THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILI. THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGA DAILY. 3 Great Reduction Sale - For One Week Only SWEAT[RS GLOVES.. GOLF HOSE $4.50 for $3.45-$4.00 for $3.00 $3.50 for $2.85-$2.00 for $ 1.39 $2.00 for $1.87-$1.75 for $1.49 $ 1.50. for $1.42-$1.00 for 69c $2.25 for $1.75-$1.75 for $1.50, $ 1.50 for $1.25-$1.00 for 89c Neckwear, $1 for 63c-75c for 4c. Fancy Hose, 75c for 63c=e5Oc for 43c Fancy Shirts--the best 90c i COMIBINATION UNDERWEAR PAJAMlAS. IN OUTING FUANNEL MAIN STREET, S. AC K & ,CO.. MAIN STREET, S.. . You want a Mando- dolin, Guitar or Banjo, don't you You want the price right, don't you* SEE OUR WINDOW. ANN ARBOR MUSIC CO. 205-207 E. Washingto St.. ANN ARBOR 'rime Table, Sunday, Sept,. 5, 1897. TIME TABLE: Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Standard Time. 8:43 a.m. *230 am *12:15 a. m. 11:25 a. om. 4:46 p. m. 8:40 p. m. 'Ran. between Ann Arbor and Toledo only E. S. G ILMsORE, Agent W. H BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo 0. MICHIGAN (jIf11AL The Nigara Fallb Route." Central Standard Time. TRAINS AT ANN ARBOR Mail anidEx.-3 47,B., N.Y, Chi.---- 812 N. Y. Special.--4 5 Mal--------------.9:18 C. R. Express --_"71 10 Pacific Es.3-- 2 30 *N S Limited---_8 10 r M. Eastern Ex------ 47 Western Es.---1 38 A. '.GR. &K. E ___5 5i D. N. Express ----5 .505 ChiNe. Es.----7 47 Atlantic Es...7 30 *North Shore Limited is an extra fair train lo be a charge of 83.50 to Now York than on other trains. 0. W. RUooG.ES, H. W. HAYES, 0. P. & T Agt., Chicago. Agt., Ann Arbor CAN FU INISHI MUSIC OF FIRST-CLASS. Orders for all Fraternity parties, club dances, etc. Leave orders at Ann Arbor Muasic Co. or at Residence, 1710 G ddes ave. P,.S. - Will take pupils on Piano and in ight reading at above named Places, A. 3J.Johnston. . of M. Shavng Parlors and Bath Rooms' 322- SOUTH STATE STREET. Ladies, artintic Hlair Dressing op stairs Old friends tall again, We welcome new ones. J. R. TROJANOWSlKT, ENOCHi DIETIIRLE, ElIBALMER AND IFUNERAL DIRECTOR. Calls AhtendedI Day or Night. No. 116 East Liberty Street: Residence, 533 South Fourth Ave. Phone 129. RANDALL, THE PHIOTOGRAPHER, WASIIIGTON BLOCK. ANN ARBOR. DROP IN AND GiET ONE.: SD W. MI LIARD'S Football Calendars for 1898. WNest Liberty Street. F. ~ ~ ~ ' J.S H E D . . CHRISTMAS!1 340 S. STATE STREET Tk oeoeo Book Binding.. ...... cents and up cur -U. of M." Pins or Solid Cold Fountain Pens.0.1.00 and op. ome10other niovelty in Waterman and Wirt Peas in stock aod s u ae Pens Repaired.,o Ie Whoesale and Retail Paper, li% lbs. of kin- LEAVOA ING en Paper for 505. VV= A .ol aEWELER FULLER & ERANEK1 - -TATILORS Cleaning, Pressing anod Repairing. Work called for anod delivered. Il2 S. STATE 81'.. over toaey'e. Phone No 2314, New State. N OW is tile time to join the claoses at Granger's School of Dancing! TERM BEGINS WHEN YOU DO. Ground Floor, Maynard Street GRANGER'S ACADEMY. 0.:1 FUNERA Eml NO. W9G Ambulane Residence. Next Choral Union Concert. Gymnasium Wor. AILI } ~ Thothil ccoie t il 1::',C::rsl 1D:. I ilgsrssislu~ss'e ;lsinlsssisc 'snks, Vt l~iil se ris occurs 515ia~i dy tvt5' X55wry15111:11pleasied : ith tils is. liltls- higA ass. 14. 'The instersst inthi5s cel-l- i f1 11 I~ 111 rnss a51 o~iwll i tSfrI il.t, i cheaply, ee'rt cl~ls tssbe very grs': thonll: s s:::iill atifs11 llsl'ty, ssiii ltefas(t c lsioiiga,1:'svrtpsip1: lissi}f sitghtstill thes 83ili thesily ssslsetrs i~xu at teef tlss' 1sisioys-. licollenIslack f lightsSee otsr wi iscisi ageill Ali rlssss ' a 1ding- hs '- OiDi sskl is c~ ls:1.~ ige ssily sitissl sl iss' sssIs: flsoss's of F0 R...... ills' ssssilssilig--iS s:to4 ,tuith -p r. l a2I issl5tss c1asses :1 12:. usi pill ist 0 et ss yeas as Is i a, :14s00I, s i's :sl 1s:. I s:isi 1 I :sssls' ls:'ssfs£ssiiisl ssssl'ss'S-ssssls tfltoi i:Ii 1-olsscts iillilic slllil Mr. .isoiisis. Bi s ivv li day ts 3)5:1 tt. t I. vllrT. wli~ as sirg i ssssiosf wslos. Mr'. Josa 31:55'': ss slisi 1 0 lo"elibra~l ALLII, ivill i11 s'syul2tis lsls willsh t'e D=tissil 5 ° rve t pev nstei it£ id"lr h i'lslisirsssonis' ('1sil, lss'5fssll iste , 15lr tlas. lv liss fas t 00issI.111 510 i'Snelio 'tiistt fsst piano , . ofs'r c'stss IlsllIIi511 s Illssllt and1 ibsss. 1,wPiss 1su, sill aso11l5 5v1 '-1151 111 csslicsilio o sf svlsicls 31 is'isicss ls sss. s1 isi ill ~r i e llofor Ilhoses'whosslhavs' :5}t51 y'c t~ls Ilset~ 055'iatol iil'lllsl3will s'1lesach illi st irisg S10t t. trtret. r. I I bt~leil, fle ial I D olsn stil 7 t10 S t £isis-is sss-sisst. i'Istri AND C s'sllso ii :iis or05' issi isv 7551. 5i3;55-sI :tlof sstlshansd lssll Isssrllsil~iit v sVs1-s ssol iOist sVol ilows's fiisis and1151lDs. i512gs'll511lisss ssffs'rs'ss *f is s oi'.'lis'slsi, isl; 1h55y'a s o IsI t will I)(s19WI s i price.113.5 selilitsat, llhis cosis's I will irsos': s til~tily ossesiPis-ssf iatsilrv, , sl CAEND)ARl. (allo1t fsili 6f w-ilsisiis-cthess' s'ssissse~l FridatyJain. 1l1.-ShomossssresBllp at - sitio isof ii a ll l it~i-t sr cli'istit is.- G'rianger's. 1555515 513 ioit 'of tils'Isos. Fridslay, Jail. 14-'ilsiril("ssrssli I liill s55i'~ltat 111 lsir rsisil 1:1.ill. RvO( MLS- niesly ftlrliissls'slfronsiSa Ituirday, IJis. 22.--I s'lssissT'. I'i's : suiitsit 7250 Csthls'ris I, cisrntsr of s oilliiUiiversily hli. vl~lsay..Ve'ryS tiitsp. 'Illi's.sdiy, .Jan1. 27-Jolint iesst'iscsf i'llilgzicsi l andI'll iioossilsisvsl 151.'(- Harvard, Co: Adivertise ill the Daily. ties arI ictilrs.' loslili, Tlllssiss1ii1i1. vernitliee. E: eealed in or: Price,. a. X. MARTIN, L DIRECTOR. balming a Specialty, 3F OURTH AVENUR. Ie night or day, 102 Filth Avenue. TON TEUFEL, iiEADQUARTERSoFR 'alines. Dlress Suit Cases, an& Telescopes. nd Valises repaired, neatly and- No. 307 5. Main Street We have just re-y e teived a large line indow.of PIPES [.ER' S Jewelry Store .ey's Chocolates -00 ril1'/lTO-- 'GRETIS, iS you wish. ~AL!R ALL GRADES Or 3SOFET. CANN EL AN D FELESS COAL S STABBLER, Vashincton Street IPlone8 Thei Name nhe (.unrantee. SPALTSINSG'8 Foot Ball Supplies For '97 Every Requlsite for the Game. Managers will do yellito write for samples and special rates. before purchasing. The Spalding Official Foot Ball. 7, Yale, Prirceton, Peneylvnia Drnsell, and all otber leadlnn nE- Dach ball tested and packed, ar ti eparate box with brass inflator 0sOfficial Fees BalilOsuide Edited by WALTEu ClAEP. Peat-- of Fail and Winter Sports, rama. SPALDING & BROS,, k Philadelphia Washington FINE NEW LOT OF ashbwurts. t Just received. 4 priceo on STRINGS and TRIM. NGS for all Instrumns. 5 BERLE'S MUSIC STORE 4 feat L iberly st., Ann Arbor. 6 Univers ity !,choo1 of IDancing, Slate Street, opposite Law Building. Terms $6.00 a semester - - SinglIe evensings 53 cents. Offlce-427 Thompson Street. KINDERG3ARTEN (SQUA~RTERS) Call and See Us, RERTSGHLERI THE PHOTOGRAPHER Telephone '.I0. ANN ARBOR 1Advertise in The Daily= Spaidng, far 807 paid, ,a cent: Catalogue AE.G, New York Chvicago ILowest p MIDI SCHAEI