2 THE UNIV''ERbiTY "0F MICHIGAN DAILY, 2 THE UNIVE~LTYLOF MICHIGAN DAILY U M j~ Dally will endeaotvor to reo 0n. UmiilL I N L.. f 0 4 theirthe Daily =mucst g 1 lave to eon- I tial1if11 . its-otetedtt~, even if nmiS- Publiehed Daily (Sunctays excepted) during token, way. the Oollege year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN.Wr grclue Orroun: Thmee building, 320 S. Main St. be- tween Liberty and William Ste. (Continued from first page). Erwini'F. .Smith. who was gra Oustedl J. F. TuoooASs. 0 L. B. S. in Bitology ini.180 and D. S-. inl -- 1 89, lhis niadc- iliportalt discov-cues IIUSINJISS NAJIAi 0. H. HsAS, '0 L. Ilit pla0n t atillogy iiithe eastorli tart - -- oK 0t il t ihd States. 5:slseiiolly ill 're- EItTORtS H. B. SKILOLnAN, 19S L., Athletics. i111d to diseases offiiitloiio andi teach E. L. GneuInE, '51 L. 0. D. HlDUsT. '55. ti-ees. Filibeel: Roth. of tile class of BUTLnERLAMn, '05. 'T. it. WonODow, '9s'h1 is iS t tresiElt englaged in te lie or-1 eci/a F.. F~'BL . t .AMP 'so. 'st1ry Division of the Atticurlioral DE' Inirtlicilt,011(1 is coiiductiiig ilapoetnllt iiittslig;atitis ill tae coiidiltiis tol!He ___________________________forest restoration..,ipre t'rvii anhd get The nabscription price oc the Daily is $2.505 iotiol.and1(illi all that tnrtllfiIsto aln for the college ye.ar, with a regular delivery before noon each day. Notices. cotmsnica- f tulber physics, sic.: tile strength 111(1 Lions, and other matter intended for publics-til yoftlllr lsinhc11(1 lio t nesbe handed in at thetDsily offtoee- 1OUR -$26.0 fore 8 pmi., or nailed to the editor before 3so 0- ~~dtols r hth115re n. ni., of the day p evisas to that on whichFi they are espected to appear. ontly resumed stork at as>hllg tsll i Subscriptions may be left at The Daily 't td ftllt'-thi Office, tlcyor's or Stoffiet's Newstand, or afte acolstiertible suyo iibrM with business an ager. Osheribers will con- i- isiC)lil. 521-51-ge ii. Sndss-oCr Ih. fen a favor by reporting promotly at thisre office any failusre of carriera te dcliver paper. closs of '5, shot ol11 of lteasst re jmvvw At nteBtliclDvso ft A tlan that could he followed .1to sd- Saml eoli'tmnnlof A gricultutae. O R ~ u -tinta g by the Various lt'galilzita~ls15 F,lii' 01 I~ios Iit tois IFinaet ii Ntoth alllO sta vlci l tdly for tis spectial ywork, bit ille Ovi geutio~l traaililigof fteUiiivi-i, ho. iwit ai pted bithie Oratorical Ba rd at itiali('ll:11d liogo-cal d-'Isa.rtilleiltts 11^5 it i' ed las omleeting. Title association has a enllied thtaito10 tllitl t0hese' p ,tfl - ulloivn in Ito h'Closury and insteadi of I- lone. - OUR $15.0( SHOE5S T -OF- Every Description.. A LARGE LINE OF CYM HOZ SEE OUR WIN-DOW? BEAU'S SHOE STORE,, 309 W. Main Sirers. Opposite -+ he UCourtPHousn. 'ercoat Offering ere are the prices and descriptions. To Ia better idea of the values, eoine ine id examine them. 0 to Black Kersey Overcoats, lined 'oughout with Skuinners Best Satiii-a> erchant Tailored Coat in every respect [need to $18.00. 0 and $20.00 10 Black and Blue, Kersey and Beaver rercoats, some lined with serge, others th Clay Worsted with Satin Shoulders,. Juced to $14.00. 0 ilting it lie thieie Idly thio horod has d'ecided to iput it out1 at itt-rest, and ;dit of the fends bao already bee-n pslaced adviantageously. We undel- stand thawtIhe Atitletic Assotciatisnl heas funds oil hand; perhapsth tile.ili plan coultd it well appliedi here also. Wrinkle's recent tilts against thieto-1 11(30 had inithoet more grini ftt ts ,than htsimor. It is wholly trueiansl menttit- ably so that our fair fellow-labosrers it the otducationatl ineyard wait.atll lie grtapes wihiout the clintiing ftr temt. They suptltl oi its-lu but thlt-i ovis pet faiteles and ai- nt oeft'is1 ti-ougli evenii influ-it to keels theic ideas fromiifttlling. Thir tactivity ini college affairs tonsists not itt sllttttt- liitg college orgtilttitotts or pilie - ittlonhut it -critit-lzing - erythinlg swithi which they itre liot cetcitted. We recentily .received a letter eitetiat- lng fromt the othter sitde of tite Its-ase swhiech exprtessedlthe oniioithalt lthe tinily is iiet it irepresentlativc, collegV orgtanu betausethe Wasrotti'st.Letiguet Mid Othiri' organicatiolits of lie girls are given little menltiotn. It is to tritle 4ilflult Io repotrt tie jiroceatiiiigs of oil -organiztition thaitlitter loes any- thing. The (Daily once tred the plan stf'having to-esl relpotrs.ltut tli.'y never didantilyhinig hi lt c s10to lendludsoluhettiin the aunitl soetograleli of .the bettedl or swrite poetry on th.ty vairloos society functioins they hal at- tendled. itepiorters lots--' been techt time after time to the officitlis of t league 'andisoItie other chieftaiuessos among the eo-eds, buit they were either "doing antinlg" or "ttoo bunsy" or else wanted so mWuch persontalnuen- tion that otut of laityv the report wat suppressed. If the ladies will kindly idescend and propose a remedy tile Bacteria in Cheese. 11Dorts Vaulghan and, Mcriymvolo I htis-- been enigagcd sitce the firs,tof tOctobter illft study of tile htcteriol- ttgy of Mihiigtui cheese. throught the Sttet Board cif Health snd tile kiltot- tvess of the ll anfaclnrers ot chees e, thtey hitvetobraitied the produc-tsosf otore thiain fifty- factotrits it the state. Each11of these samitles htas beetn s1fb- rnitted-to a thtorotighi ilicteriologietil exanlitatoot. At the satie time,, Pr-. ftosor'Spabldig has studiedthit tiore- imepotrftit nioldls ill this elites'. 'rhto obljecttis to