THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DA. Lli. 3 Great Reduction Sale - For One W1eek Only SWEATERS GLOVES.. GOLF HOSE $S4.50 for $3.45-$4.00 for $3.00 $3.50 for $2.85-$2.00 for $ 1.39 $2.00 for $1.87-$1.75 for $1.49 $ 1.0 for $1.42-$1.00 for 69c $2.25 for $1.75-$1.75 for $1.50 $1.50 for $1.25-$1.00 for* 89c Neckwear, $1 for 63c-75c for 43c 0 fancy Hose, 75c for 63c==5Oc for 43c i fancy Shirts--the best 90c I COMBINATION UNDERWEAR PAJAMAS. IN OUTING FLANNEL........ MYAIN STREET, S.MA0KC g MIAIN STREET, S, - - - - - - - - - - You want a Mando- dolin, Guitar or Banjo, don't you( You want the priceb right, don't you* SEE OUR WINDOW. ANN ARBOR MUSIC CO. 205-207 E. Washington St. ANN ARBOR Time Table, Sunday, Sept, 5, 1897. TIME TABLE: Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Standard Time. 8:43 a.m. '7:35 am '12:10 a. m. 11:25 a. m. 4:45p.m. , :40 p.m. *Run, between Ann Arbor and Toledo only E. S. GILMORtE, Agent WV. B BENNETT G. F. A. Toledo 0. The If iagara Falls Roter" Central Standard Time. TRAINS AT ANN ARBOR Moililed Ex...347 B., N. Y,Chi----.8012 N. Y, Special._ 4 58 hall - 5 ______ 15 tG R. Expresa ...11 10 Pacific Ex _._-1230 *N S Limited --15 1 . Eastern Ex------.9 47 Western Es .---1108 AM. GOR. &K. Ex __ 5i 21. N. Expressn----S530 Chi. Nt. Ex.---7 47 Atlastic Ex...7 30 *N:rth Short Limitrd in on extra fair train to be a charge sf0-5.20 to New Yorh than on ether trains. 0. W. RUGGLES, H. W. HAYES, G. P. & T Ag-t,, Chicago. Agt., Ann Arbor CAN FU NISI. MUSIC OF FIRST-CLASS. Orders for all Fraternity parties, club dances, etc. Leave orders as Ass Arbor Music Co. er as Remidence, 1710 Gksddes ave. P. S. - Will take pupils on Piano and is tight reading at abore named Places, A. J . Johnston. U. of Al.Shaving Parlors and Bath Rooms~ 322 SOUTH STATE STREET. Ladies' artistic Hair Dressing op stairs Old friends tall again. We welcome new ones. ,gai. TROJANOWSKI, ENOCH DIETERL.E, EnlBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. CalsAttended DayeorNight. So. 116 East Liberty Street: Residence, 532 South Fourth Ave. " Phone 129. RANDALL, THE PHOTOGRAPHER. WASHINGTON BLOCK . AWN ARBOR. DROP IN AND .OfT ONE. --OF- SID W. MILARD'S Football Calendars for 1898. Wbest Liberty Street. P. J.SHLEEICRISTMAS! 340 5. STATE STREET hoenef Bosh Bisding.........Sc cents andsup' ur '7. of M." Pins or Solid Cold Fountain Peas....$.SI0and up.0so10 other inovelty in Waterman and Wirt lens in stoch and Pens Repaired, our lit e. IWhoesale and Retail Paper. 2312 lbs, of Lin- r .ol LEADING, eo Paper for Soc. V - « NOW is the tiiure to join thio classes at Grangor's School of Danlcing! TERM BEGINS WHEN YOU DO. Ground Floor, Maynard Street. GRANGER'S ACADEMY. At the Athens. -N+JW IiJIISM IN i.)ANtN. Ne tW tt~l ill (a aing 100s11110 it Those who applreciatecgrill 'al:'iiilV ' .:1r's AI':l011y. .11111thele :1:1rc a111(1"til eltlry of 0080101, 10n119stitis Illnilt w00el:. All (11:a1se1:1melt Ilighes-t:focrmii, tli111.1 lock ol 01111of -as isiiaciexceplyt 118 111:ct e i' c 4four gelniile ia 101101nd jollily, wil at.9:ladles(9'1In10gzlntlelmell. 11'14 -loSS "ill overy oolrtuity to gratify "rheai 'Ii cr tiSss'we'k meet:oi021-MoIlOl 19111e pleaosure at Ithe AIII~lo ls011a211 next n ;. S lulloy1111e(11111170 5will 1be' 21- l\'edncesday-exeiill, Januarlly 1,2, 991(1 Vtedl to lyolgriilll foor :1111 lnil.':ol 1:'- 111110120soad (fatscinating11issy 2F117- ero Offie oglndlll lo11cs., tGrllgor'c go-ln, Newt York's plIllidol wil19911l -2elly. buorot illall Iher lory1(17upo1(11AnniArloi Ifor tile firot tome. MioI(5 ilcl.:rll 010(;7EiIAN . I i) l A\ISH17814,41,001. so well kniownlby repatatlion lo 10: I AiOeost I f thecrtimtes. Our lIlh111(, exceedingly well-lufal 1110(srentllll-foy'tile Nalllrlll, Pes10111251:lll. C1(1019-vr 111122 111 wo0rds0of enthusiasticpraiselslll' 2111111r1:11 .011 11iallly, l10111121e arecale 11102for, 1111111211gnllit w0011'c'1100Pr~sollc':ilin an(] I 11111- 111:1. ( Cloil1, to utter thcml. or o,idrs ss 101. I. Klt 11(111111, Germano 0.011 Stillisb 7ellclo, 121S 71-;tle st., Mlliooiger 11. IB. ('liftfolll, of ' lif'ol:-uls Anti Arbor, Xf:11. 7 (Oaetli1 1110 tei (Soy 2Ic' l'1011as1thi' .1 - dress S. A. 110 rjlr, :12 7. 1.iho',-y ong Januai~ry of-10-lt 1111'slrlllgOS . * ano bt lof 111ll tceexl~rlvatgrinzco 1011- ___________ 2011100 021 tle o 2:(1. Tha' r-Jllj111y 'INIatylboseba ll cl:1(lo'l: .ire re- ('011000 lhere(iree rl ou:: 1110olieaoo oquested to lorb Ico e"staorts' N991111 1110 'hetllce,whiV is 0 1glliralllte0 of 11ts11rack 111n1 itforintoioits 111e 17y11. owortlo. 'Thor:' is (0110 oltililll 1<111h11As. 11. K E I'll I. M1.:- t 10010la 1120te eliro 111110 of i110 no- 1700100 111( 111 1121100:1:11 gelleoieu -' hrunkI:joust lofter'f1111' 11011- ofth= oman ae ilwel notv ctvcVatli. Ally :lll:liO 111)111-1e (If the elll andiiy 1110:espy9811 12110011 cn- 11r1f~l1120'S 1111 9010 siOOl ~ e( I- toO:t SIol:::es' SLivery Bahrnl. gaged01( fo:' thio slouelioi:. ___________ *" All indso of r('lortinlgJo01.1. I.e'-- FO UJND-A' Ick ell: tb 111111d111.01',. 10:100or spde'c'hes'0take'n;th:e'ses991 1.- (werca91v1e acr 5i10- 11 o1n' 1 lidniO- )tell; Coloito :iadeie':andlfurnlished. 'Catoii. 6104 Jefferson st. I rprompt ly. (ClAS EN(,r'FLiAiID1. Univers i-ty -choo1 of iDancing, Stale Street, opposite Law Building. Terms $5.00 a sensoer - - Single evensings 53 cents.' Ofllce-427 Thompson Street. FULLER &BERANEK, r mwwwTAILORS iCleaning, Pressing and Repsiring. Work called for and delivered. itS S. STATE ST'.. over Itoseype. Phone No. 204, New State. 0. X. MARTIN, FUNERAL DIRECTOR. S Embalming a Specialty. NO. 1009 FOURTH AVENUE- Ambslance night or day. Residence, 302 Fifth Avenu. ANTON TEUFEL, l iHEADQUARTERS ORo Trunks, Vnlies. 1Dreee Suit Caee. and 'Trelescopes. Trsslcs and Valises repaired neatly and cheaply. No. 307 S. Main Street. I e We hove just re- cueived a large line See our idwo PIPES HALLER'S Jewelry Store po R Lowney's Chocolates -O TO-- W.! . wfTUT TLE 'StStt -.. ' ALLEGRETIS, if you wish. ALL GRAD1ES Or BiARD. SOFT, (AMNNES. ANI) SMOKELESS CO5ALS AND COIGNs. M. S TABBLERI 110 W. OWashingtos Street. tPhone 8. The Name the Guarantee. Arm SPALDING'S Foot Ball Supplies For '97 Every IRqusite foe th~e Came, Mansgers will do well to write for samples and special rates before psrchasinsg. -The Spalding Official Foot Ball. Adopt: d hy Yale, Prineteon, Penesylvasla Harvard, forn:ell, and all other- lesdieng sni- versities. Each ball tested and pscled, and sealed in separate bos with brass inflator Price, Spaiding's Official FreolIBallGuide for 897 Edited by WALTR CA&P. YPea- paid, je crats.- Calaole: :1 11)1911 1:'PI A. G, SPALDING $& BROS., New York Philadelphia Chicago Washington FINE NEW LOT OF ..Washbsurns.." .rust received. Lswest prices on. STRINGS and TRIM-A MINDS for all Instruments, ;SCHAEBERLE'S MUSIC STORE -114 West Liberly at., Ann Arbor. I KIDERGART !EN,' ZIW QATES Call and See Us, RENTSCHLER,I THE PHOT ORAPHER Telephone 'a0O. ANN ARHOR .Advertise in The Daily