THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY 3 Great. Rednction Sale - For One W~eek Only SWEATE S $4.0 for $3.45--$4.00 for $3.00 $.0for $2.85.--$2.00 for $ 139 $2.00 for $1.87-$1.75 for $1.49 GLOVSES .a $ 1.50 for $1.42-$1.00 for 69c 0E y E $225 for $1.75-$1.75 for $1.50 GOF OS $150 for $1.25-$1.00 for 89c PAJAMAS . IN OUTING FLANNEL. Neckwear, $1 for 63c-75c for 43c Fancy Hose, 75c for 63c==5Oc for.43c Fancy Shirts--the best 90c COMBINATION UNDERWEAR MAIN STREET, S. M A C , MAIN STREET, S. K "Nomm, low 0 0 i You want a Mando- dolin, Guitar or - Banjo, don't youf You want the price right, don't you SEE OUR WINDOW. ANN ARBOR MUSIC CO. 2-207 E. Washington St. ANNI AROR Time Table, Sunday, Sept, 59 1897. TIME TABLE: Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Standard Time. NORTH. SOUTH. 8:43 a.m. w:30 a. m *12:15 a. m. 11:28 a. m. 4:40p. m. 8:40 p.m. *Buy, between Ann Arbor and Toledo only E. S. GILLMORE, Agent W. B BENNETT G.SPF A.Toledo 0. MIHIGAN JEnTIRAL The .Nigara Falls Route.". Central Standard Time. TRAINS AT ANN ARBOR. Maliand Es _3 47 B., N. Y, Chi0 --8 12 N. Y.,Special---4858 Maili.-------818 t. tR. Express --'1 10' Pacific Es._---12-30 *N. S L~imited .... 8 10 P. M. Eastrn Ex-----5 47 Western Es.-1 38 A. M. GR. & K. Ex ---5 5; D.N. Exprmss._._5 50 Chi. Nt. Ex.---7 47 Atlantic Ex.... 7 80 *North Shore Limited in so exira fair train to be acharge of$2.50 to New Yorh than on other trains, O.SV. IlitGLES, 11. W. HATES, G. P. & I Aft., Chicago. Agt., Ann Arhor CAN FUt KNISH MUSIC OF FIRST-CLASS. Orders for xii Fraternity parties, club dances, etc. Leave orders at Ann Arbor Msusic Co. or at Residence, 17i0 Gk ddes ave. P. S. - Will tahe pupils on Piano and in sight reading at above named Pisces. AJ3. Johnston. D. of M. Shaving Parlors and Bathi Rooms .322, SOUTH STATE STREET. Ladies' artistic Hair Dressing up stairs- Old friends tall a sin. We welcome new onen. f It. TROJANOWSKL, ENOCH DIETESRLE, ErIBALMER AND FUNERALDIRECTOR. Cals Attended Day or Nighti, NO. 116 Eant Liherty Street: Residence, 533 South Fourth Ave. Phone 121. RANDALL, THE PHOTOGRAPHER, WASHINGTON BLOCK.,. ANN ARBOR. DROP I AND G T ONE..... SID W. M~rILLRD'S Football Calendars for 1898. WNest Liberty Sgtreet., SCHLEED. ~ CHRISTMAS ! 30S. STATE STREET Taohmeoeo Pooh Binding.. ....25 centxsedup our "'U of M." Pins or Solid Cold Fountain Pens ..5.. 1.00 aed up. soie other novelty in Waterman and Wtirt Pens is stuch andou Ie Pens Repaired. u lte Whoessle and Retail Paper, 104 lbs. of Lin- Arn ld LEAPING, ]EF 0 Wen Pser fr 50c.. ' S r7r CORNERl MAIN AND HURON STREETS Is tho placo to hny Dissecting Instruments and all things needed for Bacerology, Pathology, Histology, Etc., Etc. wPRICES RIGHT . A Graduate of Michigan. At the Athens. 1Ilis sBrewster whio tiosiste initi1115 t"The Foundling," sich swill bi'e se ei'erltilllell gtt~n hy tli~ Kl~g at the New Allici~s Ubisctrr, Wicdnes- Dougiers S~tur~iy 'i nilo isa day, Jain. 12, for the first tinsel ,s lie -Michigan graduate anid it wa5 s :1a siecial 'favor to the lings Daiugiilers latest farce comiedy oturcess liirii's that -41osang the seolectiois,.;Mist) out -hy illiam Lceotoc'q of ""Jile" itrewoler has just returnse1 front-Rug.fonne aniol.II. H. Iliobsool, and to said: indilafter qt contined studoy sindlor U:' i to afford Ithc fas s oy 1Fitzgerail iteled it litears Ifeeilw!i Itensiegger oa slilendid oisportciiity fosr the dislasy stn t0 Ilitue. of her, :h iiiiis andl ier laleits. Tuew coinsed y, the scene of which is laidI st CAt5INJ8DAIt. Brighton, lie Bllnghllo watering lilac:. Fridsay, Ja:in. 141.- Solholnrc th3ou sit is a clever piece of sF-ork f tilc:an tiratigor's. the trosiules of the f::iuiiiu-. a yaiull S~tnriaylo. 2. -cloi~ f.toot- osn who is 25 yeasoin finding lils era iii University hl~sli.falisher and nuooller in -orler that lie Trasy niacry the siusiii i f his iltois'e. t(l,7 RIIM a;ANt)81PANISIC 801-ttLl. There ale :ini~ieronis by-1u1ts and till Absreatthe ii'tinmes. Gilt insciod, kinsoof iiix-ups and the ilayaois they Nsstunrssl. Pcoaluoccisn ortt I'otrer- in sillnsin iig iliatioins and btocit, wit- sa~ioul. UT pec!At, II0,11a4'ty dlialoguie.-The fsarce rail for 200 Proanncisitios 1and1Isfle:tin. Caslill,1-ilghtlsiatOIglo Pieatfre. Newt York. or addlress lH. L. Kainfii::iiip. (icrinsil1 anid Spanishl:School, 31 iS. staite st.., ;,t'E Anii Arbor, i.lth7t) All caiididai-eo for thoe trshsOrt 'Vairsity loaea:snsidasire rcro tire -requested Ito report t s its0:gyosi. questedl to practie",trto's"wtllthe:C slots at least three titieco a1week foji track then afternoss itile gyni. resgiilar class work.It is aodvisable A. J. KF, 1f.hi Jarsoger. hlat speclil liines of stork ;shosuld nit i"OI{T)-A iioclseftbsokandti niocr. Ij0beipursued ut~il later iilh-lie seasoni. COwner il lohre ltesain e on idenlili- .1..Nt. 'P'ILOMJAS, rcation. 604 Jeffersoii ii. lro..a k Caltsitl. LOST-A trun iijst a fier thoetell- All kiiids of repoorting tlot:e. Le(- (Jsay vacation. Allysinthenitic nic tlires or speeches .takenl;-lteses writ-- of sill tlfclhdtliOO iik still he rewat,t I ton; copies ilisade a::l firtrisii(s ed it Hohlies' Livery Btsrn. J iroinptly. 0(li i+ D'tnFAIA D. UTniversi-tyv Schoo1 -of Dancing, State Street, opposite Law Building. rermis $5.00 a semester' - - Single evenings 5.3 cents. Offlei--427 Thompson Street. FULLER & BERANEK', ~''11TALORS Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing. 'Work culled for and delivered.. till S. STATE ST., over itoseypI. Phone No 720, New State. 0.ZN. MARTIN, FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Emhalming a Specialty. NO. woo FOURTH AVENUEt. Ambulance eight or day. Residence, 302 Fifth Avenue. ANTON TEUFEL, HEADQUARTERS eOn Trunks, Valises. D)ress Suit Cases, anq* Telescopes. Trunkis and Valises repaired neatly and cheaply. No. 3075S. Main Street Pp e W have just re- c~e eived a large line See our windiow.of PIPES HALLER'S Jewelry Store. Lowney's Chocolates GCO TO- SW. W. TU'TTLE'S, tae ~ ALLERETIS, if you wish. K AL! .DSO hlAltO. SOF'T, CANNEL AND SMO~i LESS COAl S AN D COKE. M . S TABBLEar 119iW. iWashingtont Street. Phone 8. The Name she G5uarantsee,. re. SPALDING'1S Fot all Supplien For '97 IcrvRqulsite freth~eCaste. - l Managers will do veil to writer for samples and special ratis. before purchasing. / The Spalding Official Foot Bali. Adopstid by Ysle, Princeton, Pennsylvanift Barvartd, Cornell, and all other leadin" ani- verhities. Easch bail tested and parboed, ansI seealed in separate bos with brass inflator Prico, $ Spalellng's Offielal Font Ball Guide for 897 Edited by WALTER CAMe, Poat- paid, iso cnsn. taialoi so ci1.ii e: 55 'ii,fcfflit::slo. A. 6. SPALDING & BROS., New York Phileiphia Chicago Washington SINE-NEW LOT OF S.-Wash1bnrns..~ t Just received. ILowest prices on STRINGS and TRIM. MINGS for ali Instrumens. SCHAEDERLE'S MUSIC STOR 11 I.West Libery n.AnaArbr, i KINDERGARTEN, o 9HunSt Call and See Us, JRENTSCHLEB 4 THlE PHOTOGRAPHER Telephone .,O. ANN ARBOR. Advertise in The Daily