WORK IN AGRICULTURE. Sukey, a expert sugar chemist, has The '97 Law Bulletin.
W I Dmade hundreds of beet sugalarianly-
Michgan radatesOccuyin in this laboratory and has foud The '7 law class before leaving the
Hasreceived a full line of Novelties Promnentwit students working w ith his, tivesity apropriated a sum of
for Fall and Winter inPrmn t Positions. every facility. usney for the issing of a yearly
The botanical departmet of the bulletin to contain information ,of the
Suits, Trousers, the statement of Secretry 'Wison,. niverlsity tisltso10trlaised thin who lrogess of ech netber of the class,
nrecunllygiveno to lte tress, to the ecl-i Dow ill important lpositions 0it aiious,1urin rer Ilat thc members igt keep
and Overcoatins y g agricltural stations of the country in toch with oe anothiv. Mr. W. L
gfeet that our institutions of learning Oe of then, N. Bt. Pierce. at present Hart was elected edit!.
fail to supply mn.i properly troined forg in the pthological latoratry matn The Blletitni has just wsae its tint
NO., 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MANeiet oki giclue oe o oe by the II. S. leprtiueot of appearance, aiid the exlreices it re-
___________________________________apply to 'the University(f Michiga, Agriulture at Santa Ainna, taliforiia, ttes of tl iii' memers of lieoclas in
_______________________________ whose graduates 'have been in detlist has savedt imillioiis of dollars to the their filt sx ontsti out of college
or the speciral cintiic oaviec (f tie Pacifis' coast by his esearhs ito re very interestinmg. Aiiitig the fifty
Al g e 's Uited Staes Deartment of Agiicti- the tpliiiiandsthCe grpevine (Itieases. usembers of Io class tisiry-six arc
to1re at Wash ingtoi, as well it itte (Continued on secondplg. eggdiith raieofteIw.f
L I Lagicnltu tu3 experittucut s ttiois 'f Pg this nuber intillpteosof that hey. are
C l C ~ s.r.. slates east and weust, ,tdiii colleges Readings by is~ls Field. maitkitg texlteisei5 andintcty re lis-
of agricultre. "iggo ucsAcrttgI h
Fresb-everyl week. In te chemsictl (livisioti ofthit- f 'rChio Htotital Circle of Kitg's BItinlglei ntbhe mieit~rser sofof crgteclasstae
Only in packages- patrtnent at XWasingtin, li-the0elitciltDatighters gave a most1 leasug Ct Iicaeh sflli
yea oun. lnioni of the nivecrsity aof Mci tog(tiFleloiitneit is ViDverserHilCoitti
Lowney's if you - '.F.Abot. cueri(lo
prefer. hove done a geat deal Of wrk, etnd ily night. MsMayhri-tFit, C..bi tot, AWecst Branch ich.b
their names re rcinom i ii tee puiitdtatgter of lie late Eutgene Field, apt- )W.Aird P. (G. Law, Anti Aror.
afions ofthint'depatmren l isnOtfi-tired in a nmiter of reainigs frui 'i V Btblt leosl os
LME fPHARMU&Y _ timse nimes aretmose f N . . Eell. ter fatier's tpoems. Mis F+ield sms t C. Itl t, Peosail, IFla.
othe lbausof '88. C. A.t umploum. 'f tassistedl by Miss (race Bltsset wito' A. H. fIier, Bllchevillm, Ill.
Just Received a Large alt Elegani 8 C .Spenicer of 82. 1It . t tp~tlayed tie micouspmaummmc ts and i~tXi s C.L.iBartl't,BattleiCreeum. Mli.
'tut. osof "fi, Oild X. I. Kruig. of '1. BeIsll' Laottisev rtvi, whi tntutu v- TI'ABerkebile, P. I. Lawu, 'Ann iA-
OoiltI40 1 Oeras no colletioutn thet bulletis etl (f Fields'oems ti i tutic-l st-r-Itt
Hitad Cold Lunches at slhours Agents o oh gicltrl Departtmcmiti hgs by lDe hoten, Nevin rndiur u tBa-bin.M.VrtId
Chocolate Bun1Bons. bd itd eer use itt enimrl reerict' stn ruPof. A. A. Stttl. trof Stn- I.XVBoss, Plyimouth, Inch
R B ..JO]ld"I,& OCQ than the collectioni sumfooidantius le Iy's songwts hiarticulary wteltit-. XX 't; D shder, Datlas, Te.
'108 Suth tain treet. issuedin 188157, tand 0o'e'r'htl 0o'ft v cditby fleasieuct, st-Io enssied Io RIt'Coombtls Detisce.fOhio.
took rests upon the work of tmenm who it ethsistically,. II A Diitcr, Dultit, !ini.
uesied trainitg 0a1(1(irttiont unit Miss Fieldmwars s-ry lahlintt t-r.IF. Douttiley, Niu~plesmuti.t.
(!uu ethuisiomtfr this a-trk it tie ients-rsittiii5 and her si'hctdsli we s-rc 1 JDruumler Spioae, XWasii.
C od. Snap T-l labortory att AnnmA-ubto. A wtt in'suong tesHhtpoulart ofht r P-.il FiFel, Detroit, Mi.
ofreferencet'ytie dtetcir (itftes"ftt ht''spoits. Ierrctndig ofstl-.st.Fod,(llitago Il.
Coinig Imlaboratory raly be fountu hlie desk' bieres nts the hetd miuilstd I.IfXl tots, Settle. w'ts,
of agrieultural chemiss w'hereverthey sy mupmhhttt- wt-lthey site oced s t is IFreema, Potlnd, Iregon.
arc, to Nest Yok eiiy-. . G.ldser, burry over te patthti isluty tumihr-H. Y. Freedmant, I. G. Lats,.Auto
.u Saginawt boy triutedl at Antui Arbosr.evter it Ocurred in her eections Ihist iho
Winter is not gone yet and ths beent chetnist for te Nw York wts utost noticetble in 11r sixthtuti Area-etd-eoMtit
more winters are comning. ASttDertetoAgiutrfrin'Prapas1is Fedhsa AJ.Gl, eea ln.
chamois vest is the best protec- SttIta'ieito AreittG.fu u.Pehp a tsG-thheto 1 urge Detroit, Mit-i.
tion against cold winds. Saves souse fiftecit years. and i s fightig theit dtfer experienceacite uiey sut i'tits 15HUttlmt cg.ti
doctors bills. We have masked botles of tbe fartmers out t-olorett soleo ltrd, but gtit prestetIsie seemmi s t D h.Hrper, Chicgo, hit.
ours down to close theum out. nagrusi h orsa h rs aemse tutry ohi oc
If price is any inducement "eargarie In the Nc or S ttePAg- artd moned i uerly.stseltion was'G. It Harrison, TptktI. sm
you wilt buy when you see cttm.Wn.s etYokSatIg-.nlianir 1rbts eeton ~ VUHfart, Allittnce. Ohito.
them-for men and womnen in triculfttratl Experinment Sttiot l51ieni- te last, where ir draitmttir blity -1N Hthats t Ucmtetaht.
almost any se. $1.00 tip k-, f eight rlienists, five are ga- rnd power gave promise of a gieal :fu- IX ils 'hgIl
sltes of the University of Mieigsn. tre if Miss Field tks this us05 a hoo'e.Ciiuu hd
A c lCady, a graduate of lst June, itms life swok. er fue Iprescte. loted C(ST' I itooumbuoee d .
iitssfbeen appointed o eltentsal sork r:elf conrol andttcletr resonatutvoice .XV. Xl tnu ig, i DetltctoM.
C AL~iNS' y in Ihe Missouri State Agrturha'l Ex- wo-suld quaify her to ttke first usik AXXLxLatgoi.l.
petnent Station. Tie' uhutf uhit-tutith e stge. Perhaps the readintg H. A Millet, Lnsing, Mlici.
a_______________________of the Agricultural Sttion t OhBok est liketd by3-the autdice wsut t" ilro-,'sIroled, Io.
ings, Suth Dakolt, Is Jamss11. Shet "t'se-'s Tttbe th"otc" sad bt re KIt ier, Ntv York City.
W A R S rd of Ichigat, aniiAims Ar i' rtt1t quest. CI'L.ItoMiere,tIelenat, AMont.
nrate C ItCoehran, ortelve as's liss 'eowter- s-soie ws vstel . uNrs, hraitlfurt, Ais-I.
or moe a anatulys1 of.footdafor ctis atnd cletr 'butItcked pwer. Thu' J.1-.lOton, Detroit, AIhci.
1,w 11'umsylvnia "-lteBad of A-gricul- autienc was lare antI the h 1il smut XW. If.dey, Uicg, Il.
3 S iirr n lutae Ve t et terIa., haisI-ht-two it likemu nelc-vulie wiltith.pra dlhis I '1t ,ttos a
in es fr'omtiAim - t or, te sisttstituted for the old haidbteache-s A TfT. Rier,, . In-s X'g.sN I
takeimupon his tpulisht ersIt'h$audtheCiclevel of the too' -liinge" ICI ai n tgod .
h iUte hoi rna to ay ho ute.'~.A. I h.. 'he followving wst-s -th h'ogi-ltiiicci- DI. CS'tlisury, 3ila, in.
to I ' ' - h . IBeIto-sitboncbotyttptooisdahet
Bnhstisd Master's degreea1 the 1 titestly Pehe;:ise in E Fit, hpn..Miss Basette F E n isSenec od ~t iy
Alt the new holiday books. Floe bindings of Michigan upoihis pitsud i.Th iwLgByI- .B tahe, Knsa lly
al books In sets are stew en view In er two ofht t huffe Shtrn and Amber-Locks an Ms Fild I. 1H. Steoares, Kalamazso, Mh;t
steres vestigationsofte MInsr fJettr~rita 1
Books were neveresocheap. cheese factory work a ,hu teesDetu itmas- .'tevenrrsoi, Rttikpott Ind.
Same specal pricest_ a Ie(eeoLittle Oh Dear 1dIuvn..MisBetr1
Ohis. Dsnas Gisens Lsndon - $8 $ 7 Station. DthLlsy5d oe.Ms rwtr . F. Werle, 'Nies, Mi.
Chas. Dans Gtbteon's Pictuces of Pimpe 3 ii With Trumpet and Drum it --~iiin~,Snn~
Chan. Dsns Gbsos Drawngs - a 7t ast semester thescdvancedhlc-lite The Lyr ls y Mint Field C.H ulmuuSuuky, Ohito.
weameli's Vanity Fair-_-----------ahe's Ws
Vqu el iIus amd----------- course of the diector of the cemitcs alTher'sg Wyod.... MsaBetr
]tppling s capacourageous - 1 0 'ao-Ao at the UniThesDiyheylird-Mb rs ir Butchiheicl College is to be affil-
Kigsly s Pelauseof the Sea -..1 00laotry niesy, ec Accompaned by the Comoser ttdsihteUiest f-tiao
Guerer's Stories of Famous operas i 2 ive course on "chosen subjects" was Prof A. A. Stanley. aeiwt h nvest f:Iiaa
Iterrmansta tdaraTet --------10 55rd~ln aslIela'
LlilanBell's A Gir'sPont of View t 1Osedevoted to Che recent 'higher chos- Sometime C 1E. noelai asMihga'
hpca icuto nieso li oliday fuarsaceadiitlsMtherad Chils-------Miss Field -
Speial lcsenstrsty o uas trheadp edSass -se I relutesntasfive at the third anniusl ccn-
$$ ,$ BOO TOA ite By lue d Koen ] as food products ofagriculltur.SomInCasey'e Table d' lotetby requet., tils. Field veuficit of the Aueriaut hederation
twenty-wo student elecIe - t' Sleep, Little Tlp. evin f. - Mine Bewser of (xa~lte Clubslucd at the Univer-
Up-Tewn Down Tewn . .couse.Showing Iheir iterest il is The Dll waing sity of Chiago du'i ug the hpst vans'
. State et, oppsi aCOrtl~ue Tse hWind Mshunld
Ann Arbr liainSt. class f sub 'Ics.- This semesser, Mr. Seemu' Things I(lien.