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January 14, 1898 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1898-01-14

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Publisehed Daily (Sudays excepted) during
the College ear, at
-- OFFIsC: Times building, 329 S. Main St. be-
tween Liberty and William St.
J. F. TOMAS, '00 L.
. H. HANS, '00 L.
H. B. SItLLAN, '05aL., Athletics.
E. L. GEISME, '98 L.. G. D. llroxNtcev.'00.
BULbR LAMB, '5. T. . WiOOROw, '98
L 9. CAMrnELLe, '5. A. CAMBEsL, '9.
F. EusttssAn, '98.
The subscription price oc the Daily is 2.50
for the college year, with a regular delivery
efore noon each day. Notices, communica-
tions, and other matter inteded for pblic-
tion must be handed is at the Daily office be-
fore S p. in., or mailed Ho the editor before 3i
p.i., of the day prvios to that on which
they are expected to apea.
Suoriptions may be left at The Daily
Office Meyer's or Stoffet's Newtnd, or
with Ausiess Manager Sobribers will con-
fr a favor by reportng promptly at this
office ans failure of carriers to deliver paper.
Tie pln)io1Sen'idig a weekly- hrlt--
letier to tile varilous llewsllilllrs (f
the sate bils faii' to ac-lsilllliiail
object wlichtile Daily leas lng urgel
upon the cllege pubtlic. No betler
methiod of wipinig out 1111-ls vesig, s
Of preJutls-e agaittills' tiivss'iy
('01111 1)1'devised ll ih la n 9111 iilil
keeps theieop00111'flthfil'stateinilfolmed
of the LTniveisily affai's,.'Phis Iasil
lccolililislied inlle1111e11gre. ltho.gll
Spasmodl~iclly hall incl'0i111'l-, 119
letiers osent Otltby 1)10 Daily 21111f11
interestedltdetslila lst yea.t'. n91101
she pesnt schemt'11i0 liiollhlly oallitho
papers of the stae swill tbe it'selll'
and thelewsswil1191110 irn,;n ai-
thoritative sonmil-. Pie fillsiletter Oi-
ieared l ast wek 1and1heneotrh they
will055m0 olt weekly. 'fill- wolrk is
tnder tme dretiot of P'rof. Soltt,
whili of coireinsures tha-iti1tl -
well and ysiemllllicllly' 11119.
The National University.
'fhasNationatl lonigress 11a10 eecaly_
rceived a ill sohih fomt-hes pali
for a National Utiniversiy ill Washing-
tvon, In general terms the niveriy
is to hbe a sociool of adaned learningf
for gtadates of nelt-leliell colleges
slid insitutionas. tOrigin'al r'her)
and invetiaios oe to e in e-ry
ay enoirageIl.T'hicbill sks for
Si.lhciont nius to permlit a Boaiid f
Regents, conisting of the Piweidnt,
the Comiissioner of Educaion, the
Secetary of the tSsitlsonian Instiu-
ion, the tresidonl of the National
Eduational A500-ttiln, the Preidtt
of the Universiy and miiie oiler eli-
coas, isyloiited by the Presiset, to
organize the l'nirersity.-x.
Prof. Trueblood at 0. W. U.'
Prof. -reblood will pend tody
a 11 tt -row at Oil VWeseyan Unia
verity. Wile thre he will lyve two
lectures and a- reading. In Marh,
Prof. Faton will eturn iteise Iilii-
mn nya letrhere
I00114-A ni ly furnished front
suite at 720 C the e s., corner of
Thayer. Very vheap.

For Colleges Only. DINTER SIHOIES!T
"he following quotatlion is takon
frot .a re'cent Tc oct of tile 1tH°araGl - -aOF--
c inlltf o of physical tr-ining whlich 1 Every Description.
wa-ssutiuited 0 110 lillllyof i I A LARGE LINE OF
yard l.ollege a; I
"Dave of sport is ti goodtl zin ::,
111111 lieolsol for ddsirillg to see .11't'e"" SEE OUR WINDOW?
letc trn~lis: ioi raletsforpttilil-BEAL'S SIIOE STORE,
ill- atpeopewsht e~, u iebst dltt5"lp~int-.t, nih to say tlte 1onj 1091;N. Main Stret.Oost
1~~~ .iioii I liee-l~cs khlt ----''-o- the Courtaaousepoit
1111111 glihilt , lt limitedl so faIC!s 11110-
1111, 11.1 colle-ge 11wen, 1111nd I thatte1u a i
goiesN lae u tleg rtul.Shirt B r a ns.
'Theii hhgehll'it Ilith YaVle hireaily e
1itairi'I's itl 1211 ll5 ii fou'e 1211 ilay' ,d -before-Inventory Prices.
111 cohlc;::groutnds,111111it is to be
hpdth an~lflh' sometlhinlg 1c111 01,,It bet'o11111The choice of 25 d07. Colored
illsthird lfilfitillg tice'distriblutionl of Bosom~ with Colored. Cuffs or all
I b-kets 11 lto ill' lly Vihl il Colored Shirts, made by thb Mgidaooly Whe u1aon-
lliifitiIol S 1is o t. itt Iljec'.tioss . ) P arch and the Trojan Shirt Facto-
tiy thiingr51114illttIlls 911 rI'1111c- tese"2 r'ies,75c each.
lEille. '1liie se c-il lell Ili ~of .111114 1 onarch White Shirts.
lies ill thiroqestionI (f 41111' receip "
s'Viile there mntav 101lhI' 11114 grace (1 1 -About 10 doz. Soiled and uanlaun-
jeeftisti to .the (olle"'tion (If aIin11111 dered White Monarch Shirts, reg-
litnal to defray -ilte lecessouly ex ular $1.00 Shirts, 5 ah
he'sl'e5 (f the 4g11e"'.ye0t 111Islahy ftr
lily hiateilga iln beyoud tihis shtitd Unlaundered.
be repulgn~an-t of callege ittl. aiditheli
existenlce tf large fulls collected by We have a White Unlaundered
higth adiiissisohifee'ls cret'1e5 11 1111 11111 .... "'...___... Shir't made from IUtica Cistton,
ill l'eltra14;11100 11111doff-cs thie p05s1 Continuous Facings, Reinforced
huity (Ifhldhig out s01111' iniial Sleeves, All-Linen Bosoms and
eslsidI'raitiara 10 indouce 111en1to e£5111 Cuff, mde full 36 inches long-
to 1-llege for ai-Iletic lpirhltccs. Whle during this sale we will sell them
rod;) ,1 1111a11.1ist1pa11d 1no2 coldlNl 5t0for 50c each
be0111 I'srheitherIAireetly 'or iidiretiy Ito
p1i111 onllailte111,9';y1't thelist aniehyit
Ilihililg lege4life tagrees 0authe and r,
ill til'hethlete. We 1o0notideenit
tt t hl', h t ste tbelieve. 1211 i -i 1 -1,i
ci ie onitlliithe way o(Sin11111 1
al1111 Illtt'hiilg tees to1Nl(elli ----.....-------x22 - - ----- -
shlil 1211 h511ht. Volr "t'lEhille i xII 1111 r No. rlatoo withyShsetls lf lan d rfr-q

1111111 111a1y'be realchledl;as ill hiow,-for
thle ('Xpt'hses ilicideilt to paili il a01.i
tI'hl imay I115l11'ily lbe 5ad 111 11
algl'eelhleult Inode to litnlit til l' 'I'
of caehitteaml.
Theses neatly typew'ritttml, .) cent,
pear folll (two coles). 01'1til 1111'ad1-
Iress S. A. Harper, 327 r. lihierty
St. f#.
Send to
237, 2MS.241 Woodard Ave.. Dtroit.
Designs and etmates furnished on all worh
of this hind.
Sparkling lExtravaganza
The Trip for 25, 50 and 75 cis.


Pr105 335Q liliiUW16
STypewriter Machines """

" The English Language
Ain't strong enough to express my feelings," says the farmer as he-
looked back down the hill "and found his load of potatoes ,had slid out
through the opeo tail-hoard. We advanced the same sentiment our-
selves awhile -ago when some cuss from the country, with feet as big
as the side of a hamn stepped all over or sore corns and hunions.-
Happily, however, we discovered Sarg's Corn Plasters and our feet
now feel fine. Get a free sample of it at J. L Skinner's Store, 106 S.-
State Street, or at your shoe dealers and. try it for yourself. 1 dozen
plasters 25c.
268 Randolph, Street, Chicago, Ill. Sole Selling Ageints.-
Are alke In tishe-ney never seone singly. rt
is much the same with'the sale of a good pair of shoes-one sale is surestu be followed by an-
other. Eneughsald. Sell goodl goode.
Men's Calf Shoes, Hand Made, Tan and Black, Hleavy Soles, - - $3.50,-

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