. THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY.3 Great Reduction Sale - For One Week Only SWEATERS' GLOVES. . GOLF HOSE l $4.50 for $3.45-$4.00 for $3.00 $3.50 for $2.85-$2.00 for $ 1~39 $2.00 for $1.87--$1.75 for $1.49 $ 1.50 for $1.42-$1.00 for 69c $2.25 for $1.75--$1.75 for $1.50 $1.50 for $.25-$1.00 for 89c Neckwear, $I for 63c-75c for 43c IFancy Hose, 75c for 63c==5Oc for -43c W Fancy Shirts--the best 90c ' COMBINATION UNDERWEAR PAJAMAS . IN OUTING MAIN STREET, S. FLANN[[............. IVIA0. C & CON0 MAIN STREET, S. You want a Mando- dolin, Guitar or - Banjo, don't you You want the price right, don't you* SEE OUR WINDOW. ANN ARBOR MUSIC CO. 205-207 E. Washington St. ANN ARBOR Time Table, Sunday, Sept, 5, 1897. TIME TABLE: Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Standard Time. NsORTH, SOUTH. 8:41a.m. *7:30 am 012.15 a. m, 11:5 a. m. 4:48p. m, 8:4 p.m. *Ros. between Ann. Arbor and Toledo only E. S. GILMORE, Agent W. B BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo 0. IThe NViagarat Falls Route." Central Standard Time. f TRAINS AT ANN ARBOR. EAST. WnST. P. M. A. M Mail and Ex.-.----.3 47 B., N. Y., Chi---'_ 8 12 N. Y. Special.--458 Baili.-------981 G.. R. Express _--'1 10 Pacific Exn.---12 El 'N. S Limited ----8 10 P. M. Eastern Ex. .9-.547 Western Ex -.-1380 AM. G,..&K. Ex --- 555 D.N. Express ----.5 50 Chi. Nt. Ex.7 47 Atlantic Ex...7 30 'North Shore Limited in an extra fair train to be a charge of $2.10 to New York than on other trains. OW. RUGooS~a, ii. W.. lAveS G. P. A T Agt., Chicago. Agt., Ann Arbor CAN F03NISH MUSIC OF FIRST-CLASS. Orders f or all Fraternity iparties, club dances, etc. Leave orders at Ann Arbor Music Co. or at Residence 1710 Gtddes ave. P.S..- Will tube pupils on Piano and In ight reading at above named Platen, A. J . Johnston. U. of Al.Saving Parlors andBath Rooms 322 SOUTH STATE STREET. Ladies' artistic Hair Dresing op #stairs, Old friends rail again. We welcome -nesw ones, J. I. TROJANOWSKI, ENOCHI DIETERLE, EfIBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. CallsnAttended Day or Night. No. 110 East Liberty Street: Residence,5313 South Fourth Ave. Phone 120. RANDALL, THE PHOTOGRAPHER, WASHINGTON BLOCK. ANN -ARBOR. DROP IN AND OffE ONE.. SID ,w.MILLARD'S Football Calendars for 1898. West Liberty Street. ww30S. STATE STREET W HISMST Take home one of Posh Binding ...........Z cents and op our U. of M." Pins or Solid Cold Fountain Pens . Si...$10 and op. 00010 other novelty in Waterman and Wirt iPens in stock and otur lii . Penn Repaired. Wholesale and Retail Paper. 3/s its, of Ln' W . Arold, LEADING. enoPaper for 50c. W' aIsMits11 s I FULLER & BERANEK, Cleaning, Pressing and Repairinig. Work called for and delivered. -.1 t2 S. STA'TE ST.. over 12osey 's. Phone No. 2V4, New State. BRZOWNI'S DRZUG ST ORE CORNER MlAIN AND HIURON STREETS Is the place to buy Dissecting Inotrtuments and all things needed for Bacterology, Pathology. Histology, Etc., Etc. 'mo""PRICES RIGHT. 0. M, MARTIN, FICNERAL DIRECTOR. Embalming a Specialty- NO. -209 FOURTH AVENUMS. Ambuiance sight or day. tResidence,.302 Fifth Avenue. A Student Enterprise. The sc'i:o l:his ttedirec'tlptronage:iicof 'l'lie lpolatlioni ofAn:n Arbor is suich: i ,il~siy ':lt'111y~ .t chaniigiing out'thati lliigs once Well intl a" lhalf Au.ti lity beei n s ai'll : iI nwli to evtey ionte w11::trodl the bdintof Ithe'Ala w ani:sl bof:1 ::sise the e'iliilO .31arenowY heaird with sirplise -in sulport of a dep~artmen.it pr::i'b- Linto Ihis trilt of lilotory. II:Iitie f-all ialsIftor its geit'ensity in supring;elini 1 t'iteirsiise, staitedl by one1 of its stil- of '910 Nickels' hail W is vdcaiii, t(leiit". No:t : uly linve tl it. ii:: :ii dant-ing scolilaviiig tv'n up 11s las obe':i ittelidaiilOatit 11n(iver' existence fliere:'the yer 'e :foure.Mr. y"'holo Danicig, bu:t Il i e- I-i. '"'. Austin wi'4 urge'dlto::fori1a partmentiooave1gien it.lhi''engo:'- clasiindta lke the' lall. This lit' con- os wsupport, tor wile ll eiae is a sciitedl to do and1:1a lisiii:tively otu- lo-ally 1toliie fratiernily :15(1lie dns (acn:sho1'aaeit p iateellilethllire is ilsoia loyailty to lihi il'eallue 0illAniiiArbor liiie. Clr. Aus-L Iias aWhol. Ini licate liii, though ]not a ilrsfes0011,11ildilncilll7o ege b txii':ilec So O teaichieiwas a ilimster of the aert, be- , uztsthis school wil.cas. ~re I,.e- long a. liolsillir Society lilliii severai-wlle cities of thei west sail sothl and ai miitchisoughti:'a:Ier of ridilliou~s. This GERMAN AN) 8PANJDi 1 C'1(001. studenlts' danciing Schonol 'sr is illesten- Abrcisi of thei'tlines. (lin etheiod, e(Ithe"Uilcesit scoolof ancI19 the Nali, Pesltslozziliiior Conver- :1111th li nne exactly inicates Ol soat losal. (Ouii'spelt~iy, Idlioli:-c ('lm:l'rcr-as"tplia'e'wher'e stunts ! froniiaiii :lu:rliiiels ::oet if:r recrred riiitio zlfetol "Ili n tioii, a:30:5 those woohave notillearnedi oad 4ies 1.S.hoola-524ii-:i:i. titeiltli ihe :irt of (daicing itsv-c inlli('oppor- Ann Arboi'. lin:. Isnfity is 'lle. A lcistii has serv itehasos- i's devoted tIs-beginners. T'lii'111y13' ll kindls sOi' rllortiile cTe. Iher :'vc-onuplisliecl tl.ees wis iihave'beei: Iiles or siwoi''n(s .tiR:':; Itieses writ- granbuilecl frol:u this sc'h'ool is the ia.sl tenl; copies 1o1i1b' a1(d friliedli Ithree yea: l--ih': ie wlsess of Oils stil- tlr:ollly. ('hAS EN 1x1. lliIAItD. less zis "Iitr :s'h1r. '"1iw'youn:g l~idy stuidents ills:: at1endtlhe::school 'a.1.0d1Guiaranute'ed In i}lease lthe owssldis- its pa'r1 t's fei'ngi-itrfectlll'safe' Ilt.I i'llllg tinsef-'sM::lx Obe(y oill mieet no ::ljeI i::noble per- elleni t 6ocolates. tle, Is gre-t p aio'lT a i n k eel 0)1 its p~ersoniinel, of the hiigliesI oiler. !Advertise ilitthe lDaily'. Universi ty School of Dancing, State Strcct, opposite Law Building. ANTON TEUFEL, HEADQUARTERS FO00 Trunks, Valises. Dress Soit Cones. antic 't'elescopes.' Trunhs and Valises repaired neatly ansd cheaply. No. .307 S. Bale Street. "r We have jnst ren-- P e ceived a large line- See ourwid . HALLiER'S Jewelry Store Lowney's Chocolatis, -00 TO'- W, W. TUTTLE'S, State sf. ALLEGRETIS, it you wish. ALL GRADEOF O HARtD, SOFT, CANNEL ANI) SMOKELESS COALS AND COKE. M. vST.ABBLERZ,. 1159IW. Washington Street. Ph~one 8, Tao Name the Guarantee. - SPALDING'S Foot Ball Supplies For '97 Every Reqolaite for the Game. Mlanagers will do Well to write for samples and special rates. before purchasing. The Spalding Official Foot Ball. Auoptrd by Yale, Prineeton, Pennsylvania Harvard, Cornell, and nil other lenoin"r uni- versities. Each ball tested and pace, and sealed in separate box with bras. ilaltor Price. $s.oo. Spalsing's Official FoosNail Guide for 597 Edited by WATERoCALP. Post- paid. o seals. Catalogopeof11e St Sushl isI:,it.g A. 6. SPALDING & BROS., Now York Phiiadelphia, Chicago Washingtons FINE NEW LOT OF ..Washburns.. Just received. 4. ILowest prices on STRINGS and TRIM.- MINGS for al Instruments. SCHAEBERLE'S MUSIC STORES 14Wet'iber t.,AArbr rerms $5.00 a some ester - - Sinigle evenings 5) cento. Office-427 Thompson Street. KINDERGARTEN, oE.Hr t Call and See Us,* * RENTSCHLFI THE PHOTOGRAPHER * Telephoene ' 0. ANN ARBOR .Advertise in The Daily