I iuE uNiVLRsyry OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 4 1hIMF ST FMC-LGNDIY The -Store Department! The -vi j .,-Anflg cuts represent 2 of -i many styles of LADIES' WELT SHOES' W. W.VT 0Wvetmore, 048.00106 8. LMain St8., and 343. S. State *. HAS FULL LINES OF jUNIVERSITY TEXTBOOKS, NEW AND SECOND-BAND. ~NOTE BOOKS, and ~STUDENTS' SUPLIES, and offers all at the Lowest Prices. Students' Lecture Association Powers---- Washington - Sousa's ]Band --- Oratorical Contest - --- - -- - - - Jan. 22 ---- -----Jan 29 -Feb. 26 --- -- - -- - arch 18 An i W. J. BOOTH. Pros. W. ARNOLn, 1st Vice-pres J. V. SHEEHAN, 2d Vice-pres. JOHN C. WAL. Asst. Cashier. State - Saviiivs -Banlk, Transacts a general Banking busi- ness. Cur. Main and ituron Streets. ICapital, $50,00. Surplus, 500,0. Transacta general banking business. it. Knasre, Prrs. C. E.OGREN, Vice-Pres PREo . 1,BELSER Cashier. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital Stock, $50,000. Surplus. $150,000. Resources, $1,100,000. Organized underikhe Oeneral Bunking Laws of tkin State. Receives deposits, buys and sells exckange en tke prieri pal citien uf tke United States. Dragts ranked spun proper .identification. Safety deposit buses in rent, OFFICES: Christian Mack Pres,; W. D. Harrimian, Vice-Pres.; Ckas E. Hiscuck, Onuiv: M. . Fritz Assisant Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL B NKoruaniedl88i Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Profits, $40,100 Transacts a geseral- banking business. Foreign exchange bougt and sold. Furnisk letters uf credit, E. D. KINNE, Pres. HAERISON SOULE, Vice Pres S. W. CLARKSON. Caskler, C. ff. MAJOR & CO., The Artistic deorators Have a complete line of Wail Paper, Paints, Oils, Window Shades, Room Mouldings, Etc. Specialty of fine interior decorating, painting, frescoing, tinting and paper hanging. Only the best of workmen inployed. Work guaranteed. C. ff. MAJOR & CO., The Artistic Decortor, KEIN LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S Save your money by buying a season ticket. -----------nYi i a Once More Doing Business' HOLIVES' LIVERY, 515 E. LIBERTY ST. We have opened tip one of the finest livery barns in the state, with elegant carriages and line horses. Would like to have our old custom- ers renmimher thtat we are still on earth. We also kintdly solicit new' trade. Teiephone io6, Oid and New.j [amps Expressly 4o' Students' Use "The Rochester,'"'rTho Yale," "The Royal," "The Perfection," 4 "The Berlin Student," all iiickle plated, varying in price from $1.00 to $2.50 each. OLEvery student should use Dean's "Red Star." It gives a pure O L wielight, is odorless and does not char the wick. Deliv- ered in asny part of the city in our cans at 10c per gallon. For sale onlyhby T- T- ' -- . - nl - I' .w " Ym!' That we are offering week at thisI $2.70 These shoes are all of this teason's Last and Paterns and were formerly sold at $3.50 and $3.00 We h ave got more than we wish to carry over to next season, hence this great offer $2.70 DEBAN & COM\4PANY.I 214 South Main Street. ! _ iI, UNIVERSITY NOTES. fromtMlie two lower lawsv elossets. flioe fromthe li:ftesiinitiit l liW lass alie lie' ,hffenrsolinSrciety gill hol iissrs. 1). i'. buys, SItorks itl Slnt- CON. sit eletioli of offheer, tiler is*iiiit-i isniory. A nice~iug wos liehithiso- On iftg 'Soisordloy ighitt. lirlion. Vi1'110cntinitte,- have in ii oid Te sinior niedicol studitliis iXI)I- 0lfir st iliti setonhieliit, both rost- to liake atiltoisBattle (Week soonto0 rtiets vsery nt iiiiii i the pubiilc(y, visit liie'Sasnitaritun. Professor outS irs. 'Priioi,looil xviiil p Prof. ''libiiiso11ii wileliliii'to thiii'giv' a, recitl iin lihe Slitbssilisi i-1inreh sonierastbowetoss ftridoy It .1( 1 . 111. iithe 'vei'iigof Januiairy 24. 'This Al ilaoce of Priof. Siecieno. is thlefirist riie oithat roftessor and Prof. Kir,luii'r iegins his eoiirses iif Si.rrieloi hsi inoiod iec'tureOsitnstoiid iiid 7ife, ailid jiiint pilogroi in Aitti Ariseso. Pimtoe International lhawi before the Dr. C. B. Kiuyon will spteaktat tG"(1ro tow cltisses tioday. bodeing of the V. .SI. C. A. next 'Sun1- Thiis evesiiog SirAls. .,..(tsoy ay ~oat 24. His 'et ilb,(Jun" wiii entertaiii the Betao 'Piieto lI'f'.-°i houghts oindlTheir Infuenice" Mess13 ieoiiity iii1iioniir of her gusests, ao re' nigedl to aittenii this snmeeting, ldeoidyeor, of C'licasgo, and Shiss Sps'~iui uussh. will be rois-iled. 4 Frdtiiingiisni, Of -Detroit. Susndbay, Taii. 23, will lie tbserved u iiGuy P Lsris" wt the Atheus ' Tb1e- Ann11ivsersary Day liy the V. St.('. .A. -ter 'itiirdisy nigilit. sl Ini the evenisg; Dr. DaciiF.I 'radley, of __a___let__05 Griaindil ttalids, wiii deliver the ai}tinl 't'lieses 'nestly typew riitesi, i eents __ address before thie 055:eiatioli, ahit cii per folio (Ito copies). Call osi or adl- =congregtbouiol chumch, dress .S. A. Harper, 327 7. Liberty Tue conniliee of three apointed St. -On W1 by the senior low closs to arrasuge for -WA &n or.ator attheb Washingtoin's Birith- TO It N'-Fro t und side sunite, Ofc dlay rcelo ration iias hi'eu -ugn uto de eminprovemeats. Inqusire oft. Michs. by the addition of three ineibirs ecli B. Feker, i77E. University 'uve. iBaarg WVeftSoese. Sizes 2 1-2 to 8.1 Ladies' Romeo Alaskas [eOvear]79c MACK &CO.I Bat residence E. Liberty St., Ana Arbor, .All rusinesConfidential. Honurs, 7to z. and yino$Op. ms. Joseph C. Watds. rgains inaSecond-hand Watihes and Ola- For Forty Years - TRY THE:. Toledo -GOLDEN SCEPTRE3 Steam Laundry Hsbeen smoked by college men and is to-day, a LEADERI And SAVE 20 PER C~ENT on whsat you XrO mildswet mitur forthenew paying forla]sdry weork, Leave orders asa pure, ml,seemitrfoth pipe. at 123 South aisn Sret.