c lje . f in VOL. VIII. No. 69. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JANUARYS, 1898. PRICE--3 CENT-9. VOL. VIII. No. 69. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 8, 1898. PRICE-3 CENTS. WILI Hasreceived a full line for Fall and Win Suits, Trousers and Overc NO.10O8 E. WASHINGTON Si Al legretti" Chocolat Fresh evE Only in p 60c a pour Lowney' prefer. PALMERS' PHARI Just Received a Large ar Lizwe of New Hlot and Cold Lunches at all cor Huyler's and Williams an Chocolate Boo Bone. R. B. JCL~Y 308 South State Cold Su at Coming- Winter is not got more winters arec chamois vest is the h tion against cold wiz doctors bills. We ha ours down to close ti If price is anyi you will ;buy whet themfor men and almosi any size. $1.4 CALKINS' PHAE D HISTORY AND ECONOMICS. May Festival Artists Associations Were in Joint Ses thle IUivi rity iicccal Shoeicty efiultil aly 51in5115th ie' li-oraci ofer Novelties sion at Cleveland. for le coiig 1May 4 ativcl. ter in - 'hee's iSeveni atlIdger isiisilec cof Tic' last weeliof''4i7 was an ci- rtiss tltiiiin liiiirmr ectrs, kll Of l'i'clii (ionetoltiiio1(se ileci'isli'litioisiin the rot ank. F+ist and matings Iisii yadiiie eniiiiix ildud t i c 'k- foremosst, Garsii, at pirwenit lie giic- edi thi es li 55i~iiiono h io Aleri est sicirncsi Snger cit VWcs-kele is. Ecoss011iic Asscci'ici ad liiis tli si- ,here will le iwo li('w s paIiiiS F. NEAR MAIN cd i ieeiiscoth ie Ascir sc tc'i- rs. Jennie Walker, who snig several , .Cl si ciiiic. Boh-hus hc ascu:i -il-years ago ii the Rledemption; andci in- ol'. iiet iineveiani.ilc ic, asil I iotiher wicse iiiicie i.is t yet ai- nicetciisxweric attenldIy priccici n u iiiiiiit'l ic s Stcc'ccer, whoicousire S ci;,isi'icicccs4cciiciairssfrosacall K"-sic h it lle ucess las. yiar, cwill sicg ii s othlii' contry. NIsid he ii'large igailiacid als iscsl4ei, ie ofliii at tiendacletui d iicc incs inii ilh cii c-tcvories iinpsts years. es . incs were ici-cicrs citftavicraile ciii t'raiiilic5 hiIeids lie li t rl- cccc'cc. Thi'ec'uIicncli'A-soc ictkmici c Ice.Dtavii llisjlacc, liii'Eglisi ryl week. icn session tfsiii Weilciccily. IDcc' lii listbritone,.cviiwic'ehere ccl iicnocthcci Id. - lc, ccciil Fridcay tiec-1er 31. 'i'-i'ci-'c iiss not soc wvliikiiownc.Mr. i~lacic. 'IS if you itcmet icc joint ,;sc inuwi' itike Ik-Pralliy ltiher'xii c'ciiwi o diiiilllc' tiirieil; at ie o s hieilisseionls iii tenorii, but tici a lyric singr every p l''rc'ssi' i hilftirnisihed'ithiii'pro-cciie iill b' sitislicc srlywitihicWil. MAY' gran cani atcl ci otier chi e lit' e_ acss. licgi'i. 'lhre xwildalcsibe cianoteri cccii 11ccTcecincci lirs ofl tliiacriic is- cii, ut yet nciiiicciiuc'ls ac ciiia- -Lins Wceiiex-ery c'ciliiicsii'oc-cchist, namicce nt yi't givei, whoicihcs d Elegant i ii'. tsacc iiici lit tarlcc c e ni'eciii.i,,.neveri plcy'dl ccc, accciii'liii slis. P p sIIt isiciccibiii ltii twci cccc,'iciti""c 1cc1i1 1 '.cThursday evenincg de "tinzci iicc li- ,100ti cc ii 't vi'eus' t \r'ixic viii.e Ie 8cc. caicccii vii cgiic;1?r'liiiyinigtc acc- . hours. Ageoss~nghatcd Scittuii'y lgl li Ld Werners o.e C th o ltiisisscithe two .assc r sic'y nightith ciattisi cin clccccc\iccrcii ly cl ig _Diilcicccai" xwiii G isic i L &CC). lrnccipltoplsic- 'it lsiici ccis '. Si'ita.The othersliceers'cwci'llxxihecc'cc- Sret. tecincg ocistcory iiiciiin pau. T'l'iicil stiia. tecinlcg cit i'ciiiiiiiilc-icciitfaryasc-icheli' 11ae oft'reservs-easc llcvii li'ti 'ilThursdacy minsccg. cit Msi.e 1 licc theci' ncicicie Assoiioicc. dci' Training Table Statistics. I thciiiii. liii' clsi'ilccciicof ct xcii'rgas ' lii I ias aua l icicc i-isIsiccecicn andi'iaili'itri'i' 5'ilhc' of iaiiilic idiic fthcal tliii ciini%, ~s cciii,, andiiiheii'cci 'circc'potc'l thitaii'cx ic-ic igici xili. icc cc i hc ,o irccicsiV l'- so yet and riciccicfc it cscci'lcicci'i xxii'tce oitccc th iin ccg ccliiis ac cciiiuii oming. A illig topicics uceccc isicaicii'i' of iii sr ilidic iuiici'. Icc tisilkicl iii cst prote c- ticuiciileis e wc'ixcc cloi cieVitei ( ii ,ii~tccc 'c $,ti; c cci ads. Saves tl iiiclecsiociocithlie elaticcncbectweei'niii 111'cccbuoaxigcc,(101 in cctrckciccci- wve lemarked c ith ict-eiiiiur ct comihistoiliry ciii liti cc f-2c;-1_cit''c'iccc cc c' hemn out. jTettlcto[, iducenment iccliUCal e'lcmy, andiiieliii rct ofioucciilucincictalics cxskcthis $074: a you 50ee lie 'c-aisuers'dlmonetii'ary eni-c cci-tilw'i incxx'lcci isccic',the'l' ccg ilccci women in isnciuccrirentcc'v rlc. icislichl ci'hi'cccx.' cclicci. ,00 up .1 c'rite i etngs of lie l ii ac i-l A cci,- iciiccwercycl irkeci iy tlicee siiilg- Awarded His Ph. D. cud intiraricl c'lrccc'err-fthlii' ciscs _____ ciA~t suc.s'11hesoures so i hlsslistudy ixro. lI'cciir lDenncicson, iisctccr i 1-: IM CY >i lie tchilssrtslliiyfr lislordei,'~.ilic ucin lie Uivesiyyofsi Mciigi, sudy abroad xere' the ka ii'si'g Pubi- lcs satifct'tciy scitlncil beforenthelii jci unes di lrn.ssi. aSi'r. 'l'xx'icc'. lattin caniiiGreek-facsulty of tel l;'- ot isecu iss I' 0 aValshsscsilter Ii''virsiy te exaisisccslo trlieidegec' oinlie "woc 'of State Hi'soricl iss' of Doccr cut Plcisoiuhy. Dr. Dencl- 0js caicos andcalgasrke or ill" Wiest is degree rpree'ntls511 11111511i1 at ic' axsocitioni raktas.-Daily ccctsscd of cstudy ascoii igsalc',arei lsidi~a Carlnsi cr'iedt 01nisisli I'exi'i'icioicsily fie "Liaving Pictures" a Success. icicdiion.. II A I bouss' greeted lie livid0 Oratorical Board Meeting, Pha i 'e tures from Gliso" ast ight, ai'd j "a goodly uns was recaidfor tics At ai scctisg o.silie saici'i Rin b indiss olinag oam. 'lie sorunwxas epee- I Boacd last nighticcoslyidsises otcc veInorwoelwith a caraeteristie antilife-like ronilce Iiitil'tt wacs ii'iiisic~eei .ic-s a epr eetation of rlie "Gilsoic Gil ." lies Aicr looking atethelc oisg t.53 .,1One ot the most strikingpictures wxx-aoiiciihansd orctrieci 'siets were of People-35 ai a ise.rjh reiig tia ~r rs.-a. . i3tat etitled "A Puzzle." One couple chloitc.Teieiiu 1c si is jlstetIring c ieb gouciadjudges xvii e annuncscei so. ll- Ha- -..r2 anotier has just been interrupted by, frs are bheig ccaiii to scutre Mrit Operas.. IWzi .at unwelisrene icoher. he Jpzzle i'I i o sie . ', --w I r cvicich girt was kissed hst in ten- toccit ofoliday icisues? - EciX ard C, Marsh, secrecary of lie : STOR sixiaicx'e iit is due -MissMia J- Brscoo f oMn c, lra i'rsigneditoiae- cbfr le]rfetincof-ti.c c'.rpt a psiinn thecDtrtSoncg Down Tows tues andto as. ' c Jl oilan idsrsucl. i s sccesr h s nty ,sts ourtos Main t 1s.Lmb~as'ifor -tie togu. j be 'cicoen. I U. OF M. COMEDY CLUB Will Present Gillette's "All the Comforts of Home." Th1? . St 81.,tcoeclrClubhahs de- cciedi to pre'cccct hiehhce's icme'dy, All lihi ('occtoric of Iluccu-" oniiscilurdy right, liei. 1. 'Amoncig those- o tapk' paut rc Mc'ccr. lBoyntonu, 'Wacgr, Me- Kerr, Iiyec ccciii isI-cu'e lsoiddar. -Harciry Weieicci'iii ccuiccus accc na ger Thue11p 'cvii itw i cc'crc'cntdicl 'iltud cih-Icc lus 9 hl en lii IM1cucciuur iciphu alc ef'tf:u cilie ccclii',dccodcclki'it oce ofctheSic-ill ei'x-c'uoti.le1' iciccu, scc theei ciieiimcany isiting ,Youncg lacies i dl ii'ciy. '111cc scc-csu'cillxcii(,i' iviuicci bi. cxee "I'lhcc Adlhuc'cii'Assodiius c ciian i lti Friudcihutiand iFow 'r icsicio. News from Prs. Angel. 'W'iinig foC oncc 'su.lccciccci c ucde'r prem' d cci'ulci-,,elf ccc folowc"': "We8'ciifairytlc'dcclinii cccintrccii lusrec's. cclcciu ccci' erc-cc- cccii l c ccd li ch c ommandccccacccblecuccifciu liw' dcc'er ci loch-cpa cl'ofiticciy ancccl;tic acenwatc-uIliiucicacciii -uicccy. Thei Iy. Ichowe''ver, s id ct cvey liciccicul to lice i. 1'.)" ccecic ci"'alucdnarow cccii ccci ccx','c';tn ciuccu-. lc'Iiiost prlar hge- it cchiii tocgelg;ccuI ln wglccsiw11c h ccl ciii agurcuieliii. "'Thlc' csic'ly cci dcccl i'suainlyclio'i lii'e ioiliculi' d. IButi cce'knoxx siomehi'fcthlii' icuiiclicul'. ini to,,xi. Aicc it -uunsuscicrauclie numinofr itAcie-scss ccuiiitip lccceo' cciirt'elc''s. As we ciei'n iiilii' risceistilhol. cc-care'.liii dci seci ulci. I thinik te l' sccc'is tusi- lhlthcddiy. But all ice, 1I 'i Scud thinkc lfe' Iie is liely toi1.eroni' to eitheri ofi'icc ireticudihi' dtclife liccAscii Arbor. 8ly ofticcal duis keep ccc~ pilcciualiy buslyuchilec'laingiii'rei 5ctfliiciIeih leisisie' tor s"'cdincg acciiex- Iloinccg ie ciy. Th'liii'icii'cl, frcom dlii'Sultnsh ~ hv luciiuxc.ccc iilben'ccvy. ('crdultincc." Echoes from the Kondike. iCuccerou (. Birn, thei'Detc'uutcr i'ic'c'itiy r'e'uiwiifromicthci' IsCiodike. Whenesi was' xx'i-cuig dved' lie Oil- knst -pac" icc'sate accfaccilicarfigtur' citica, arlilielunIts Nhack and aiccist' dlropped'i his ownicpck wihls atonSh- uest. fThec ie gve lie 8Nfleciganu lUiv rsiiy yell: "U. of '8. Ito-idItah!" 'Thie other naci ccho wcas going itos the Kionike eves- theic is dr doppedi his p'k like ait hdstove lii, tccned arotni andi yelled: - tioc' God's suk who as's yu?" Fiei'was "Fa'ctty" Smuih, the old Ansi Arbior alf back. wihewait- hi s Gus-i ve'ity Wheicuns w-c hee--Dce- 1ro1t Evs'.'uiig News.- A I. of M. Alumni Association 1105. been organized it Romeo wils ) members. Among the iuuber is ens oft the class of '54- anti one of '9.