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January 07, 1898 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1898-01-07

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hIc t.a



*THE LAWA DEPARTMENT. rofssee asu'apisell was assignd to
W IL D te irst 1)ofesorsllsi.Ptr f so.
I udge ColeyTell theHistryWalkeir to tl~e seoitt.and(1 Pofesar
Has"received a full line of Novelties .i!ug ooe(eleteHsoy oley to the thirdI. The now ap-o
for Fall and Winter in of Its Foundation. Isinteso utmet shrty atr fte attont
of the Regnts had bon takn, and
-Suis, Touses, roeitdotto ottider the sittation.
SuitsTrousesireofolowitgextractsone ar e Tihe [ifirst nersity obviously was to
and Overcoatings fromt an artile ty Judge liansottsALM irovide- for a resietitprfessor, tr
C ooley sit -Thetounttditng adtlEarly isae of teirsliuber tien trstie .t .
Hitory of the Itwto Departmnet in Atn Aetor. ('trenst itases toet to
NO, 108 E, VWAHINGONUIST~. NABN MAIN indcate clearly tttat tlstt resident pro-
Mfotdayo sedtitonttof the Mihigat fs s(ort muttstIt ttetthethrdlttatttd oasty,
WttotttttoNw Dttr;ottofM list. for his esideetisna ta tpoitt
tgp '!an niversit a aat~di f~ tat wol t Irlnit ts ratt ig it
1 .r G,-.the Departtttet of Littratttr-, Sie ttetd ia rititiiitt i aty ititrtne
/ an teArtshataiestoltpit fr eigt-tttittsef the labors('It't051frisi
C hocolates ~~~~~tten years. l Iteg'aitit a misal way;m oOjcin ateeoe
thet is rtiiwest was otl ftr i sttn tae oi iis ttrt to ts th ire jtes
xarta, lid raes, uitikin ar~rto td y tes irtirs tttothte 'htsilitat
Fresh every3 week. tartonwittertimsettio titit Attrnt
Only in pakaes- wtith it as tro(),(,r to iiv tit ics- Otittit oAttAh
dOn a pound. etotnts, was bt a sttall ttioteer villge. Tteto rtttttttst' si-Itstal rit ial-
Lowney's it you . tutvwti ttootttosthots ieittir foethoitttoV the t u ltos'ttto sae-lot te
prefer. :aotst 'ft tts ti lotd .fr te l 7dit s ntltg, adtt "t h ess
stud tt tttfo [ttese w st iotsu'ti O n fise sotritg itscoistrutitonItttad tot
pp $eisgagthtmttlittteterfarosiittre of
'. PALM RERS' PHARMACY. 'ateitsieh usitut o piot rsisithttpetrtormiaittoiOfpptteit
a t.tes aittthe vilae tlhad beungitt tltosIttstroyestto
foir a. Utiveit -itam s,itt! i t thts
Just Receivedt a Large adElegant u-otridso hi ~pt e~ reprlared ta sitis ttat eoattsrie-
tlefti tid hosi ies sttti ts s beimmeitlyos-ct ih
Z4~. of New Pipee I ively two tiitttsoswere e o tretoilfor tlaito i iitttatO'trrols tti
Btasqd ttLeeches at all hors. Ageetssontslaiauof prifessors.Ind theiheyt15505.lit7tfis tte lOttisithetlio is
or 1u Berers sandWilliams ad Werers o s hilw tafrard0e~ptu1e'
thocuats BeeBoes. btilitttgs wlt'ittiusi mawcutotii uhills rioi~5atrvarl srtie.ti
R. B.Jdo .'Y &co wings o te itatt inrirtir rs' O was isedPa:htlfto th sthtrutsdint
3rud tr pt 1) 08 South State Street. AIg .)n-rhe t itils te niclsd-tI3te tbiling- wuts irstsait
__________________________________________ A aw eps 'iseis ii te Itier- iroe tortidy for ssttn t t he sit
s. _ ity -Hail tees itscontemt ati on tsssfrstn gitittitg ositlat lawe is l torosinitt lruti nlo
ea'ly terittorial dauys, tanti was usrtes- iuiititg-ir
Cold ottlirti y a issoittisi'y trvtisinin it I
Coia ~tte tot of 187 tby w itio this' titvs'--
sitng>;y sch e ti-is s e afly an'fsiisi Mary French Fled
tvrtily ottline l_ Itwould prtas ivois iiSitrsty 'i'iig tsI rst
betn Ott Olie- ttc l i ' owr au tt in it'i'5t5t thsti H l all estie tinietilli it ss'gie is
it s' sninti weit tti' 'nob-limiadelb ty Miss ~lity irenc-hs}ie'sliWisi tiill
Winteris not gone yet ad anoustas thtefhitersrb D' teut'ttiwasgieetdisftsnterftetto-t.
tmore wnesae Costing. A Ibviotsly the first niei i- I ly tr-t stueistItios fBelie- B tesi-st's itillrutute
lchamoisva is ofd he best wns vsprote-th'frtateMo.an isBle'Berewllr"t.
dotos ~lr o W ave marked he question 5of ratirin'it ttst'Is attse' stsltu rt
ors dw oclose them out. Dtotioti is oetntntl'str tohesistre uiiississ'wa
If ie is any iducenment ts.ier .1htittlss.tthat tit'tssbastursin undergti- some O-
you will buy when you see teh snuir:issni ni°
them-f4or men and women in tine 'Presitetitof the niversity gs lotaysz. n p rsingofceOfteBad oldts fernoptsi of Eraee. te n the
alot~ Ie 10 p trehlusolie orheBoid f o'- itsithe ut Qi rt'
su. Ithle matter of isanitg ot- wtichnitotrestisilthPatti throsughi t'
a.fuLawvDepartment there i t nott in rn to iso te}ri~~ ak
the reor;itsicatig that te ook a05 sdtud steia y tisstlis h etli
CALKINS' PHARMACY. ttcarut whate was dnitos kiws tnldgig with geatsitJ W i 1ith urt-
U_1_____________t__have_'hadis____________________ard lie cottibhute, in so far as his aiesettuelA niymathe isstigt t'ishle-Isi
ga voccaion for hissoitg so, to mntltiedosng1.cn Fls
AT T~C ike!te sticesof tei l oplan t atg of cttiiosl.
thR at it t ay Properly Ibe adsestheruo °'t tel o tf uuscksit stirfoirtigis
Ulso long s-ho remaianed titosietit nti-lit o tle int)1 ufontiniurr
sf t I 1niverity his s' issions t i t oi , n i eaod- tat tetinuittiei'
3 ~ S T ~ aw Departmen tiee atugstter -loi thetis.d h' aituisit sill tati'
____________ pleaant ad aisatory2wiihts hllt hads uitt isti titn
It aywel be coilel I ie" - -rilis
1i e .Jii O S } .. tSj',o itehat(le tiegent - wits children._
UII tQr!tbe to Seue re the ileso off s trted u esfulit.
Uno~~s w~~ 1h~~ Y soyCamnpbll antIWailkeri'for Kbltiev 011 osiTTi'uitstus
All the new holiday book. ine burtwdio egs sool. The salary offered ws not t-Tl'Ieuniversity Whist tituti lusti
san d rsbosnsesaresnow onviein or twoatv,!adi ihro hlaclf ~ otnt ok iefrtmci
Booswere never osota, d, it woulbe fn uasesnse ofduy .at wiii toplaynuas idutlgdi iwasi
5 epnlp tcest do
Chom xsn (1* a 1cestee - 3 75totr usm loe of the iwork. iey td 1 arigt at Ptoutyouis i f-
Chas Daa Qbso0c P't~tesof Peopte.:i 5 -
ohs -D. ~tso s:Dawngs - 3 7wold nt bexpetedt hang t rt alswnokp sigaulo
Wenal' Vnty Fair ....-.....h.....tale.w.eket oigtndal
9udso Isis aed .---_ 6rsiden sfominDetroit to An Arbr, the ' ay -a- -were etuusisstiaserthe-
tKlugs1 r5-'"." te ea I p ttogo ot fur tedlivry of lee- tr el.A ttctuio11 rt
are rstreo rs en~rs ---.12a t 's wvulitbe a t . ills u sottlhilJoeivn Ii tomorrow's Dily.
U anB llsA - lP~eite -------:t:o: Ii i l ovenlenee.
eseladsIeseoe s ot ste Holiday T re h n- uw -te.1 g-o o cn itte
WAHW8S. 0K siO aJM p in we-KeSae, 1e tv yfirIst (A'tug atfter v tafalin yetrtuv
th asal-,Ii , *-3 J vlrf atenoon F usmnow "tintilteannua
los so. ips ,after the g I tAnse tt ues out teo a~d. itt liedweekly
Asn Ahor Maenst. jni' swho tore _1 s solene, anos ii- s Ii

University Women to Practice
Speaking in Public.
just bifsue-thhliayt-actittoit the
ogututzuatt uof c.girls'sde-tinhug 00'
oliety,. iattestthis'Ihio ogua ass -ef
Ifs'rlsd. Isti-host, of rotrc, tastto
gie toe yotug sniofsthlist' lume-
speaktig. Anuepeatt'ul s--ITort sitl also
be' ussts' tio gsh a , itsMebs'itsi-aus1th-
ough, Istuet i-t11tiiire'8tt sistiOfg]at tts
la juulg i ty this- stthitsiiishirt
nitumbetof silitttsit, ilssaitut oi
t'. attissilts' of is'(,tmost hlt~hfuti antI
topilar r usgnuituioi su g t' glis.
PTahe ttittierthuttt hus itt i Invtutedstoli
thirty. lTie'fivstregutlatsmeit ittg itill
tpi' helidsturituy outig t 1I3in t
ltie wiws G-usstyttiustitt. Au s(ithlege
tils ate-i'riahllyisusit lto tilte.
Prizes for Debating.
Thss' ssna tse5is' snautking
ss'eurutsits effirts uto ihaes'(picasggs'
idsbatintg i oe'rt~otnstuIa souted basts.
A tlrgei uuuiossi-of itthtt-,s'ttsarati
Iting sofferiset 1st lhie-sgis tutsioithea
tug contt-s.Proirsiashaveltis'beoei
hnauil, to gs'ete siui-rsful stut in i
'tcoout ot hetetis'tiitsrgrui ltteti
deopartttVents his uititat fr aiurte,
$40. Tdhei's tweliteidipatmentt't ets i-
gst of "six isithe firsttwuaoars sor
jiuntir soliege, ainitsix ini te',tuppet'
sisi yearssor senuior Cets't. Tdhes'six
juniior r YS-eiian'trRsii it-s tutu MtOusi
sen'ii' o ts t~rseiitstiii'a uudiilaiity fist
trizes of $50 eah.
Those coesots ttke tilts' for tit te
it ye-tinanit te wst-tule'tiuiut ofe-teIl
to iiidtttgriutatesain ilist'formnori
tritzes Isthis $1,:00st41tye-u.
i-on the Grauiats' 8(-pooiiiteelss o f-
firesd $75 a, quiarter.
hn only the firtsushiest its very
divisioi hhrs-rse'tttd; aiit sice- 1(st
tht mtore' thanuit24) uuessuhrsothiflii u-
itrsity slt to, lusv'etil fr aysit
thus Irza. At this inext catest aimontg
this unudergrauts-, white-itwithlle
plase- so-tau, this-t' tiill te nly tres'
-saker's ii 'stiolte-ugo, itead osi
the six toia tiuu-t hety ittrettite. In
o tther wodaisaltuf oftheitodiisso
lt' tuivessty,-stuis t d sivisson rere-e
stilts frinthlirty ti sixty sudes-
notsit, ututan suuue forwiardlto omtsett'
tven fist' the prlituuury'prize-of i
si utarhitivaluesid ilat .
Living Pictures.
'Toste'ithutsare toi iaks' ptrt ii thus
"Living Pitn-ta froti iGisoun"'tis
evtning it Nt' it-a'' Hall, held a futt
dre-s s-iehasi latiightati evey-
tingstont off iii pefect shlele. dhie-
tostunues tie iel those-u andsthIiit-
tures wel-ilwtntnuyede. 'rMe- puarl-t
paitts lave iiilsworke lrd.itiki as it
resut any tickts hauve- been sld.
All musliatiena are for ia very peasing
ai isiucessful entetainment
The freshmnon class sill hold its
1fattsoeltil hisOsieiing a (Grange's.

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