The Store W. W. etmore, se1OG Main . , and 342 5.5 )UNIVERSITYTET HA ULLINES OF ~OEBOOKS, arid \STUiiDN WTS' ,Sp i+ /PLIEi { Fountain Pens and Fine and Staple Station and offers all. at the Lowest Prices, Stu eni' etreAsc W. J. BoomH Pres. W. Anxs~ntist Vice-pros J. V. SHLEEHAN, 2d Vice-pres. JOHN C. WALE. Asst. Cashier. tt t.State - avim - rank, nO KS Transacts a general Banking busi- gyn. 1S. Oor. Mais asd nurse treets. Capital, 050;000. Surplus, $30,000. Trassact a geeerai banking bssiness. iery I. KsMro, Pros. C. E. GiFFoONN, Vice-Pros FRsnD. H. 1LEssos Cshier. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK 0 Capitai Stsck, $50,000. Surpius,81050,000. Resources,$1,100,000. il111 Orgaeized under the general Hanking Lans I. Jk ofthie State. Receives deposits, buys and selis exchange on the principal cities of the United States. Drafts cashed upon proper Identification. Safety doposit hones to ross, OFFICERS: Christian Stack Pros.; W.,ID, Jan. 22 Harriesan Vice-Pros. Uhas E. Hiscock, -- Cushier: i. J. Frito Assistant Cashier. _ --Jan 29 ---Feb. 26 FIRST NATIONAL BANKof Ann Arbor * arhi apital, 8100,000. Ssrplus and Profits, N0,000 -..April 8 Transacts a general banking business. Foreign exchange bought and ssld. Furnish letters nf credit. E. D. KINNE, Pros. HARRISON SOULS, Vice Pros S. W. CLARKSON. Cashier- 1) Washington- Departm nt .*{Oratirical Coiitest. I~*I:I ILBurtoii ey by buying a season ticket, Save your move . ''Lamps Expressly4o',Students' Use C. U.14AJOR &CO., "The Rocisester,'"'"The Yale,""'Phe Rtoyal," "Thle Perfection," The Artistic deoraters The i'3 JoiniIlg cuts represenit "The lBerlin Student," all iiickle plated, varying in price from Havre a complete line of 2 of { m r many styles of $1.00 to $2.50 each. Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, Window O L Every stutient should use Dean's "Red Star." It gives a pore Shades, Room Meuldings, Etc. w itlight,.i odorless and doesno char the. wick. Deliv- Specialty of line interior decorating, eredi in any part of the city in our cans at t0e per gallon. For painting, frescoing, tinting and paper saleonl byhanging. Only the beet of workmeii L A 91 E ' W l 1" D BAN E &_}CO WPANY. employed. Work guaranteed. _-__--_ 2i4 South Main Street. SA C. II. MAJOR& CO., To Have New Buildings. S. L. A. Troubles Again. The Artistic Decortor, That we are offeririg this b .li iii i iiii liii week at Ti;;itoa:i'ii 'ial 111)o lt,11-'"er lrta a lier~ I jlrniieiaiofa( lli i sa51c efr eri t aert dhoefettino'uia Ol Thee shoes are all of this .A. H'i'lfortpr pose 1001. ,iii(lli ter still ipiay il .1lie' lildys. Latest Novelties in Winter reason)'s Last and Paterns and pills an ato ies'eiliectedi. for asii - and Spring Garments. 111 '. iiialiiiis i-illi '151'i .5.1: f e11:il, Reception to hilis Field. wereforerl sod a ''s wil luiiliiililii 'V l~iiai' dii nl iCOR. WILLIAM AND MAYNARD STREET. 111)(1 ilihee Nill tInan e in' a l ,ii 'a.; lii-/.ieIi i' .'i i ri'it ii ti .t 0O e block went uf University. $35oad$.0 eiiiiuci lii.- ii: siseA :(Iriwch-ii aeas 11ii 'ii'i i' ia baliiitiiMi gss it r'y'- 'We have got more than we "aliloiised ixpensesiftlw iii tie) 1. C'.tai'iois,' Crrseral dts. Tle 10- 14 Id i St' I P lo stitdy theii uto r i' di's'lopilii'I i f a t1 i 01 1a.,-, ieli (l Iii rue' - tiil4" wish to carry over tO nextthiri'work by a nViltto ile ls erh. 11ield'sbrothier is a ii'iie1r( ei i .I I PAN0, PIPiE ORGAN seaszonl, hence this great offer '"'w'ity eiiaissIlid dols ra is to in'esetl'i'" AND COMPOSITION. s AD.I' in's'iiin11iS fIstefiin:1 insvi liet1110itio flt wisli $8,000 «wiii go tis i, . MADE iT POSSIBlE . CONCERT 'PIANO TUNING aiiliai'f et l e la sused a's No. 1. By buiiling (tilasgeurs A(vadiuny Mlr. R. H. KEMPF Tilieiltiiuiolse xes'niinof lien planIi s uaid ira. Itoss I(rangier isus' muds- It $ 1 7 0 . in the hnsti liii'iiierunl il siiliiiiuthor. osslie or tili.. no ,,iobeisofthe fue-, f From Stuttgart Conservatory, 1ires aultit is tobeps'ir.slnuldtiaitIiit lly and tnd.enils of ihe University ' Grmny Wet Soles. Sizes 2 I-2 to 8. iii~e imiii Cubwis'liiWlteMwr. Jdd iiei iiy 'pieasant guiliering=s that c'toulinet otherwise tuke ploe. aiso by 312 SOUTH DIVISION STREET. -CAb.NDARO. dtev-otinig niauiy years into fit of U Ig Firiday, Jaus. 1.-=Soplieort' Hie at t-achligidaneing have inide it po>sli- © MU IA !@ (irOit er's. - ie- i'rlbhose ishint to learn ibis Mel G~iespie, teacher of Mandolin, Banjo ' Saturdy, darn.22.--LelInid 'T. Po v- inot heitiifoi and pleSasntC-XeICse and Qitfar Instructor rin the Uniivers ity Saturd~sy, Jan.School oMusic. 15 years experiencea .. era in Univer.sity Haiil. t C c(>>ii a e tly and wvihiconfidence. a teacher. Call at Ann Arbor Music Cue'. The fiieuity and students of uIie I si- Stor00 arrange for houre., 1 . s: , ItOOSO1AIS-. nh eiy fulishmed front .____________________ suite at 720 Catherine k~., corner of evoritys os '1r-ti Cranaprr o tLIVER eor -Mr.hay1Mr..0VernsetbchH LMES 'P11000'.Veryeht's.giv-o ion s aem it iberal 'dhare-of aii21-i TOiINre, adsitie suite,~ STABLE.1 } woernisoprovemneu0.. iutpurt of J. tIissy Fitzerald at the Athens Thea- O9 E. Liberty St. - B.Felkeri, 72T E. lois- rsit ' ave. ter mision as' uigho. _____________________________________________Central location. Good Service Ladies' Romeo Alaskas L[Gove var] 79r. IFOr Forty Years TRY THlE... Toledo GOLDEN SCEPTRE Steam M'ACK ~~~Has been smoked by college men and is to-day, a LEADER And SAYE au CN nrytSu M C & C ON as a pure, mild, sweet mixture for the'pipe. no ayn frlanr work. Leave odr I