the . of all11. VOL. VIII. No. 75. ANN ARBOR,. MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 15,' 1898. PRicE-3 CENTS. WILD, Has received a full line of Novelties for Fall and Winter in Suits, Trousers, and Overcoatings N0. 108£E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN Al legretti's xChocolates.... Fresh 'everyl week. Only in packages- 60c a pound. Larwmy's if you prefer. PALMERS' PHARMACY, Just Received a Large and Elegant Luse of New P'ipee I Hot and Cold Lunches at all hours. Agents fnr 11uleses and Williamus and Werners Co.'s 01106 latQeBon Buns. R. ]B. JOLLY & O. aos Snuth Stwe Street. tCold Snap C oming Winer i not gone yet and- maore itr are coming. A cbamolavet s he best Protec- tnagainust codwinds. Saves do torbll. We havemieurked oasdw. oclose them out. Ipreisany inducement you illbu when you see themfor men- and women in almost any size. $1.00 up. A PLEASING CONCERT Pearson became city editor. Ile50011 CORNELL SPIRIT - found that fle tok of editing and- Given by Alberto Jonas and the puiblishing The Alumnus, wh-ile attend- I otyo mtto yMci ; in~~~~~~~lg to the duties of his new positio,Is.oty fIm ainbyMc- Philharmonic Club. was too gre't and finding it covn- gan Students. - ioolit buyer ino the person of James H. - '[he third concert of tls (110101 Prentiss sold tie sobscription hosts and The Class of '98 lot yer introduced Uolon se-los was givenilalst ligh. To good will to hinm. Mr. Pr niss in it new feature into the udergraduate Is turn disposed of a part iteret tile noui loving people o AnAslot in the 01110 to Louis A. Pratt, who life of 'Cornell. They gave a smoker thie 1' ogr graiol was iararee treat witi became managing editor, sd as guests invited the other three Alberto Jouis, pianist, and the Detroit Under the business sand editorial cloos1ses and oslini. 111c altato proved Philharmlonic Clb. 'Tile Phlhrnionic Ianagement Of tese two gentlenel suacii a Soccess that it is to be repeat- dlub is somiewhat ehanoges from what it asnd'their assciates The Alumnus has e d this yeir y the 90) class. It will was wheii it last applered inl iraer- steadily goown .better, stronger and ,b given some 11111 next moth ansi ily Hall. 'r. Ileberleiii cellistli ir e~eld t hasiteedsed will be largely athleic in character._ Bruckner second violi, soil Mr. Pe.-iy to its motto, "For the best interests ie dilstntive feaure this yeas' wll dirke, viola, are all comp iatively *ew of the Universiy o -ician," 01r101be the pisentatini of a.tpair-ored members of the oe"gauiatisn. F~r. its work has beyond dout been o workig boat to the navy ty the jonr- iealculable value.scoeieimonts frCa Tewrigba rtb YTulok, first violin, ihas been iitvilotheorcas [lewkigbtoru, togaiizattois since its °beginnimg"withlirst agus'Mr. tPr~ata iss olisc to r of lis fni as it s often called, will have two th o 00' itisIsteessin the mhlclo oM.Pratt ,tvo fot theexepionofon yer ndif.istosliding 00111,tw pairs o iggers exceptiol yeai and who as since carried oiile workan itioblcxsi'setad his efforts largely theat the Ililhar- aonawthdotiael1movabxii le lebycoach'sCsatndo nooi club'hsosbeeni kept Ltve. those-"'acr orteyt evr tis iiow vna sibtanla basis When the preseint University Aiom- nooke his oachig niee effective. It ove, w sonni assocation was fenn~l the 'Michi - barilig the bcmigofsniIfye o very vluble adtuion to C- Irit'fs wai 'tY~ oigctzn.gain AlaminNews" wass estabtlished tel's nvy. weathyiioisi its official organ, assmall bt nosy Alberto Jonas again deri-onsrateid the igh tohispoplariy i An A loopper to be issued every orhotight. Senior Medics in Uniform._ therihtto oi pisolail ii An r-Boil The Alumnus and News scre too bor tyit fiie rendtion of five sele- simiolar inpuosadaitoicso- The medical faulty a i een lios. e x'as 10oslia, vly ilsn-side by side and the prsen consoi- meeting decided to introduc i sial. IT reeifad andI was shown that the eltion is an end greatly desireol by insovtiomn in the hopial work of Uniiversity andI Ann Aibor applreites fsieiodls of boh puoblications. By the senir stodnts. Begisning 71onday lthe hiooor whichiie itos bronghi Io present arrangement the News sins- morning, 110 sldent will e allowd1 onr Schioo of Msic.pns ulctinndTh li in thioe hospital wards except ill a linen As 1ass eleore too theio-"Witecs pnspbiain- n h lmt: becomes lbs sole oficial oran of he r duck unifomn. ie to aso for he paiice," composedl by himself, Mr Altoni'Associatiooi of the t'niversity hillovation is to sore ceoniletely pro- Iletoerielis rendered i ihi's Dreaoio"of Michigoan.'Mr. Jr. A. Prat, 90, wiii vioe agist tde Sredl of doseas also his owvin producotion. The Ipio- ontinue as editor. germs andisalso to od il giving the grain i foil was as follows: __________ hosital. a clena and fresh apper- PROOIIA~M. Ruh for Reserved Seats. ne. Imsmucho s the valie of ai- i. Qartet, Oss. lit, - - treg sn 'saAndante -(alegronolto ed aghato soitoe loanlie.s hoshimpresseo lcupool Romanze (adantino-allegro agitato). At tines o'clock ystrday afternoii the m eal studsnts frm the first Intermezzo (allero motonarcato). Finale oeno-preatooal satreho. oabout tweny-five were ini ihos fos te year, the faculty thought lut a pe-- osanor ruuassosMe tILUB. sale of May Festival reserved seas.tial applicaton of the piciple would 2. a. cp rle on tile Ballt Aimrn from Guk'"l cste." - Sant Sens The cross-o ineased uts eveing a* - meet tbe cag ecelh is ordered. b. Barcarolle in A Minor. A. Rubnsten roachodali tIat10dooh h aoos blls lapo' o. beEnrint eat,00stinlciTh Sehns wie otolopro-L- d. elodle inBKn, Op. -, - ScPad reLstets around In the cold alsight. Sool, at li of the pinelple sill are com- . tude In G0FlieOp. 24, - Ios owki ALRTO R a. were goig weII this mornisg, ut pinig somewat of he ru~e'a-t i aa. Devotion, - - - Gldbeck t here will be plenty ofgo oes let Isaft place has been pe vill n whch tWicnosOaace, - - liehielein iext week. the necesary cloth e can ha kept. 4. Septet, Op. &, - - - Saint-Saensn Judge eAvey, of AM't istem' nn-Algomdrt-iu-lte rsdntrfsorf hla dprt C nlles lig ALBnarJo5055 50AND anER OIT P iin&ANssoic is-t, was offered theiahpointmen of CLUB. United 'tates district ttrneyship for ornell has replied to the challenges Iis district, but has refused it. It is of iHarvard and Yale for eight-oafe The "Alumonun" Changes Hans.,aid that he is being boomed for the treat races at the close of tie eg- -spresne court of this stte. year. 'Corne! agrese to row both- Arrsaageoiouts were completed Iis ________ ile and Harvard, the latter uncon- moringe for the sale of Pile Micigan Honor Systemn at Lehigh. ditionally, anch the frner with tie Alumnus to tie Alumni Associstio of preOVIsh11 that she, in retuon, be allow- tile Uiversty of -Mchigan. The se- Lehigh t~uversity has adopted a ed to name the ime asd place of a tal Itransfer wilt be made in a feow new foami of the honor system. iti, similar race next year. 'risisi menie days. Tie wisdom of thin pureast elaborate, and hiveves ass "hour that Yale mst bind herself to row is uuo e, te alunilassociation0-ools," e - .Much isusaisation s C. ornll soext ye. 0 nmatter what tie threy scorng psession - f Ihonelo xprssdasongoaboy-Ofthe Otoe oie this year's race may be. grwingsobs lein list and a dinisi--uolrst ovrthe raller arbitrary vay (onsidra 1 edoubt IS expressed in ide, important nmagazinewhlhote- inich l the uw 'Sytemixas pu-hdbating cclsa., to whetier Yale will asewudcrauy ae dvided to theough at a clege mas 01 ing. accept, but all acknoivilemg the fai- awgrv e I~t h imporatIt'was hldI for open discis. in. ms o onelsprposto. work f arusin thealmmil' ut it saemsthat al oinin usfa - The AlumnsaWas founded in the al- tl wss eeIii~ Tie Illustaet Aminie.a makes u fall of 18904 Avik A. Pears, ityahdaa e knp n naI cllege team frte middle now ct edtr o h ues, an ly and nS by ballot, wet, with one p1ek from ichga . coluce y hi with -varyngfor- Bennett, _ed. 'lve mn are taken. trnefoIwo lya,- urm tis A ga a e of tel'Univerity of from "WIscosin, for',-forn Chcago, tme tene o active work among Pensylvaniai11. Gere 1I. Fraier, an one from Illinois. IL tie Second toe lein-mg of the ttniverity '-i,: O.-sa 11 bed apeorwehSb$100 eIeen eez, n, ad gtckle, ofMclgaatbecamiemoreasdmre tobe given annuallytotai-memer takearetken from lsga,swi aprent. InAprl,1, thoW - oflbhefoetba, -aebal,track teamor Sheseam m nfrmWienin ad tensorIS Eenting Times ,passed inothe ofthe e , who ats-hieb.highes iego. I giv s ts tof Felv rad hnds ofits present oWu'hs and Mr. standing in ihl arsiip. .,I Be .