THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 4 4 _hUNVESIY F ICIGN AIY The StoreSmkn r~ ackets! ,. r Ready for You. 'Students' L Washington------------ Sousa's Band...... aOratorical Contest . - (;d-ViBurton --------------- - Best effects for season '97-Black, Blue, Brown, Drab, {groy and fancies - perfectly' tailored- $5 to $20. GOODSvPEESD's, 117 MAIN STRE~E. ecture Association0 -Jan. 22 -----Jan 29 -----Feb. 26 -___larch 18 --_--April 8 $2.70 The : n iing cuts represent 1 2 oIf or many styles of, LADIES' weLT SIIOES, Save youP~ money by buying a season ticket. Lamps E xpressly 4o' Students' Use 'The Rochester," "The Yale," "The Royal," "T he Perfection," "The Berlin Student," all nickle plated, varying in price from $1.00 to $2.50 each. O L Eeystudent should use D)ean's "Red Star." It gives a. pure i i wite light, is odorless and does not char the wick. Deliv- ered in anry part of the city in our cans at 10lc per gallon. For saecny b DEAN &CO MPA.NY. 214 south Main Street. That we are offering wea'k at thisI These shyoes are all of this Eeasoil's Last and Paterns and were formerly sold at $3.50 and $3.00 We ilave got more than we wish t o carry over to next season,. hence this great offer W elt~oles. Sizes 2 1=2 to 8. Ladies' Romeo Alaskas [Geovearj] 79c MACK &'CON Athletic Board Meeting. M1,9y 27-'Wisconsin1 at 'hatsli:i. liii Ath'ticIh l ny 28-Michligan at ('ltihago.'Wi'.- 'nit tit't'l'i'(('oin at Evan1stati. ls ilight Ncis £; 11"('1 up t Iotteahl a O-Mctai tMds it x;0oi:; the 1 il itts ofataongaor'.it i:l 1v3-.Ieim t afsn l calllnittecs a111d1 nlpt'o al ttf ills lie'- 1not. at Evanstonl. >. ...,,. I Sl ilte i'la tartial eriitt. W J. BOTH. Prs. W. ANODlt Vice-pres J. VI. SHEEANat, 2d Vice-pres. JuHNt C. WAL. Ast. Cacher. State - Savilln -Baik Transacts a general Bnking r, bsi- i- arm-M&1Akdiiinitrs19Au E Cor.Alaad BrenStreet. ICapital, $50,00. Surplus. $3,00. Trascta generalSaingabusialas. f. KtAMPY, Prea. . c. G N. ooE, Vice-Pres 3 usa.H. BatSeauCahier. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS ANK Capital Stock, $50,000. Surplus, $10,00. Resurces. $1,10,000. Organized under the General Saning Laws of this State. Receive dosouts, Syanad sells exchange on the principal cities of the lUaited States. Drafts cashed upon proper idetificati. Safety deposit boaes to rea. Orrcas: Christian Mach Pres.; W. D. Harriman, Vice-Pre.t Cas lE. icock Cashier: M. J. Fritz Assit'at Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK rauzd16 Capital, 8100,000. Surplus ad Prfits, $4,55 Transacts a genera bakig business Foreign exchange ought ad sold. Furish ltters of credit E. . KINNE Pre. HARRISON SOULE, Vice Pres S. W. CLARKSON. Cashier C. In. MAJOR & CO.; The Artistic deorators h-ave a complete line of Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, Window Shades, Room Mouldings, Etc. Specialty of fine interior decorating, painting, frescoing, tinting and paper hanging Only the hest of workmen inployed Work guaraiteed. C. li. MAJOR & CO., The Artistic ecortor, KLEIN LADIES' AND GiTLEMEN'S TAILOR Latest Novelties in Winter and Spring (Garments. COR. WILLIAM AND MAYNARD STREET. One block west of Uiversity. Fine Confections Bon Bons and Chocolates. 200 EAST WASHINGTON STREET 316 SOUTH STATE STREET O F MUSICAL !@ Mel Gillespie, teacher of Mandolin, Banjo and tlultar. Istructor In the University. School of M~usic. 18 years experience aso a teacher. Call at Ann Aror Mlusc Co's. Store to arrange for hours. HOLMES' LIVERY STABLE. 509 E. Liberty St. Central location. Good Service TRY THE ,. Toledo *Steam Laundry, And SAVE an PER CENT on what oo arO now ayng for laundry work. Leave ordr a . Southl Main Street. I Alpril 20-Northwaeste'rn at Chii'ago. April 21-Michiiganii t Madisati. ;Apnil 3--MNichigtiiinatiEv anston, open dtie for Illinois. Atpril 27-W'iscoinsin at (lhi .batgn. April 28-Wisconsin it C'hicago. April' 30-\Nartiiwostcrt at Ann Ar- boi', Chicago at 'Chanipaigo. Altay -MAichigan at Cliatapaigis. Mlay S--Illinois lat Evatnstonl. aly 10-Illitlois at ('iieags. Masy 14-t'lii'go tit Anon Arliiir, Northiwestern at St1adtatlt. May 18-NWisaouain at Aiii Arhor, Clii- cago at Evanston.{ M ay 21-Wisconsin at Chicago, iltic'i- igan at Cianipaigi' Mlay 24-Chicago at Mladison. Mlanger itiircpii 1o1oi fill' i- 'toat1ility at enlay>jing ti o Ii,-til iandtidales+. ('OuchWaliiss in eel'l' nrg'st'd as teeai.d coatli aitti "lioty" ('tlarli. who tois o' a SIti'tiigai ntidndtIlthile Iawas'delsxtlrti'ttital'.; oi44itifi. T'he hoard ic-served is dc- ('"Iiioll ill flits ltatflr uinttia later -oet- hg. tlit'equesitto'ntWas tl-seli.Ill lend t il'all its aspectsa. Aftiso Cissy Fitzgeraldl, hit'fetl ' t't' ssaoldilandeet'.Avill he es'tis''taiiaed hb the fratetrnity of Alpha Delta 1'11d dtrntg liei'stay ini Ann Arbor. TO IiMAN-Fraist and sitde suite, icaslern imaplrovemntsf. Iniitre of J. I3. Felker, 727 E. Ini exrsity ave. UNDERLUBAIR If you are In wantof this article to keep the chills off the balance of this season, herelis your opportunity. For a short time, in fact they will not laot long, we wiil offer a lot $1.30 Mernse, a lot $1.50 Fleeced Balbrigan, a lo $1.25 Royal Ribbed underwear at.----- 89c ANCYSHIRTP We want more room for our Spring Stuffs., There's Sot one way to getsit-that is t clip the, prices below actual value. We quote you here Fancy Shirts that are worth every cent of $155,$Sill and7 5 $1.50 for - - - - - - . - - - - - - -- - No trouble to show goods. WAGNIR & 00tC., FURNISHBRS. 123 StOUTHI MAIN. STREET. I