIed along lines somewhat different from the other literary societies as it 'will be devoted entirely to debating. It is said that no attempt will be made to antagonize in any way the interests of the other societies, but the member- ship will be nade up ainos entirely of those who are not members of any NOTICE TO BASEBALL MEN. All Varsity baseball candidates aret retsested to report in the bas meent of the gymnasium Tuesday, Jan. 18, I at 4 p. n. At this time practice hunts will be assigned to battery Ion and the early training of the fielters will be definitely outlined. Hence it is iti- portant thtat all players should bee present, and loyal studes oought to t encourage every baseball man to start in now in order that the coaching may front the beginningbe systenmatlictnd progressive. J. E. BUTtIER, Capt. Junior Hop Arrangements. Tite Junior Hop conmittee for this year is organized as follows: Rowell F. Bishop, Alpha Delta Phi, general chairman; Samuel Htoitter liale, Phi Kappa Psi; F. C. Grinnell,1 Zeta Psi; Wmsm. Cooper, Psi Upsilo ; H. R. Hurlburt, Beta Tieta Pi; C. Leas, Delta Kappa Epsilon; A. J. Fartner, Delta UpsOlon; "M. B. Beatti,', Delta Tan Delta; F. R. Hoover, Phi Delta Tiheta; J. B. t arrington, Sigmar Alpha Epsilon; Carl Munsen Greent, Theta Delta Chi; A. D. Stensel, Sigma Chi; 'L. D. Verdier, and F. I. Browne,t Independents; C. L. Benedict, Ctim Psi. Arrmgements Co nite--rinmteil, cha.irman; Beattie, Benmetic, Stansell.1 Reception Cimmittee--Leas, chair-1 mean; Verdier, Hale. Invitations - iurlburt, ehairmait; Hoover, Pell. Decorating Committee -- Farmer,1 chairman; Green, Cooper. F. L. Browne, secretary; Harrington, treas- urer. The "Hop" wil be given Friday. Ieb. 18, between semesters. Arrange- ments are. going rapidly forward and the Hop will certainly be unusually successful. The music will be furnished by Shreinser's Band and Orchestra, of Detroit. Dreka, of Philadelphia, is to make the programns and invitations. The programs .will be of green kid in the form of a card case. Road Race. The following is clipped front Sat- urday's Washtenaw Times: "Joe" Pingree and a student nated iodges had a foot-race yesterday on W. 'Huron street on a wager. Young Pingree has the running qualities of his distinguished father, the governor, and went right to the- front. He would easily have won the race had .he not tripped and fallen, unfortunate- Athletic Trophy Room. It is almost!lit assured fact that the Athletic A-sociation will have a trophy room. Both the di- rectors of the asocialtion mand the sen- ior class are endeavoring to make the suggestion a reality. At a recent meer tng of the Uegents permission was given to use one of the rooms of tte gymnasium that was not needed for the gynnasiun work. The fencing room was thought of Ibut Dr. Fitzger- ald 'held that though the room was not used very largely at present it woul likely be beores long. It is probtble tiat the smil recethlion 'oor which opens off from the main hal of the gymnasium wiii be secured. In order to place this room in sshape it will be necessary to close lthe arch with !folding doors. A peition has been laid -before the Regents to allow the association to do this. The pe- tition will be acted upon at the next meeting, meanvwile attempts are be ing (made to secure all the trophies possible to decorate the room. There are many valuable ones scattered around in different parts of the country and an endeavor will be made to find out where they are and if possi- ble obtain them. "Jimmy" and "Oharley" Baird have several which will 'be contributed. Isadore :111, Ward Hughes, Jack At- kinson and other managers of past teamis have many whicht can be s- cured. W. W. Grilitn has the pictures of the 'Varsity teams for several years back and it is thought that these can be used, Rules Will Soon Be Ready. Dr. H. H. Everett, of Ilmiois, and A. 'A. Stagg, of the University of Obi- cago, were closeted together the great- er part of Saturday. The two'were putting into form the conilusions they iave arrived at since they were made tihe committee of the western colleges to propose changes in the footbal rules. ;Both men have been working on -the rules since they started the re- vision, two weeks ago, but this is the first time since then that they have beema able to get together and Ceom- pare views. Dr. Everett will stay in Chicago until tonight, and will specid the most of his time with the director of athletics of the Oieago senool. Both men promise that the rules will be ready for the public tomorrow. A meeting of the Democrats of the University was called for Saturday at 11 o'lock to effect an organization. 'There were not enough present, how- ever to warrant a permanent organiza tion -so the master is deferred till some future time, of the other organizations, but who is anding mu a parcuarly mudty are interested in the work. mud-hole.