' ._... . THE UNIVERSITY -OF MICHIGAN DAILY.3 Great Redviction Sale - For One.. Week Only $.0 for $3.45--$4.00 for $3.00 SWEAT RS. X3.50for $2.85--$2.00 for $ 1.39 $2.00 for $1.87--$1.75. for $1.49 GLOVES ".". $ .50 for $1.42--$1.00 for 69c GOLF OSE $2.5 for $1.75-$1.75 for $1.50 GO LF/OS .50 for $1.25--$1.00 for 8.9c PAJAMAS *.- IN OUTING FLANNEL. :: Neckwear, $1 for 63c-75c for 43c fancy Nose, 75c for 63c==5Oc for 43c Fancy Shirts--the best 90c COMBINATION UNDERWEAR MAIN STREET, 8 M CK& 0 yCAN TRET 8 You want a Mando- dolin, Guitar or Bansjo, don't you You want the price right, don't you* SEE OUR WNDOW ANN ARBOR MUSIC CO, 205-207 E. Washington St. ANN ARBO0R Time Table, Sunday, Sept. 5, 189 7. TJIE TABOLE: Traiee leave Ann Arberby Central Standard Time. n4RT11. - eQUTH, 8:42a. m. 7:0aM '1211a m. 11:25 a. se. 4:4 p.m. I 8:40 p.mY. *Rurs between Ann Arbor and Toledo .only E. S. OIL5iMORE, Agent W. H BENNETT 45.-P. A. Toledo 0. Central Standard Tieme. TRAINR AT ANN ARBOR eAST. WEnT. Mall and E.._.3 47 $.-N. Y,COl-s--A8.S12 N. Y. Specltl__4 58 ' Mil--------5910 G.5R E~apreen --'_120-PaccEx.--- 20 *N S Limited---8 10P.M.L Eastern Ex------S947 Western Ex.1320 A.M. G R. &,KEx -. 5 55 D.N.P asprena....5 56 Ch. N. Ex._- 7 47 Atlantic Ea,... 7 20 *North Shore Limited i an extra fair train lo be a charge of $2.60 to New York than on other trains. 0, W. ltuooLEe, It. W. HAYEn, 5.P. & T Agt.,'Chiceago. Aet.. Ann Arbor P. ~LSCHLEDB.CHRISTMAS] 30S. STATE STREET ,Take home one of Hook Binding .............2.5 cenes and up y nur ' U. of M." Pins or Solid Cold Fountain Pens .....1.00 and op. ! onnie other novelty in -Waterman and Wirt Pen in stock and nor lit. e. Pens Repaired. Wholesale and Retail Paper. 3Y'. 1k, of Lie- LEA,~.a D ItNGn en Paper for 50c. -rn ld EnWEIIER FULLER & BERANEK, TAAILORS Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing. Work called for and delivered. 31t2 S. STATE ST.. over -Uosey's. Phone No. 254, 7New State. NOW is the time to join the classes at 0. M. MARTIN, . FUNERAL DIRECTOR. -w"angers Scliool of Danlcing Embhalniing a Special1ty. NO. ,209 FOURTH AVENUEI. TERM BEGINS WHEN YOU DO. Ambulance night or day. Rtenidence, 202 P1fth Avenue. Greek Athietics. winyners o4flerwairds runing in tho 'rho Wisconsite Cardinal recently 'finals. The disctus, a circular conrvix contained the following interestinig ex- son~e weighing about four potundo, tract from -a lecture of'Greak °Life. was thlrownl from a slighit elievation. 'Athiletics among the Grey ks had aiid soncme trvelots ,reycords were two aims. Among Dorian peoples tile:matie. Ill throwing the jav1elin tle sole object )yas to harden. the b~odv t,'reoks used onte witht a. very sh~ort and for purposes of nmilitary trilnilig. lcndle and lon:g .netatl pIN)nt.' In 'The Ioiisthad -:the furiher objec t of wrestlingslogging was forbidden bill dev'eloping gri c, beaunty aidtol halth. tbutting Wil:lie heod apparently woo "There were twro places of exercist-, iot. After a mian had his opponent tie Paloestra, or pirivate trafifnn downi, a rough and ttimnble light oighi schools for bons and the gyi':nta~sio or (nsiue in wvhich one of the eoifes in~ts public exercise buildings tsr adiltis. A-as occasionally killed. The lprize- The -favorite exercise ,as of the Pcin- was awar=ded only to the winner in taibhlos, which consisted of- eontestr thr~ee of ,the five colltests, preferably in leaping, ruinning, wrestling, throw. 'runinlg, 3wrestling a11( throwing lbsE lug the =javelin nod throwing .the Cohs:- discos. The contests tbegan too itn so ents, boxing and lpancratton, a sort of :as to close before sun~down.' rough and talilble scrilnlnage, were- aloe practiced, as well as ball plaill , At the Athens. two vartations oit tile modern 'ft-gof This evenlig, ttlnary 1.2, it the w var,' to spinning, aod 'five- stones, tice Athens"Theater, "In (lay Paris" .will arcestor of 'the - modern lack stones. be presented by the original compainy, 'The leapig -was done with leaden Clifford's Gielty conipany, direct fromI wveights li- n the hands to0 steady M-anager Clifford's Giety theater, onte, and the highest record made was Chicago. , 'rho play requoiresa.a Surge v;i feet which niust~ have been forr hop, cast and special electrical effects, all stepa and jump. 'rie secolit contest of -which are carried, by this el-gusti- Is raring 'was ai three hundredel5y.10 nation. Many novel 'features will be dash, or tile length of the station,. presented;-amtonigthe notable engage- When boys- took part' it was but onee monte withi this 'conipany may lie Bundred yards. There was aiso the noted the ;Trecadero quartet, the very dotmbde race of ;six imuodred feet, thie best in their especial line that has hoeplite race for 'soldiers in foil arnnul, ever appeared here. Another special ,and the long race, up-to two anid three-" feature with "In. Gay Pais' is the uiuarters miles in teng~fti. Sixtesn en- celebrated Rnglish comiedienne, hLis~s tries were 01lo10e-w'hich were ron iii Belle Black from thle Roapxire theater, finr divisios f fair lminOeach, tire'Lndon. U~nivers i ty-'-School of ]I ancing, State Street, opposite Law Building.- - Ters $5.00 A semester - - $in gle evenings 53 cents. Offlce-427 Thompson Street. ANTON TEUF L, HEADQsUARTERS FOu Trunks, Valises. Dress Suat Cases. anoT Telescopes. Trunks and Talores repaired neatly and, cheaply. Ne. bo S.Malt, Street Pipe ~we have just re- ceived a large line. See our window. PIPES, t HALLER' S Jewelry. Store: Lowney's Chocolates' 'GO TO- W, W. TUTTLE,'S, o "s~ ALLEGORETIS, if you wish. tALL GRADEe OF iiAlttD, SOFT, CANNEL AND t5I.OKELEISS .COALS AND CORK'. M. S TABBLEBR# 110W. Washington Street. Phone S. Tun LARGEEST MAN-7FACTUnERS eOr ATHETrIC' ANn smevorn oSuPrAtnoAND tOaoNFOs IN Tun WORLD. - A. G.' SPALDING & ORO&. "The Name the Guarantee." Official Outfitters tothseLeading College, Ahb, leticCiub and Scheol Teens o the U. S.- Everyr Requisite, for Base 0a11, !Athlettc Sports and Pastimes. aThe Spalding Official League Baill Adopted by National, inior, College and - School Leagues Base Hall Uniformns, Hate, Gloves, Mtte, Chest Protectors, Shoes, Bin. THE SPAMN CHAINLESS BICYCLE 1) 8~ THESPADIC BUERE(ChaIi) }MODELS SendS for Illstratedl Catalogue of all Athletic Sports, , A. G. SPALDINIG & BROS., News York Philadelph' ChicagoWashirngton FINE NEW LT OP .. Wasbru. I Just recnived. ALawestprices an STRING(S ant! TRIM* MIND0for1llInstrumeats. SGHAEBERLE'S MUtSIC STO- 114 West Liberty et., Anm Arbor.