2 THE UNIYEILTYLOF MICHIGAN DAILY Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the College year at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Orrti Times building, 325San St. be- tween Liberty and William S. MANAGINGI EDITOR J. F. THomAS, 'OS L. hBUSINESS MANAGER 0. 1H. HANS, 'to L. EDITORS H B. SateeuAN, '55 L., Atbletics. R. L OIsMent, ".5 L. G. D. iENTToca'05. BUTLno LAMB, 't. T. i. WOOROuw, '98 1. 4,. CAPBELnL, '00. A. CAsPBELL, '~ F. EoeELHAn, 'O. The subscription price of the Daily is $2.50 for the college year, witb a regular delivery before noon each day. Notices, communica- ions, and other matter inteded for publica- tion mut be anded is at the Daily office be- foee 8 p. in., or maled to the editor before 3 .p. in., of the day previous to that on which they are expected to aoar. Subscriptions may be left at The Daily Office, Meyr's or Stofiet's Nestand, or with Busisess Manate. Suberibers will con- fer a favor by reporting promtly at this office anv failure of carriers w deliver paper, Tiel soitors ol'tIhes'toliog 'apsi t 1'ehigh abeetxtused from ltilt' requtired0 essays5 oflihe Etglishlir.'0' 'Th'eiieiigof tOlcand its for lthe tlracktteali (lhs lafter'nloonshold be 1( -et'v,ias 55alead~y iloulicetthere is 110 131-k of 'idnt's!ietllfor 111011 (f ability 1o at eal oiike a. tlifor Othe will welhl rpthe tie(litn1111work x- Ann Arbor Boy Wins Prais. Durinlg tthe' 'llistii3O l'acatiothe(it Detroit Comedy Clitb ypftttfldl at Ciii, Etire thleatrei '01thu0 city ardon's iclllntdy, "A Scrall of Piaper.' Anll~loC (hehoot i0llvpet'llvlwst Kal Ilrlti' 1(1911'whto as eaClst for the' pat of Al, lritliiollt-e, tie ld etolilogist, the ,Ctomed'ly tittsloroliled "A St-lpo0 Paper" 'lbrtt' y'arls igo.Aloulgl ass~oite d 11 Cli.' performancet'tof that eveting with lpr'f'stnals ad iu ii.' tto's wh11011(1,1laliytd ogeilel' for Ohve year's, liiheDtroit pileroWes' silani- (1(000 i their verdittt (irl. Otosfr- 150000 wok was t(le bs ( itelnie play. Several,Clietdurig tflcit 0(set of the tprforidi we it was necessliy 0o stolp the aetion ofOil.'csoedy uniti the0 audiene hads recovered is C-al after (ho is of 'iagl~erOthltIwolld foliow 1risilollciesspeecbs. 'Tht "hit" inase by Mr. Harriman "was in- dividll land disiii.t an togilll thi th~ers in the tot were acquainted ,withlinost every out ill (le adiene,' Mrt. HlTilon, depite being a o i' Crative tanger, wov h o ss(l t (0al- plause for hms work. Iiotpeakig of his aoting the Deroit FieCrsso said: "OQf(lie gentlemen, thie beCtowork was doineby Karl E. Hrimnal, who, asI MAile. Zenobito s venrablse and fuisy hbrothei'wias imost amusning." The D-I trot Tri-bsie sad, 'Kasfl Harrhmns as Driomouhe wvas worty of speciai luhation." The Detroit Journal eho-dI the opinions of the orning paprs byI ayinLg, "Good cawrater wiork was dos byKIi i . 'Harriman, woearn- ethe laughter and approvai ha ad- ie1e a:maaifetedin his prformne.' che cuiing Newosaid: iKarl Ed wsi Hl~i liil s H. Hri stotrc lee iiad tite bitof the p0(0co. its nae- ip wazs tsxte'tiitgiy (quaitCand litcsi- vseioisei lltnuique comedy vein." Oin 'tie occasioni of (lie perforilie lt'e EttlireOteaitre wiO tsflled to.lt tlooris with tiletmist -protiiisetpempli,t' in Di.troit society. Th udtltine vols lihe iitt iiitaiit of anyll'thtit-lis at' teltltla ortt.itiic itaformlaneitiert' titsteaisoll. In out' of thit' oxes W.18 Ir. IC ay 'letii'nt anod (its uifle. Ttem< Olenwytl i, 1(11 50''lli tii lt't 5 on l (ie leinitti's l"Jtimsilty. At tils' 'vi- t'llittttolf fte trforiiitiice Mil. I113(C)- tlulin tou lle tipto n 1(11by Mr. (titotleit alid lisltiaitags'i'. -bot1(of witoiti s'x- llls'ss'dtl (ittliselt s .I 1igly' tlo'.is.o twoth (Itsilt. Higher Education (?( Pretsiodt'titJoseitesA. hirt. of (t(1e5Chi- 1cago -.~cf 1 111(c1: lu, t isteIitnig to faolr telit de(110 otfoa baseball ufiv.'r- sfIt Iti oelltl1111.ahsipirtnts tor 1m1,t" (douts (is to whe'lt'r (t'e 5540(1(0 ottl meint ari behtinit . lit soys lb' spklibi' i; luanidAssoIeiatiolli will fturnishti t "We 10110dO'it rytiarsd 011;gset 01101 idlyct's," 51011litt "a1(1ti (tilk a Isei- toall scitoslowill ise just t(itin-gflor (lie Noitiotal League. A gr tea't tinony yvotintg iteit who radnoite fos e 1 iljge I olloe's .ire' oiixiotit for btioselill foatme. in1 0(it ii~ito ttit 0110(1dIwork lhii(c ny lap, TstCwont to jtimpitright onto ot'e Ili,, ietio', .If Nvte1 hadts eoolis-gt'we 'oltl be, suite whieni 011'silne ito lmll(10( Iloilt lit :lioiltl ollii iio.i(i:fog' 'he "I think Aiiison, iflie sNvs degiiiti ff Cte uivrsiO ty.couldotio (ellinideto'of 00 monthili-whethter a litialtits 000 to (ply On ilie iigleaguie. If aomtlnctoluot qi'aiify for its' NaitionaliLeatoiglieIo uoight oofor -ont of (Itt ti.(Iior leagties 1 (111 tn.i flaor t'of ite lan ltit 10(oilg40t doslttot bi-oto' anything alioott-it isideo Irl '-sot sltl i solw10 i liipape's. Mit' like schteines 1101-c lse triedlwliflore' tol I fiied"-IntiOtcetir. comittee( aptolPhited'4oyh e IlicMohigii Loyal Ie!ions to see thtth01( Amnericain flog is iiot trailed iln the duist anti nlttd by 'irrev'ers'it aslvo'ttisers, et. IF YOU WANT THE BEST FRATERNITY STATIONERY, BADGES OR PINS Send to SMITH, STURGEON & CO., Beforeo Having Your' PhtosTae INSPECT THE WORK The Berryman Stdi (Successor to Gibson & Clark) 112 West Huron Street, Ann Arbor. Should the Governor of South Carolina meet the Governor of North Caretlina On the banks of the raging Huron he would nmo doubt, say: . "It's a buog time between now and July 1,, and if you want to be one ofi the boys-in other words, a live0 wire-you had better inks time "1513 .. sMywsssoO U. of M.Daily ANDOLI1NS And get the current college news GfuITAISANDBANJOS. Itos a hummer and is understand ithe TeWshburn is ite one and only unprcedeted fferof $.50 s mae." oakeof world-witde reputation. Solhd unprcedntedoffr of.O~s mae." by first-riltss dealers everywhere from *"Think f will," oaid the other gent $15.00 upward, Initated extcnsively, and they took a drink-of Ann Ar- so he soretihat the tname "George hot's famous water. \Vashburn" is burned upon the instde. A beautitul WashburnHook contain- Leave your name and addrss for tigk(.ortraits and Ittrs-from OherIDr a regular morniig delivery of tm e szkesCalvel, Eamrs, Nordica, Scal- DAILY the rest of the college year at, chi anto'oo othter faouts artists aind- the U. of M. DAILY Office. tciicbett mailed frec upoi requsti.- A otCto Dt'ipt U, 329 SOUTH MAIN STREET, LYON do HEALY, Stats Phone SU BSCWPTION $1.58 e aoSAe e dm t ho~~ No.e_5 rassed wothiS ~entfic l C r Typewriter Machines '~ Cqsel snofsthe hih-pricesiahines is capacity; . - aeel quality of ssrh,ad enmel then is coavesiosme.; Praciceal, low-piedi, iortahle, heyhoard machines.; r oRbo. No.7? lt isth Sietificor ; Wr'hg lwasys is Unliversai keyboard -sight. . - Price, 3550.1 Dii, inhingnod l1Ceqailto aoe hundred dotlsllairsfoldin or- .-yertrnwo h Aekoheed~sx pti- liyof nsr- * ISoss Sold is Two Years. Mosdxrablenmachines Oa na aOe aprovl n respsible mande. 7 ma I ihia. Weigh oysixen Pounds..4 F. FAIRBAITON & CO.. GeneralMises' 93 Glriswold ht., Detreit, eMich. Typewriter nsex e 4 JS.ALLAM, 48 S. Fourth Ave.,,Local Agent -- no-- mrkiet. 4 I "The English Language Ain't strong enough ho express my feelings," says the farmer as he hooked back down the bill and found his load of potatoes had slid out through the open tail-board. We advanced the same sentiment our- seives awhile ago when some cuss from the country with feet as big as the side of a born stepped nil over our oore corns and bunions. Happily, however, we discovered Sarg's Corn Plasters and our. feet now feel fine. Get a free samphe of it at J. L. Skinner's Store, 306 S. State Street, or at your shoe dealers and try it for' yourself. 1 dozen plasters 25c: 130, 259, 241 Woodard Ave.. Detroit. PARISIAN REMEDY COMPANY, Designs and estimates furnshed on all work 28Rnop tet hcgILSl eln gns oc this kind,20RadlhSre>CiaoIl.SlSeinAg ts tATTYEATRE Wed., Jan. 12th The Famous English Beauty and Orig- inal Gaiety Girl, CISSY1 THE. DANCE I FITZGERALD, IPresentinig New Tork's Greatest Laughing Success, "THE FOUNDLING," Bly NvmLestecq, (author of ".Obane") and E.%0. Robson, an produced for 200 nightesAt Moytos Theatre, New Ysh. SEE CISSY WINK I, MPrices. ._.__....25, 50,756cand $3.00 0 Seats now on sale. , I A GENUINE CLEAN-UP-----.w Of dropped lines-an opportunity of unexampled granuer which comes just once a year and this is the "once." Styles sacrificed are: den's $8 05 Patent Calf Shoes-.-........ ------........ -----.......-- .... ... .98~s 'TIC. J. APRvILLe. 119 EAST WASHINGTON STREET. S pI Subscribe for the U. of, M. Daily- i 'i l $150 UNTIL JUL"Y u -I