'2. THE UN1VELVti1TY LDF MICHIGiAN DAILY, fI~ ~ i 1 Z -4- Physical Culture in Colleges. ~k' I~~R ~ tepys are being taken at Harvard to establish a reqiured course in phiy- Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during iti clture whlielt will couant lou ~tard the College Year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF M ICHIGAN a degree. Three plaits haveheeno pro- posed by Dr. Sargent to thet faculty EOrrtCEt Times building, 329 SSMale St. be- r iuit~ npyka riig n tween Liberty ta William Sts. ttttte npyia riig tl -of iltese re-qulires tuhysical excatiiti- St ANSA GINGISTORt J. F. TeoMSuc, '5 L. ((its 4uliolt etttait e'atnd cntyeair --ctllreu(fe r tttfil grtittiion. 'the itt-ti 0).11. HArS, '05 L. N-11 ed~d~ non.l~;avl EItTORtS ttg ro thteir cttlt,ilsilities, atttttiff totet H. 0. SKIo,aLMAN, '50 L., Athletics. excit(ise ltrcx[ 'rrtltZ for etielt groi.i) E. L. Onismno, 'at L. 0.0D. lieosuw. '00. Thte secottttMilt an lls fore an exoitito- BoeTEst LASS B'05. T. it. WuOOuw,'98 at too titid for (tree hiurs ti week of t. 4. CAMPBELLt, '05. A. CAturiitL,, 9. execie, trgtlier with at weekly lee- k+. ENGELHARn, '08.' Before Havinc Tour Phoo'5Ta1e~ INSPECT THE WORK } Phoo's T'ake ...AT. .. T h e 5e rryman Studio (Successor to G~ibson & Clark) 112 West Huron Street, Ann Arbor. The suhscription price of the Daily is $.500 for the college year, with a regular delivery begore noon cacti day. Notices, communica- tions, and other matter intended cor publica- tion most be handed In at the D~aily office he- fore S p. in., or mailted to the editor before a p. in., oc the day previous to that on which toene are expected to appear. Subscriptions may be left at The natty Office, Me~yrrs or Stoffiet's Newstand, or with. Business Manager. Subriberc wil roe.- tee a laver by reporting promptly at this office anv aiure ogcarriersoodeliiver paper. If teoeotrci-ars iltoen'ito o-- litle t(lie tliiof wi-artig tips):aitd guwits, i tit ttoldliewelt if t ii ttir ,wile brtouighitiu ltier in itt i rt lhao has btenithlii- tratiee ((in t'e1p1s1. Thtose xwiii'lttrt(tasedtl ' itotutties htave hetretotfotre' Ott-citit thelit' ttort'y; tu-rits ittali-tiry ,ttutsk on t(he qties- tion ti14tiglt iirt-it t(his dolitsllty. Illinois College Anniversary. 'Pitucsevei -tciltiitcersttr(-Of tt' founidoing of Ilhititti ('suge otissct'-- bitateil t a( *Oaksivll, ilit., itit 'ruts- tily. Addresses wire nititeh by mttny U0ev, Qf lros I3. Barton, a ittetther of tiii-fiust ohiss grtiduted- 'The eislegs' xxas orgatizteidnii'r thei leitilersolipitof Otex-. tdxxxIr1 Bet cliii, wvho 'titie its first lirisid-%t(. It 'tts, (lie goivernotr tif llitttis, whlo -tis aii iiitier of t( i lit lt~iss, xxttrli giradatedtiilli1831 .atutu VUiiltt ell- vinigs Bryti. A New Debuting Society. 'fu ic HaiilltnIsoieic lately ergoti- lze-i h l ttix irartltt, aitoitttes liii'folloinicrtg lixsraini firti- Stttrtiti tifteritoon ti i1:8110ittRom14 of thei Itai cv builihitig; ortation, Mr.telrgousedt; Moes ss, l.ilt-k, 1-1urris -Intl Iltiie; debte, "R'ltsttet, 1'htututptital punli- lostitient slioitil bhi' tihl; altiritit- tic-c, Messrs. ('ox tatd Anstiti. tteg~tiii- U. of Me. Lighting Plant, P'rof. ('ixebtirt will coittinuse the series of tti S 00tle tU. Of MM, tighthIig Planit tteat Stturday ec-inig. 'This c itlbthde ((idtiddress of the svi-ics, Prof.O(rtirtr's subjsect tiring -"Tht 1y steot of Disiritinftion" 'Tese talks 0111 (il1l' itirv Iitlit areo' peoilg -ety polahr cit the students is they give one a siplendidh (-attetoi undotrstauid the teory -intl wot-kitgs of ie sys- trio. NOTICE.~ -A photo of the football teato will he taken at Itentseblero Saturdaiy inoroing at 10t. All piyes Nwho hkeys the 'Varsity MH arc expected -*to he Ltin, frUist.}om itt tt: ys'x 1. Sji. 1 )Lt iltI i1I f''i111ya.Tte lastjltripss.' i g frtodit urse iilltjysttif'~ xei et' tl:rtoiglh (lie 'our years, iiis (hittliit-' Vlioe (dtil'tlgyitltmti 'Wo-ktvttitc-lO' titig"It ity -i ilt111otr of iisiiiictti'. 3 Itis tiolitibli le ia'.sti-sol lpla ccill he, aitpleti. birocc ittivei'tyreqiries tis-it sill- 1,11 to o'xitcise fiour'l'tiurs awecek it the gyvitoisiu. Forii is's toi11 (I cfrieslotn tist' elonilt -hilts, Ith'ettii itu os iluitib-helts, tlii-ottlior1s otig' stic-ks, andtOhIto-setinir:f'>i-tugfils. Each studoent is re gularly tmatrkotd tut o-re-ilieot Itlt lis, g-ytittisitil testis, fat fhfulne"santoil ltituiity(toil tuglii 01, s. t t L a a Will Soon Have Light. t As stolin s tOur:rkixts, cftlit t:ret'- e'xpectedo'ldaily, tirrive tlt.-- otliti ictitt S ho ligfuied upt. There- tre to Ire ititto ate alights, six eti 'ito- six ireto-11'1t1it d(ott to tutor etir-cittOtt' on l tit 011 tutu tuorner onth(to'front sitd- of the, loii ItuildiitacatO otle ini fitt of tilt Philosophical Society Tonight. 'fli'le '1~ltil ili SoJity ccill ilt-i-i toictteriaitl oris i;i Itoititti. Clr. (litt-C' tiortitl ilOtstituss ccill be -on1isi. -of tt tile its 1isoutt. Of-iWtktAN .NND Sl'ANl"it rifS-It0tiL. Ahretist f t(etiiies. Ouit- totetttsd, thto Natuiral, Pesttaoczlitlttor tCtonvti-- sauItinat. Out- spec-ilty, Itiiotuatit' or tudiros , .L. lKaurf nui-it, tertotu cud Spoauish Schiool, 3214 S. Statti'st., Anni Artior, Mle. ' 7"i OF YOU WANT THE REST FRATERNITY STATIONERY, BADGES OR-. PINS Send to SMITH, STURG EON & CO., 2c7, aa39, 24a Woodard Ave.. Detroit. Desins and estimatesoturnishedon alt work of this hind, CLIFFORD'S GAIETY COMPANY$ Sparkling Extravaganzas t Y GAY T~l~ $PARIS Ciii0$ UP-JO-TJff-MINUT[. $ SThe Trip for 25, 5So and:75 ets. Should the Glovernor of South W Carolina meet the Governor of. North Carelina On the baths of the raging Mron he would no doubt, say: "'It's a long time between now and July 1, and if yout want o e ote of >t the boy-in other words, a live wire-yon had better take the aNttouMpiesuSt'N~ U. of M. Daily MANOOILINS And gt the current college news uIITTe abrnis teBoandJol Itau en de rf$5 sade."enmake ofworld-wide reptatin. Sold unprcedntedoffr of$1,b0 i mae ty first-class dealers everywhere teen "Think I will," sid the other gent, $15.00 upward. imitated extensively, and they took a drink-of Ann Ar. so e sre that the name "erge horos famous water. Wshurn" is hrned upo the itside. Leave yur name and iaddress for A\ beautiful Washrn Book rttain- aregular morning delivery of the ing portraits and letters from the Dr DAILY the rest of the college year a ekes, Calve, )ames, Nordica, Sal- the . ofM. DILY ffic. ci nd too other famous artists eind he OJ of . DAIY Ofice.trackers, mailed free upon request. Atdress Dept U, 328 SOUTH MAIN STREET. LYON d, HEtY,I ate Phone SUBSCRIPTION $.50 Cr. Wbesb Se. and Adas St, Chi ,,J No. ,5 ite wihinStente g iesdefer -" gebard eely, C~IuIi. Typewriter Machines -~ "J Cqual ay of tilg-ped mchiesi apamistiy Snad qality of worm andec hes matocmeimc. l'Prcial, iwpced, portable, lebard addaoes. _ A aloeS s a ND seHe eaaa.aea * -W t obn N.- tiCted ts astietts r rwdtg lwysia teieveraa Keybad. Tpppeiabogeibt. L~ust o anyone hudred ot tstttuiiitgaed - ..maret., tndgel ast. 3$,0m0Sd in Tws Ver. Ndnbi lte 55 on me, .ee a amamn maWoul ea FAIRBAIRN & CO., fteeral Aeos uuertaemtueedeir 93 riswld S t., Detrit, Mch. 're won ecx te I. lS. AI rLA 85 ort ., Lcal Aget dM'N YOu-5e~HMNNNdN 'IiHNH- The English Language Ain't strong enough to express my feeigs," say he farmer as he ooked hark down the hill and found his load of potatoes had slid out. thtrough te open tail-hoard. We advanced the same sentiment our- selves awhile ago when some us from the country with feet as big as lbs side of a hrn sepped all over our sore corns and bunions. Happily, howover. we discoveed Srg's Corn Plasters and our feet now feel fine. Geta free sample of it at J. L. kinner's Store, 06 S. Slate Street, or at your shoe dealers and try it for yourself. 1 doen pl as ters 26c. PARISIAN REMEDY COMPANY, 208 Randolph Street. Chicago, 11. Sole Selling Agents. A GENUINE CLEAN-UP---- lisn Of dropped lines-an opportunity of unexampled randuer which comes just once a year and this io the "once." Styles sacrificed are: Men's $600Patent Call Shes..e .. ------ . -- ....... e' a0 af$od --- -- --------- - WAI. J. APRZILL., 119 EAST WASHINGTON STEEt. Subscribe for the U. of M. Daily $1.50 ]UNTIL, JULY 1.