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January 15, 1898 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1898-01-15

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j,r} orhesenRai!R! Rab! HaulHil!3 i r $ ; wl F 1
Olin-"'Hi W-H1!oI! ~0 Hi!3fooHv.gYu
Published Daily (Suanays excepted) during I! 0! Hi! Oberlin!" 1% to INSPECT THE WORK
theoolegeyer. atPineton-"Hiooray! Hooray! Hoo-AT.
the ollee yer. a
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. ray! Tiger! Si' Boom! Ahi! Princeton!'"
Orswa.: Times building, 32 . Main t. be- Purdue-"Purdue! P'urdule! itt.! T he B er yauS u i
iween Liberty and William St.. -rah!b Ia! Rab- 'rh a-ah iN~I~ DTR 'l--^ora! abo-robh! tliyo fir
J. F. Teon1As 'ill L. old Purdue!' oGbon&Cak
.i5BUSINESS MANAGUEB Ilitgr--"iol! ab! rahl! 1b0w-wow: 112 West Huron Street, Ann Arbor.
.1. iiAN, Oil L. --wow! Rutiges!
EDITORS llno-tlah+. Ral! Rah! LU-n-i-o-n- _________________________________
a. 181. utLe.?AN, 'SL. Athletics. Hiki! Hika! ilikah!"ShudteGornrfSuh
). L. GUarsEOl,' L. G. D. Heuaw. '00. Uivuity of C lifornia-"Ha' H oadteGoeno f ot
Beacos LAse, '0. '. i. Woonow, '98
1. . esenn. 00 A C~enl..0 Ha! Oali for-i-ch! U. C. Berkelee! Carolina meet the Governor of(
. Esom-eAn. 's. Zip! oom! AM" North CarolinaS D U I
Univerity of dCiiiago-"fOhi ca
( hcgo Chicago. go! Go it Ohiiia-tgo
__________________it Cllci,, it chica.o! On the banks of* the raring Huron
The subscription price of the Daily is 12.0 Unive ity ofliuilal-ior~ he would no doubtsy
for the college year. with a reglar delivery
before noon each day. Notices, communica- lip boomillMi Hip-zoo! rai-coo it- "It's a long time between now and
loos, and other matter intended for publica- h wyu oco pidyiki, iTL fJl ,adi o att eoeo
pionm ust be handed in at the Daily office be- mbo orbzo the boys-in other words, a live
fore d p.m. or mailed to the editor beore 3I! Cheuain g!: ! " wire-you had beter take the M
in. of the day pre ions to that on which -nierstyof So . l.-"HltRclii
hew are espreced to apearIa h al
Sbcrlptions* may be 1ft aNTesadyorah, ii. i-nlllt--lurr-l.ir'ill ' Vr-II .rjQ
office Meys or toffet's IIwtno T/ -r
fr a avor by reporting promptly at thisU*o M.D lyN OL S
office sue failure of carriers to deliver paper. -Uivrity of P'eisylvani-'ttoo- GUITARS^BANJOS.
rh! Hoo-rahi Hoorh.i: -u-sl-v'- And get the current college news The Washburn is the one and only
The foolishines of iultil liature nia!" It's a ummer anti I understand the mak of world-wide reputation. Sold
and of soenestudett natue in prtic- Univrsity of Aiso'tsn-"tJ-Rilo. unprecedented offer of $1500is mad" by firt-claso dealer everywhere fro'
nlar is well illustrated by the prctice Rah.lo-Wi-on-sin! U'-l-1l-Rah-tis-o- "Think I will," said the other en, 1500 upward. Iitated extensively.
sin U-ah-as-Wi-co-su! ige!"and they took a drink-of Ann Ar. so be sure that the name2'George
of standing in 1ine all eight in otder ci! -a-Ro-l-o-n!Tgr"bors famos water. Washburn" is burned a nthe-iside.
to get the choice of reerved -oats fo U. S. Miltary Academy-Ptaho! tah! A beautiful Washburn Book contain-
altygtH! ta! hl! ia!Ws 'it Leave your name and address for ig portraits and letters from te D
Oli Ity estva. "it regular morniteg delivery of the eikes, Calve, Eames, Nordica, Sca-
t ing, get wisdomn," 'wuld apply well West Point! Amny!" DAILY the rest of the college year at chi and oo other famous artists and
Ini this case. Yale-Itch, rah,IRah! Iali. Lobi, the U. of M. DAILY Office, teachers, mailed free upon request.
1101! Itah, tRah,Lah! Yale!' Address Dept. U,
The Daily is sorry to ee the Miiei- 329 SOUTH MAIN STREET.LYNkHA,
garn-Alumni News go nader. TeCAtENDAR. State Phne ['r"O tCo. Waash Ae. and AOisu3., hisag.
Alumnus doubtless 'has ia place to fil Saturday, Jan. 22.-Leland T. t'ow- 85USCITIN$.50 -_- --
and does fll it successfully. But the' r nUiere it al
le tee fo a ewy pbliatin lkeThursday, Jai. 2i-Joiit meeting of .n.....
is ieid or nwsypulictin lkePhiliological and l'hitosoplieil Soct'- - mo. s rated xiusisentle
_the News cich wouild serve to keep ties aoLecturl. tiCD TappanHrll...
ter.Te'-tttts 0alrgti s- qui.ytehg-rcdmcie scpei
. bealumni itttouch, wittheir almaneo r~at I .1eetne ooelnio op ai ate.rrir.Tpewriter Machines -
mrideryTh'eto. iS-lonsoalHopiintWitea
I"an (lyinnasiom. - Calayoftehg-rcdaole~o aaiy
lterry way. bll gt artleleo on toecvy jSaturday Jn2-Booker T. Wash sedaaiioforhleecte the.mnisechscea.
sutbjecto ace not going to Iterest tie igo iUiPsiyhl rctical, lo-pried, portable eyhardachies.
petnfgtivrstyanars i n UlBn'isty i 1:u t aaeAN e Uniocteeee
aveaerage at t angraduatet ridyJatotsnedilysa on extent. That-A rel anqet Y- wittS x Solen tile H orriao~rdc~
Noth~western Uivrsty will pay nj ,,raoR
ga ; LCaiet t rnyoetc nro taS Vnse aiSento
College Cheers. I ontiq tereua' toduo tt -Tentetok ewh eddem
V~e i i t.0 fet~gthe 'iestentCollege League. 'lThre .ee mkr5 ., .Aehsetdos,.-ta
TheTolowng r~lle"Nn -f ollgegam~es tave leady tenntrauagcI *&oftSod ioTwo v~ss. lMntdomtoemehiee,
toers alos-been tadiy the Daly wihABloi. a s y.ep. -ee , usr e.eewt
for: the itret of its-rcinders:_______ssag Wiiilyi
Amherst-tI 'ii! Bab!Kti aICi1! 'JO RNT-rot aitd side sute, . FARBARN & CO', Geersi Afees
11a1! Itah! Aherst!" lmoden lnprotelients. 727 1P. Univer- 9 Gisol S etoiic. ie~eretnm oeres enr
Boto tis~esiy-Ho-tol~s-aly vet. A . 11 48 . fourth Ave., lci Aget-are... -
ten, B-Bd-M-osttm 'Yarsity 'Varsity, Theses atatly typewritten. 3 cents - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Rtoh! al! Lah!" per folio (two cpies). Call on or ad-
owdoin-"B--o-w-o-i-n, thai, itoh,drsS.AHap,327.Lbrt
drsaS . ape,32!" iery The English Lanrguacge
Brow-HRah lta!- t! al!- 4b7t Ain't strong enough t express my feelings," says the farmher as he
Bali! tabi-Birown. Btrown, lBr w- IF .YOU WANT TE BEST looked back down the hill and found his 1oa of potatoes hd slidf out
YI Ii Yi-Hclzi lekithrough the open tal-board. We dvanceld the ame setment otr-
Ki Yi i YRATiRYI-YHiTATIHNEki selves awhile ago when some cus from the country with feetas big
Hoorah!"° (three tinle). RTRNT T }IIEY as the side of ,a barn steppedaloe u oecrsadbpuos
C I gto Uniiv r.ily - Iip-ti----rat! - BADGES OR PINS Happily, however, we discovered tSarg's Corn Plasters and our feet
HiuxhCdtt!.C,ale! ah- ed to now feel fine. Gtatfree samle fit aJ. IL. Skiner's Store, 306 S.
tHp--u--a .Ia State Street, or tat your she d aers and try it for yourself. 1 doni
Rah-HRal! iog t I' SMITH, SrT RGEON &r CO., plasters 21.
l Coulumbia-" 'Ritay, 'Hay 'HRay +C-o- 237. laS.241 iWoodard Ave.. ~etroit.
1-u1-a-b1-a!" Designsnietimatesfrnished onaii ono PAISIAN REMEDY COM~PANY,
*Corn - COornell! I ye11 yeii y hli!oftihnd 208 Randolph Street, Chiago, Ill. .. ole Selling Agents.
D mrtnon il"Wab .hs cw h! Wal ' b ' }r'trr .. ... . .
ho00-wah! doa-da, Dartmouth! wab AT 71ETB S. X + 15 TW NSAN TR UB E8 .
boo wai! Ti-g--r!"' -Are slieln Aithe ee om l .i
Is much the acame wi~thh sale of a gooml pair of shoestis-nte i sue to cefollig-y
Harvard-lab ala!rash alt LFFR' R, TYQ A~ .other. Enohsaid. sSleissoreoodfegoods.an
rI!rohrihTHEt~rac! Mee% Calf Shoes, Haund Made, Tao aad Black,Afeev!y Soles - 0.50.
Johs Ho klinsPoiiver ty-Hu~nlia- S,~Ie xrvgse
balloo, Kanuc k, KanuckHetl baioo I
Ran hl, anuck, Hooalm' Hoorah! J.I .at'nowJ'sto
L e-i T-rah-iy' H o-ah ray G Y G(AIETY,_________________________
ra , 'a , e ig , eh g , e - P A I _ _ el a ds u b s c ri b e f o r t h e U . o f M . D a i i v
iorhwelenI~l! ah Rah! It-Hab!RUPhTfahM Rah!
Rla! .Sftanfod"heTrip for 2,50o and 75 IRe!ts.15 INII1,J .I Y 1

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