THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY.3 Great Redtuction Sale - For One Week Only 1, e% $450 for $3.45-$4.00 for $3.00 SWEAT RS 3.50for $2.85--$2.00 for $ 1.39 $LO.ES for $1.87-$1.75 for $1.49p GLOVE . 1.50for' $1.42-$1.00 for 69c $.25 for $1.75--$1.75 for $1.50 GOL HO E $.50for $.25-$1.00 for 89c PAJAMAS. IN OUTING FLANNEL Neckwear, $1 for 63c-75c for 43c Fancy Hose, 75c for 63c==5Oc for 43c Fancy Shirts--the best 90c COMBINATION UNDERWEAR MAIN STREET, S. M A ( & co 0.Q8MAIN STREET, S. You want a Mando- 340 S. STATE STREET dolin, Guitar or Biook Binding ..........5 cnt sd up Banjo, don't you Soi odFuti es.... 10 n p I Pens Repaired, You want the price7 1 Wholesale and Retail Paper.I 3V lbs, of SLn right, don't you * en Paper for 5c. SEE OUR WINDOW. BER OW N'S DI ANN ARBOR MUSIC CO. CORNER MAIN AND 205-207 E. Waohington St. Is the place to boy Disoecting Instt 1W 1W 1 1W 1W Bacterology, Pathology. Histology, Et ANN ARBOR The Century's Prizes. Time Table, Sunday, Sept, 5, 18917. ___ TIME TABLE. 'si'li)Sleit.1 1fil fenc-Itouylinlglittvr"1r Trains leave Ann Arbor by Centrai Standard Time. :-vetivlysitlyaonig collee g tradutlle,fTe 8:d3 a. m. *7:3l a. m C('euloly 2ltzsgslille offer's10 give, 4o-. *12:10 a. m. i1:25 a. m. llIi 4:d6 p. sn. 8:d40p.m. ma.. -, sdoriog fouir succsessve yr-sirs. nltnn between Ann Arbnr and Toledo oneiy 1- Tee 9ize0 of $271 51511e, o1e10to0th15' E. S. GILMORE, Agent W. H BENNETT 10. P. A. Toled o 4otptleisio of y01 l'l'so'ils y10rttes Ib' degit o oI Baclor of Arts ill ily -ol- AT' legog r 011niv0ersity ill She 111150:1Slt'"- MIGHIGANTTG L1 11110111rin She eCoullellelleu't seisO1 oltsf The iggsra Fa1ls &ate.'" l1897,S1898,18, :111(119050.l Central Standard Time. 1st.$250 for St' Stlwstiesrois-si W"l TRAINS AT ANN ARBOR. l 1 1 of ovt w Sroih l ifty liu,'o. EAST'. 'PST. 20.$250 for She lbet ess-y inl11i0 1 r . M. A. M [Meldl of -WogroxlyIlls"4ory. or lilirsi:sy Mail and Ex-.3 4d7 B.,N. Y, Cbi... 812 NY, Special -d--005 Maili- 11---918 4'rilieisln. of nlot fewtoer tli: ,fowlirt11011- 1 t. R. Express __1 10 Pacific Eu.---1230 "I< *N. S Limited---810 p. M.s. 01:1:1or More 11h;111 eight Slotsu-ild Esenx.--94 WstrEx-.13 od. AM. t.R&l.Ex.. 0051 1 DO.N. Express x.Exr ..._5,20 Chi. Ni. Eu -=- 7 4 dl s. $51fs 1: ot tr s 1 AtlatcEufi fs-rt} llfssr tFl1ws4tuoiglr stfirs *North Shore Limited is an extra fair trainfer.ltt Tulio,,k d rmoe to be acharge of $2.50to New Yorhktihan on Ibli t 4ight 1:11015::1(1 i ot'i. obher trains. 0X rbfr Tle1 ft~ ersl 0- . RUGLESs, II. W. HAYS, (no1eoeSie1.t is eits G. P. & T Agt,, Chieago: Agt., Ann Arbor osedilog. grasllitiO'l oil, rottlsitssrro S lOs Osti~lntiss11'-oo'r itteu -1115111 io('I'il to Cites CAN FUINISH MUSIC OF FIRST-CLASS. EdSiitor Of Te'PleOonlury 2Jtstgssiis' Orders for all -Fraternity parties, club irttrlet. outsideols' 1: inside:, "1I-or ts' dances, etc. Leave orders at Ann Arhort Music too. or at ilmidece,1lllltddes ave. 'tslle'ge (Osiiisetitioll.," igned by)a' uen- P. S. - Will take pupils an Piano and isnin