2 THE UNIVE1t5ITY' OF MICHIGAN DAILY, Puhlinhed Diy (Suntiay excepted) during the College eara THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Qrsonr: Times building, 321 S. Main St. be- tween Liberty and Willam Ss MIANAGING EDITOR J. . TonuA, 'to L. BUSINESS MANAGER . H. iHAN, 1t0 . EDITORS H. B. SILLuAN, '18L., Athletics. E& L. liemuna, '01 L. G. D. lrowvUTT'dO. SUTtLR LAM, '00. T. i. WOnusOW, '98 L k. CAPBEL, '00. A. CAurnas, '9. F. ENGLoAn, 'itS. The subcription price of the Daiy is $2.50 for the college year, with a regular delivery before noon each da. Notices, communica- tions, and other matter intended for publica- tion mot be handed in at the Daily office be- fore S p. in., o mailed to the editor before3 p. i. of the day pevous to that on which they are expected to appear. Subscriptions may be left at The Daily Odfice, Meyer's or Stotiet's Newtand, or with Business bManager. Subriber will con- fer a favor by reporting promptly at this office anv failure of arriers to deliver paper. 'T'he:Dsily iis y 11to oe ht tilt driy hones have bTetlaitkein to a of- fiiensit xtili 1 to- '05ii't' t' two '0111 i.it'sitttions eut'Isllsittl oasy. Fioms Sa lierary stniit ithelsot' s'tis'itn whsat wtulidu1Wso'ctilistrsfitatims lOfIt s'ijs'tt. "tYorniesr tEd3itsr"'(lioosssohis loin detlisisissss 't-ltnty ul, forser 19 very goosds. 'iss guiteooin woo Mnagntg KEstlss'sf list' itaily fsr'at lesast six W'ekos, titt osit tf sts-is per'i'odl Iis 1peuliar ideasis'of uouisi'y cilury andsigod jsdgiatausid's tselordi t ctioseis rues5'igationti. tieis 55lii 110pos0ition ts judsg oftti 'srk te to-elosuvetisse sitlt-' Dtiliy. W' srt' uiiablue to dslco'se'sill lthe iirtieu'i' ist't' tius~siittse iisrit- lug Iurs'slssisiiisus'' sf sier and sabus' Whlichit"thorir ts'r s *'tso 0p'titicalsly lasmenits. 'TeDiy lists * ic 'tt'osust- itisulii to imaikesagtainsttilistco-esl ains]maketthetali'tas fsllow: 1,Piey ullsuppotoile'biltti'ols lot fanie's. 2. Theisir aosility ille;s'iit'g' f550 is toiiietlto cii 5115l. . 'Thss'Woisen 's hissitlldossto 11 ora-slly nstiiig. . C'o-e'sl reisottro ul ish' Dily hsve Ilt'uoiiafailuri'e. .It is ipossil' to gt netws fs'ssst thse:atiihoritiesamsog it' wo'lieui "hese'atilthills tsls'sss'ts list0Daly ssund' ansi if tle wothy genileilsa whowits kindi s'iugigto15t'tshi'iistt the:ss105of snuss adaussi ttose ns piniit fun' 1si1i totdsyyisies's 15to ipr'oe etac'h sttmetmaiside ute s iwie sly lusts gasi i ntiligtlii il. "A (lo-eti tt'isstst'fuss'tlls'Dlly uli 10never bitd iser pitgtatti'ta tkr with the Bosrs" Wasl,ws'"will sditlit. at ssiigexoelt'iottos1til t slIll'il tiat +to-ed reporters haveu siey-r sone anything Pfor 1us. Wc ne ot'rrsy tat slit ever ihsadiher phiotgrph takeslsn wilthie bsoartwifuoildiav' cheerd uts to hyv' eenlue so isoint Ter ot amnisg ie thruog of co-ed rousrtrs tsolnie wio. iiier rusittiSuiswillsite Daly. htd nt ttriosi her tlens'in ta nllikil. Mis(eirult Bck ws as- otler execeptioli. Mit tere iave hes:, others, t lat en oflems, woiwuee owtotauy on the "boast, or trying fol it, ans] Their activity hat ationtei to xartalcoy wht the Dily stated Mo,- da.'The 'statemnent that the Idea is prova-lentamong thie.e-otslothat the Daily -ho conucted for the interests of tnlileicaloinie brings lnp evea'lqsies- tions. In 1t'efirst place ow d111he ladlies knott watitaonatheic iterst lo? 'They leuer ais'oss a gmne, x- 'sept lsosiiy uu'hens admisionlitis fre. Agiin, hsne udo tey kinsow'tsst the Daly 1is -nsslotcdtll? They euar sutlshribes'fsr it; if tihey read it, 01st' Business Manager is lnot inncialit awarofts t' fact. Issconlssion,. us" rs' uwilling Is sitlibt hett 110article f Msonday is sts ~nl if srf-ouils'st fats s ned'sl trsf uesr suwilig tand aile to lust's tisos. tils all tit lete fa'ieince to the coursirusuly wortedlands "sss'sss'ritotsr" tssol'to the ls'iiio sttemets Olf tis.' exs'otislsl "Co-s'd ttoisssrist.'W"Ot'srset'comtpesliei ss tam-hL~tit s. "' si tt'0lits'tisu'pit;t'tnd pitiy 'ui, 'is tues." Mbueum Notes. 'lt'e 'inireshelol oslesisss of' tist' irass'tisi is beting rearrangd adsiclss- Os's] tiliti tsisoo0011s cse5s :anstetts' st ":1 te :helttill tush ut ons utlex- hibtition fT'e.ldak roonsj of tss us- 011511has beienusgrssusiy inproeltutie sistitionsi of a plsteotr soux'ea for tes tosd as's sre'e's, andstletic'i'ligti fsr le osliiitiligtst. list' sls'ssiis t'tlNittiti is beig cassiietidsiirea- nesset.This tsouey nescssatrty te, issom O)iCOf itso'spcsimessnslae iot beenic t'lssesiasiltken551 itu of for 20~ ors'3'(1years P'of. liec hosts tutu selir al a'- srHs-s lsfosre the tGsosd ttsveiitt'ust tClbt istors'ouu anititattStuok in tise ''tlisst Hlli locisirs ' itottheitI usulje's'f."Corp'lorations, andthe tis nlte." Every'one is invied. 'ICMAN AD t)SPANtT I ;C401.. Abre'ast of he timites. Oist iseilod, use Nats at, Pesttalsozianistr Coter satisonss. OtroSpecialtt, Idiomsatic Prouniation andIl es'tisn. Cliioo, or tadres . IL. Katfiuassi, ttrtsaa catd tSpainis Mcioolu 324.S. Sttsts.. AnnisArbor, Ilici. 73 A iphosiso of ts' fooutasllttirtr uill bus itken st _ etlsi'er'o Sttristt' minig siat . All llaerwo utsasvs ue 'Varsitt' Af art exeted'to'i tsis tpre eit. '.thsesonetltytputieriten, 3 cetisi per foliso (uwo stoies). Call oit o' ad- drss S. A. Haier 327 7. Libiery s. 7hGC IF YOT WANT THlE PBT FRATERNITY STATIONERY, BADGES OR PINS Send to SMITH, STURGEON & CO., 3. 23,.241 Woodard Ae. Detroit. Designsod etimates frnished on all work of thia ind. A TT HE f TONIGT The Famous English Beaty and Orig- inal DteyGt j CISSY THE DANCE I FJTZGERALID, Presenting New Yentas GreaetA Laughig Succea, "THE FOUNDLING," By Wm ILetocq, auhor of "Jane's) and E. M. Robson, an produced for OA nights at Hoyt's Theatre, New York. SEE CISSY WINK I 1 Prices - 1.. .- - 5, 15, 75c and $1.00 Seats now on sale. ~JINTR SHOES T l -OF- - Every Description. O A LARDE LINEtOF CYM SHOZS t '~' 0' SEE OUst WINDOW 1 BEAUS SHiOE STORE, 09 N. Man Seret. Opposte __________________the Court House. Shirt Bargains. Before-Inventory Prices. The choice of 25 do. (colored i ~Bosom wth Colored Cuffs or all usts Colored Shirts, made y the Mon- 5 arch and the Trojan Shirt Facto- ries, T5C each. I Monarch White Shirts. Ahout 10 do. Soiled and unlaun- ..p idered White Monarch Shirts, reg- t ular $1.00 Shirts, 75c each. Unlaundered. We have a White Unlaudered Shirt made from Utia Cotton, Continuous Facings, Reinforced Sleeves, All-LinensBosoms and C.uffs, made full 36 inches long- ® 4lduring this sale ue will sell them for 50c each. [ r Typewriter Machines SCrasl ay nof lbhe ih-prced ma cliesafis cpacip S ad qaityf soradescel the nnvninse. _ , Practcal, lo-piced, poralle, keybarlmaschlaes. ,,. BeOS 4 5UTZE5 ANn OauACsars. -p bn ib No. si S Pirted at Sientfic nr {piis ala a , Ustesteyboard. igtPre. $HI0-h- Tpeituobngeblr. prmltig ss 'Cqeltoan on hndeddota neqalldInMni- n -er.. pchy oatconsarum.- nearoSld rmr sm ~r~1 es~'s i Tw Year. )Losnbnnin _ _ _ _ _ ..nantl.. Waironaly sa F. FAIRBAIRN & CO.. CeneraAeess Suprr t50 n one ur edoa ar 93 lGrisold St, Detri, 5Mich. Tpertrsnoonstho 3,S.AaRA,45. Feurth Ae., Local Aget marazs1-. ~~5-e4-e~sss aenwn..ss59ssa N n- - - - - "The English Language Ain't strong enough to express my feeliugs," says the farmer as he loohed ark down the hilhl and found his load of potatoes had slid out through the open tail-hoard. We advanced the same sentiment our- selves awhilo ago whets some cus from the country with feet as big as the side of a hoirn stepped all over our sore corns and bunions. Happily, however, we discovered Sarg's Corn Plasters and our feet now feel ine. Goet a free sample of it at J. L. Skinner's Store, 300 S. State Street, or at your shoe dealers and try it for yourself. 1 dozen plasters 25c. PARISIAN REMEDY' COMPANY, 2010 Randolph Street Chroagoo,Il. Sole Selling Agents. A GENUINE CLEAN-UP---"-..w Of dropped lines-an opportunity of unexampled granduer which comes just once a year and this is the 'tonce." Styles sacrificed are: Men's 85500 Patent Calf Shoes- - - - - - - - - --....:........ ..l....3S& H. e's $500 Calf Snoes-- - ---.....--.....-- - WM(f. J. .APRILIL, 1119 EAST WASHINGTON STRiET-