JAM ff E4 r 1 3 I VOL. VIII. No. 73. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 1898. PRICE-3 7CENTS. WILD for Fall and Winter in Suits, Trousers, and Overcoatings ~10. lOBE. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN Al legretti's Chocolates.... Fresh-everyl week. Only in packaes- lO0e a pond. Lwney'. if you prefer. nS PALM ERS' PHARMACY Just Received a Large ad Eleat Lime of New Pipes!I Bt and Cold Luches at all hours. Agets fr Husyler's and Willamsosad Werers Ceo' Chocolte Baa Bes. - R. B. JOLLY & CO. 08 South State Street Cold Snap Coming Winter is not gone yet and more winters are coming. A chamois vest is the est protec- tion against cold winds. Saves doctors ills. We have morked ours down to cloe them out. If prie is any inducement you will buy when you see them-for men and women in almost any size. $1.00 up. CALKINS' PHARMACY Just received a special line of SWIFATEFRS -Clor Guaranteed, Quality the Best. The most satisfactory made for the money. Each $3400 snd $3.5. Gymasium Suits and Shoes a Specialty. .....PRICES RIGHT..... WARR'S BOOK STORE Vp Tows [Dow-Towse . Statt.onAboe Oppsite Cotoos. FESTIVAL OF MUSIC. Opera Co. ill New- York, hao firmly e- Philologla's First Meig _____tlselr-ohits lelOpltitoll 0)11hisiodet (0 tie Allooltie 1111, rI 110stootil Wlui spirit010of 001e A Complete Announcement o o lolcr i s elk w ta Icic o ro11toogi vssrt- the Soloists. i oosols- o lr~lytlllo-cs lry totsay a Ht, 1111fist rgroi feetltgo f 1110e o- ll -lts Iv orfotIte0em0edttcc trltooo. a 11matter1 ofosr.tof the, r 10000000 0ere0 clio'l 0101 el at foot-thle Mo i.t le 10 o o l(OO i~ll 0-f Worestlr. 00 00000 totx- i as oaskedl to ll l rit-11(0e0.of at W ill 001010 So tt-lldayc, a1 110000doloailtd c-o liotolar0ist,0will also, tkoL-a10(t10 1100111 lo-loee at 0it 11.000( tilt. notc,, (0000n1111of 111w solost, tha o has y etO'Bores scill bein 11 0(1(10 1010to thea lo rto 100111 illiocte-oc or r01 totio s-oa 00000 e o i will ite 01o ttpo001110 i10 ttis - - ttttt,0 itil a o 1 -0l toto. Acs tta ooson edtbetot-e teittlist tot.aooterltoenrc,(0d(1iti tll plo-ci - T he nto-elxt tortir xcill I- 01 l tt is toscfollows: to at-l; ith taiioitotie oratro whose 110100 10 it 102 (1nxt Stoilrity ilorhio ll tle (totpotanolo-oe. leefoolainott« a- - too io e-io-to- b td is i"c l olx-o--l. '1hit theil r rltooc. iii h n i ss Nplo-ito Clttoolen11cThesulloBtlorr;1 Ii te-15o, ol. rger;'Itletoto t. h, ci'snii Aral 1rct-ior tt O t heI oohlol oiectiont itotoc010 of gool iithoo londoiio- to, totolltlllttttltI;lo co O~t. loo-lst o f oO it (~olnloot- oill 00(0too000 0ttakl p o tiverof lolooteyoil ri Los m>ariog a;tto sio otf i aowolt 10 1.0. 00 10("t 1 0to-ooo~ toh an0 oo d 00., toctf: Wagneria o ai o01, tin lit 0501n-000, scil oeilo- to- 1 00 totSo e 1 looe b-cit-b o 0 ((ItheI o clo-tyo ,A itoooi tt 0Many0frolibleoritcsItti0 of I celotoikoococitialo co 00 ishouldlohato in th0eit tooieto too0000 the0 loot o ti t tio to, 00000 , of1Ioopranro vir o o n , L n er yil-.0 p01 t l oiox. nx r -itr d be o e h 111 ; ox-lo ts ol ctoiiarkao ltoie ttpf or ole - 00000 iof loll-eserv tto o t- e tifortole F-tootti I oo Il t foto Io log-l i o th pt of o n t a, tillonetl leoc (0 s ltiv l illb tin o. ltto ci boor. Io 15lio-o to - ooot lrlo th0lestby ,Wienbfoy;lotec1000tAolndtt- vho d t ci tor o1 sitootto-eOr iOtto sc se ls oilt e .otv l n u tl I tl 1 liy otoooooiootoi ttotto t~-I Bayreuth and Wagner. a(t ll trl00l00 proety e oecotitt It 1 aofoiogocxoohi it andiiooo ot byt (boril ltitcrl000lr ~ lt o bo t oo tiess Iro-isoorto 0000 O, t i t0ttle ttooo ric0 rottlt o- 0000- -is-- Ibl.lloo knool Oc. ~altoo P.ot ortf l lit ~l l ishold Wssc heaoli bo nst- i00- 10 o ltyloot1 eoyx-lt lo s , tol 01 rn in ,vr t er ny li l s tAe r oioro,, o11 Bo0 oosoiey le(t- c i ooo Sbto e Avoeoii 1(00tls onoti fsot- io or r i voc t- ab tt surp ssed or c u alb ti e di e t o ;t e tioo us ot- l o i l loto- x iooo boo v eo t eiotiy ~ e t ' y e l b a o s r 'lo'iyiiog Iandioit i spa ',1i-ted d B ruhthe-irloiliio Ilto t 0tik~g( to iii a itO ofor0 istroo toI i ofo thooorl.-cnrwhoho-heil ltkeotttil ,ol. Ito Motolol t i It ocoi. -y, aioiy sice lo ooooioioo c to olc l o ot 0 totrieAigl loioalmiaket. sirs. .i-ttotoCrio-kY1 lterlko f Boo s- olo--t Sttaneya ltondg leoleo. lFor 'lt!o.- -_____y___ ten.is averu brad da000100011r 0 01jorty i s btr teo0(0 00551110Piof.! Freshman CardClub. co-ot.is o-asily tfeloeadinolog oraotintsanbles 0 oy- otoobe100--toe oslsll1110000' No-cs- lotindoio. lerr wcorko icn11000'e than toboe01 in prsn (ostelo es Thoo troiotoo-ooof l- Plo-Ildioooo to- ss oll kownoo-o i the.' ces't tooit olooroc:, f- -as ant dequat ie.othe0- oogreoll trliieo l holtOit letio 00 0horsigono ]-ti tos v~o emmbr e rinik fiva--l 1s roncerone." )10o lreo- - -I'l! biose Poat ocoloody- 0'5o-tig itoo tolb eoootoorrroooooooo-o thioo (lie ltoitoi ilbli ven1000n-dcriihieo-goco-ces oognize tb. Freshman c0a(ilol bb. C' svcecral yea attgoocaol redoily stode- I the choir,0at theoM.oioo ((or llcio lo o ckw oroAltDlo ierwa tilidtoo atiofshe will givo-totiteo-lyl daor ilL 17, t. or-olooo elcx-d!priox-ocoi looo t ooPo t cu , osl'o it oto-o-ioroio-on of (le oooooobrc iO -so-,~Vtt 1 oon ' .ni tbsot- 01--otlooi~ot o h lo) ~O I 500000 t i' io,10 cenots ShieooldoD kisco, Bot TilcloP1i1 othoo Requoiemr-o. 0-ticolelool oer-r-iry ao.too l rrrc-. Nosiongero booAloorrelirs oo dexo oe 001Jeff ersonIan Society Program. It WcstooidedI ooito ho000101 ing,~oi toidostcriode, iiilieiroteion irot ry tw 505 coo ssooki. Fle irt oogolooo (boo lot tsco yoe,(hosnsG(ro-uleisoo- My '1'o1iooesgooooof(booheiof'liooioi 10sox- ootiiit cill Ioo heli lt Ithe Ail1.o stoeiiaindlor e Irlforiistsio-a- thl l t hoot (by too- St1t~lt1y ougt 10is00s010l0ow s: ltoPhi1o1oosoe, loria~y, loan 2) Woir-sfr eotic-il fitrml o-caiblooioe--0l1t0o1ioFo 11W. iHethery; Moo-i, lie poseion tsotObeleadoing ioorzco scoo-velsrerot Mr.1lu-ntoioreadn111g Mlrs. Will Talk on Spain. Iivsios-in thrcountry. 10I viiisobeoc booley; itrpoomooooojscrivocaotirms- intelrot to klowcthotshour10000justc o- otso e, . lRoppeiy,legoobive T fCTuco-l tsMe. A. B. Paleriorsll gie itfcal to reoin to itfoa r yeros' eootcgo-oo-ot too olo-ltib, "Becslv-eo. Ihit the Plo-oopeto liupon bohertaelos Sansoteo- fi-o- lonoioing odimatbr opeamoat O Mili- siotoof -blo- ioubliation~ of (le ton- it of Ooeho le' librsy Asocitons helms, Geetoosny.. 00ressiil Rcorodc oooto - cs-e ie 0000Sturdooay tiroioon. Ja. i5, at t: M1iss Surrers swork v soacovcrex-aito 0005015W. A. M. Rellaini P. olok, atot fl omiec of M.Iuitc satsfctratt he ~ e-51l ls'ost 000il ot il tooool, onegativsr Ii. C un0 dN. Fooo olo . Btl. Phtoogrps lo eicl I r. all will 10111lscwibhodelight boo-too- IiG. 1Borl. I''lmloer 1has ooll.coeo willlbe Boo-cl oc oiooooooreooo hat (olsheis io 100 illi- llliitrotious andth le boalk cr111 be boh again. Webster Society Program. rootertalobng oaooo inoructive. ALli- Mr. Wol. 1. Riegel.'crwto ccill b die inerested are loovited o ibie rs- ilooocanflyo-o-iemtbooerel for los itlost- T. he WebsteriSoiety cill lre-c~t-oln t. Aioiiisioo 15 centsl. gent1 i)rtoroanoe of tliiiat oof Ioarsaoobioboe1olwog1 oltroo i011rs lit -fle Daooltoiof ext tooxso wi light: 1localIsolo.(r. Melcelvey; es- Sng Rcial. sig Iioioth (ho ltReolsioo soaod te sa. 0.A. B. Prker;ospel-cbh, Mo. Bete- Ilying Dutchanaux."000o; ioprosoiitoso.Mesrs IWelioer, A s000recioal ciii be ieiOnex David tDisphaiio, solo, by lthec-v. oEganandl% . .Stl-i; crefiooo ..A. Weloitedy e-sning at Newberry lall is an Amferican, is eonsilbeo-eo one of Wilsoi.; debte, "Restoled Thtoftho by Air. Bowrne L ilecopol, br0ie of (lie greatest living beoitones. Hie oe- finanial polcy rroctosioiedd by Sc- Dtrot,.[Mr. aOnapol wiii bela, siled less in -lntgeid ndotol the (Jonoiloesoi reary (loge ion aoped," alirm,otie by his popil.bosJ( li N. Brolike, basso. ins the great Wagneriani irom is woll A. 1. Lynd and D. H. 001looposlege- a.fomier U. of Hf. student. At the ro- knowosn to Musieians; while l'ois00I s ire, (. H. Wilkes andl H. F. (lekequlest of his pupils here ?,r. Gnpol recak-able -ariieveieiitslist ls~l reading,1. C. Snith; rooal solo Mrslis consented 1o give tils recital. btle as a mieostber of the Metropolitano Levy. 1 I program illii be anonnced loter. . 1 .