it '1H.K UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN *DAILY. 4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. The Si Departmi W. J. BOOTH, Pres. W. ARNOList vice-pres to eBest effects for season '97-Black, JOHN C. WALz. Asst. Cashier. I o r e S m o k i n g ~i , B o n r a , G e n pfa n c ie s - - p e r f e c t l y t a i l o r e d - - S t a t e SV '5 o $ 0 .T a s c s gn e a lBak n b u Jackets! ___ es Ready for You. G'OS EDSoCr. Bale and Huron Streets 117 MAIN STREET. Capital, $50,000. Surplus, 55)0000 Transact a general bankeing business. __________________________________ IitR. Knssrr, Pres. C. E. Genese Vice-Pree. FRED. H.BEBLSERnCashier. " THE ANN ARDOR SAVINGS BANK S udents' Lecture Associ'a Io Capital stock, $50,000. Surplus, $150,000. of this State. Receives de sits, bays and -Powers----------------------Jan. 22 United States. Drafts cashed upon proper Washington -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -------Jan 29 Orri~ians: *Christian MacksPres.- WD Sousa's Band------------------ -----Feb..26 Casher:hlR.. Fritz Asststant Cashi ec ,, OratoricalCoiitest---_ .------------------------------l'larch :IS NATIONAL BANKVo n ro (I. Burtons--- ------------------------------------April 8 FRTIOrganisedi163 eIIt Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Profits., 140,00 Transacts a generalbakn business. Save your money by buying a season ticket, oeg exchange bought and sold. Furnish _________________________________________E. D. KINNE, Free, BARRISON SOULE, Vice Free ) Lamups Expressly 'Students' VUse S.. Lt8O Csir "The Rochest-er,"' "The Yale," "The Royal," "The Perfection," C.iff. MAJOR & CO., "The Berlin Student," all nickle plated, varying in price from The Artistic deorators $1.00 to $2.50 each, Have a complete line of f represent Every student should use Dean's "Red Star." It gives a pure Wail Paper, Paints, Oils, Window 3of O L white light, is odorlese and does not char the wick. Deliv- Shades, Room Mouldinigs, Etic, ered iii any part of the city in our cans at 10c per gallon. For Specialty of fiue interior decorating, sale only by paining, frescointinting and paper 21Bot anSre. D AN & COMPANY.hagig. Ork te et of workmen SHO S 24 out Man tretemployed. Wrkguaranteed. SUES INIVERSITY NOTES, Jas. H. Prentiss Appointed. C. if. MIAJORi& CO., Henry t'Celanti-, '9)EnB. lisa tnal oat At a ni'eiing of the boaid of sill"--TeAtsiDero, ,ing this wlts h ine los ii stSCtelCoa ors of the Atoit iiAsoociatiosi ~fthe This evening ila.l)snejolet will iso- held Mightt the isilon of general seC:.trk K L E INE of the lsosoc i itoliwvas wt ed lo to ait the AIn i-icani l'otis- to..wiii all T I O studeista s riup ~to he ipresenlt ale in- Jii' tiir rniV.aget vitedc. Itis tsob a "heicko.on Day0oflie lilerar I(1?hissof18965. Mr FO /et' y~y}j..r 1 y or ^ r - tIrentis fI ci, alyj eptei ld the poolI N t~~et raltioVn, itloerross- tees"lig the aiA- lu 'T pesn-wohvAN , ~. vesaOf- Jack.son,'.s vi-,.,-, t icis T _ irn iohv -ascii- $2.7 The adjiining cuts I 2 of our riany styles LADIS ' WELT That we are offer, week at These shoes are all season's Last and Pat were formerly sold a $3.50 tand .$3.+ We have got more waish to carry over season, hence this gr I of this erns and ,t 00o than we to next eat offer ) ' et5 tile'life of Ilie, niversityv Battle of New tOseana. ihe iprice of tickets is one doillar°.sirigtelaeis 1SXyl it issetdlies to iltErticl the' T1he sefondI of the aeries of talks on isew geirsceay oohr the students, will be gi-eni tonigit. Canon City, Col., graduated frons the Mr. John R. AMien swill ssdlres the Ann Arbor igh school i1892 andt society and its friensao-,Itie 'Power from the Untiversity in 1596t. tie hiZs Plant," trestiisg iiore 'specitally of tile bises' av Hard -woiker and a msost iitechaiiie-'al features of the systeim. culrmnhvigel( offices of ti-slot and'lionsor while .iu GV":1+MASt11tt ATHgLERlTS NOTICE. urdergia-duate Ile is aesoureeeful, sic- 'All wrestlers, feiscero and thsose lie- tive, clean anal perfectly hronest. with terosted ini tiorizoistal anti isiryWiel baa ito nbounded confdidence, n;;ol with work and tussilbling will meet ini the whom lie bus lied to do. lie expesis (tynsnasluin reading ro n at 5 o'clock at once to take uip the work laid Priday, Jaii. 7. A meeting at Chicago doewn toy General Secret-icy MeAl'lte,- tss entorace such is in pro- ter. pet and a1,team iiay tee orgasnized to " r~l~l'aellt 1'i~l~igal. 'Varsity basebla'll candidaites oare, so'- reprsentMichgan.quested to practice fstarts" ssith tic AD1IJAN CA-MPBELL~, Manager. takeinatron ntegm A. J. KEITH, Msran ,ge r. FI O UND-A leocketibook and °ne see - Osner can Iaes the same on detIfi-- is sy tzgerald at the Athens T'ea- cation. 004 Jefll Tools t. ter next Wdnesday .night. Welt soles. Sizes 2 1-2 to &8. fi. l J.r., .} .. "! :". -5{{{ I \. t " 1 } 1 ?' . -A _...__ Fine Confections Bon Bons and Chocolates. 200 EAST WASHINGTON STREET. 316 SOUTH STATE STREET. @ MUSICAL ! 0 tel Gillespie, teacher of Mandolin, Banjo and Guitar. Instructor in the University Scbool of Basic. 18 years experience as a teacher. Call at Ann Arbor Basic Co's. Stars to arrange for hours. EIOLME S' LIVERY STABLE, 609 E. Liberty St. Central location. Good Service TRY THTE. SToledo Steam UDE flA Tif you are in wastof this article to keep the chills off the balance of this seson, here is your. opportunity. Fora short tine, in fact they will not lust long, we will offer a lot $1.50 Merino, a lot $11.50 8 9 cYJ~ fleeced Salbrigan, a iot$.1.25 Royal Iibbsed underwear at __.__. C l adie Romeo Alaskas [Gar]e 79C IPA Y SHInRS aoreroan for oear ni Srtu. Theli~re but one way me, We quote f5100,,$1i2a and 5c, JRNIE U1TH M