A 'Alk AOL , . 11 a 1t . VOL. YIIL, No. 72. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1898. PRICE-3 CENTS. ~WILD IHas'received a full line of Novelties for Fall and Winter in Suits, Trousers, and Overcoatings NO. 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN Al legretti's Chocolates.... Fresh"'everyl week. Only in packages- 60iC a pound. Lowney's if you prefer. PALMERS' PH ARM . Jest Received a Large aed Elegant Line of NTew Pipes l Hoat and Gld Laeches at all hours. Aget. far Haylee's aed Williams ad Werner aCt.'s Chaclate lien Boans. R. BS. JOILY & Co. 108 seuthsState street. Cold Snap Coming Winter ie not gone yet and more winters are coining. A chamois vest is the best. protec-. tion agaist cold winds? Saves doctors bills. We have marked ours down to close them out. If price is any inducement you will buy when you see them-for men and women in almost any size. $1.00 up. CALKINS' PHARMACY, WARR'S 'BOONST ORE. Just received a special line of ' SWEATERS 'Culor Guaranteed, Quality the Best. The most satisfactory made for the money. Each $3.00 and $3.50. tGymnasiumn Suits and Shoes a Specialty ...,.PRICES RIGHT.. 'WAHR'S BOOK STORE tgp Town Dow Towq S. State st. Opposite Courtilouse 'Ann-Arbor Main t. TijEY'RE AFTER US. Womn's egoie sol ie ethe ii noiletatlisisIdule. It is elliorg.i- CoEds and Defenders in Arms iceion thortissevessily elc-Ili-g Against a Recent Article. toh,,caitbond ten~o' lile (,- 'i--t ~ihr~ '7.'i i.rel le Nvscesirrcliiiolcis. fc lie i'e A potest oughiti to'e wae in ibeii- ias loverlhad siable ioile- i ei-ii hliihQ1 te "e c'f-resietinlgstudentiis eIT 151 toiirs e 1151, its work itsli ile heIi' 'iliveeily ie 15 iutth!i' 'sll ibeet(0arried olIii ii eil irisedvng. 1011(1 'ilili 1114iii lilivesly Winnil is iiwiili emi(ills 111111the wemi-Il Nlieli appered liii Llteioes "taiiy,.libiltigis I iillleed. 'Menwile I~e Inth opleiioniiiofiliihe esntl iriter Dlly icis seriel he i rpitied isic1 the whilole tone ief thiii'e le irl"s ,-X-lrepri'elintaive elegepIpiei wle-ni sieliely diseleccic sd rele,elit - gives nlilrlle(eel'o thie mimeli-siila ii tle credit uponl1the 1'iveily wlko ii-liveii'sis sltetens ofi'the'Mll- ioii Ilite tDaly is suppol~sedl ilolbe. IfITdayi issue. A'-llED iPEi't~ltiL 11he Dailyhar1d11lly le-iie comliitiii lo ns ever haedler phot;a r:11 iake to1 snakeit l id iiih(l iiillHveiem11- with te Flil ii. Very little gored is ive 11 eelellllislled Freshmen Have a Meeting. ii mereC snilees 1a11 ibse.1A iwiile- ccli' dentieili budof ioiur (VIII1111tit- 'Thei'fneshmoc n class vi 5 Ili-ldl delieiencyi'vlid Ii ;judigilcnllanu '11t1- hili'iiecc of (le meeling (1.0 Itheli, 111110 t3 of various iiic eimil('s. Thei to 1(helii' 11001 's Ici 'le 1doing °liulle c eslnll-il ee si-licei-ed 1111 1 j iabsrditoayioie isi is evrti ociiti providei fotblml sucaeles. 11110 iblylsul inf'ormiii-biloit lii laetivi- c-ct ion a.sllb-culcc ee Iwas 'ppou- tie., liiith 'iii'eeciy. Itinxkach e l to'i It(il] i in ae i(1 he114 li i (((e 01 eilaivery- llor 'I I I liof's.liiiTelc a orritcaisrpntd -< e-. 'Tiii-ho I e agains the '(I'llssstItig tlatte 111'isleal tl ls'lasie l111 cuic i ' teDoily ktis (I the y (lie' si se y S'ay ex(el'l li~tc-iollyi lea 111111p'or i'111i'ii Lee ss'hioitlieimetei'iIrisiliioss5, 11sis lensto1(nary, 551aso- rtele pers onloelxeile'to iresemliitiio0is o hatioi'ellipilllell yell vlolorIili by 11ewone1 o iccc ithei U'iives'ity'sit11is very sllblr'-i'l Irlif it th1111to I _ tostmasters Club, 1111101 their eustim iby sill-litrilc The ' niv iesiyvf i chi1ig oast'-oc a-tii, lIt if tisiiis absint illuT-in prese'it. Al lie lst tiossssrcc thei leresIt nliiglir le suppollsed litio wprain e I ing s'een ciihavi' beea sllilllll (o its pa-cue.('Ii relily 0 frequetii'11 libl- iir'iiittiiiicaindilidlily nillill Ii .: celiee ini Illssoiltiof' 11151o5fillt 11111 Mesrs, Ilel-tililli - Selsi yS-, Selelst i. A IlORMERilEDITOR. i Danridtge ocind ( Tatm, 'li et ''oth iluitot f tt' u. st\-.thDly: I jril s tbIT Det' Si-lit youi-rii'iff Jndoy,, Ian.lL Il, you stte that liii' 'e-ed" vi'- Amateur Artists Rehearse. 11111115slitvi' never(litne anlytig foe Thi'Comedyil utuhldits irIris: the 'piete xcept otr-ia rthere til--liii iscery eleot'sts in lir'he lt (.1e" Hire's s liii'annlltlliiiiitogi'opi"iAl-oi on ule y einlilg snd cwiiltilla". lisw-meito ro inhIoii- e yourtii iiil(ihurtleiice a seek stIl sl~rtim-liefore~tc Sonoyears go Misc (eGTeiiii' Muliltheii' lsTi'of a llieelnel' weit " ii, 111- didi t, very esiiideab' a itiritIforihIr-iviilbei' ileacsr'iiOwing'tlitle tihe lla e nideeti spe'r ilieniti-sonesin iiist'iileng" th sITo-illt' li'ersi-iI (i staff sit. I wsoon Ills'boardsii eoh i I!111a111'tIsstge it 11nil san-" Iliac fh-brtohicr10 Inar'utlyl l-ll tilen tilr iig' Mearel.Theflit' i esi-i swill lie Mi. Iteoy batithet 'patpe, 11111 iletag liiied 11betw'eeii te AtldeiI e\soitt- liamtue rlweisulubre'guarly ti' t-e ti ndthe hIopialir lei-h' i iditi and11 Unity O'Wb.At lesoto oti '- ichilen saisek weve ts' riehiu'sI oril-i' Philological Soiety. I averaigi'by tis"udosi-lbingC o-I'll. 1''1i'tinex 'aiee ameeingii- f to hilss !F~to'et Aeero'il-i eaiil dthe 'ttiioioieei Satieisty cwiiilib,> tll leahigie sigily +utli Tunae. fee 1 Ilthrdvey t'ctittgT. 13, iIRoml reignedfrlomithelii'Daily stie. , Uivieity Helll, lt 7-LI) shep. A' M.hy cawin pa'tis oet fothitoIayou fr;lpalif Centittleid "Sibeetil'sLifeI 'oif qitie allies' thtaiiwa-gioi'iasis colie. 'tri etit-atilii, 'teor 1 anAttmtat I haiti tsts'i'ee interest gar ti' pilplr IlJlsttie eteantreetiit," willi Is adbdiii ol I touldl among te yot!(greaill by Prof. J,11. Dake. Acte svomuen to sdispel tin 'idea vey peeel tsiltekee iitis alwaycst't'ii is'ts'y iii- set tnong fthem thtthle Doly scats teettitig ie te hitisei-tl asi- NOTEWORTHY PUBLICATION. Tile First General Intercollegiate Magazine in the Country. inlei-liiih' tdice'oftlill' of (its sel- lir riss o f Iihe lieerrysslii itli oily. thuesturk of o(sil~l ilstltg c fgenI- smo.n'1ilw M istleto', iwill ti' sil (lio it othiag dlrrulolnmuusof hiplildnc- csinciful itsulyi'ofht'dcvper-i lus- Iscis ofl' ihlosoptihi s ie-ti','oilgy. lawan1d11relilgionl. 'Put'iteray ey l'hrti tell iiil ((o- ti''l111s ili hereililitic'irs Isi 1(11(1 liItg't drifs~h . iriof,-Jeosii" C. lnowttoilcis arile=i'ott Ii "Peal f Jesuss icill Ii'a leadii- ill thi-Leigsl 1'leu'lI"MinIiso tl.iio'i-" i te ll il- I s;tiiiclh ISI-ttcilul. lGov. l'tg lu- ccrits ci "'1lsall' 0i'itarl ieyIt-ln tin', Soot" o- f theit'h~er 1-11111ithialirs 1ar1' Iif. Abersi A.. S hiP-. 'li. lt - hol Wee"X~', Is, the Ii' ll i eOf i4lissoniiiit Preside-nt it-liy Wasdt ilgs. os f NAci hI-uesh eli I'''isk, Atis. .J. 1. NSluulflt, It].1D, stid sIT some ot' he 1wricteriis irelfamiliaritoi SIl iuti-hi'i 'i'. 111 tlsuiitts lull Itiillrio(- oflii ruit r. 55111 suppily 1a long-feuli cwvaw iui Dalliaaoili'. t, e tti l'lan eilu'll'y i- Isut'i u'lustlu Fioriwhi- leiii'lit-hut-hueuu- teestsI ofutheittets lid tsihios iti 10-r lit-'s weekly, ec., the w est hils lxt lift "''cwithout he-hti, lull isr"iilul- Il its gin-s-si uhutracterl' 'lii'Mict- tu l'toelntoaum 1 11155of ihsowilh, 111n1 they b l ithe fisit etgetettlite- coulegia teus tmalgici. Ntihotts h btaietI'iii lilu' MsJlgocsttt' llbliishtt' at Kants liiy,nsrTile Di leie sf Ails is wcc -IsIcseouldiul a-'igeneIralh'iu Iecllugiliiu iihlg'iai",'Cne'lii'Mile- tot vllli w uid uooevtedeiroii llyt their i- eresssof theunaihvseitrl,-cuhtilt'it will celuitiit aIillusry ivay csilt wil' ipl'i tttili the e ellpuiuc 1111 'elts ttiist' !ais l ist tutef111ie. l matlgazine per51, 1111t its pgsc lies scietce,5plii'gtihtteipl uiidel coomyhi or othtere iuaeieshat 1111,ylinld tllelt- Ot'is u'c tlpruet'i it a li tde iof sil- dwits 111111eatoricis. 'Ilit'firtitiltieof tles magzie' sillis' tlcet-on slce in An Aboll fist' 0-110duyty lteniiientOer esy. T' s variouc siulipattieilt'lcseen t ~ o' sule t-ear'iful si P ettiei'it thlilige- tunmit,, adl nsit sti:s ildlt'lt!v e, coihiftic'ttd for atihetta inticoestsiyIMls,110. 1Cl t Agit'11-1i ltertrell. asi htts'r't- as svell as inteseti<-valmisis i s ooked I ws telsusdeetly inle-retcl t itthesiteng rdiscussion pis auliehil.'il, . foe.