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January 06, 1898 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1898-01-06

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UNIERSTY TEX -BOKS W. J. Boors. Pre . ARNOLD, st Vce.pres
NIV RSIY i~&-nu , J V. Sanussas, 2d dV Vice-pres.
T h t r ~ uLL~ rNEW AND SECONDHAD. Jos o. WALZ. Asst. Cashier.
The S or hS FLLLIESOF OTE BOOKS, and Stt ' ai~ ak
- - Transacts a general Banking hust.
Fountain Pens and Fine and Staple Stationery ness.
and offers all at the Lowest Prices. iiii
\1 Capital, 50,000. Surplus, $30,000. Transact a
Stludents'L ecu e A s cato g1E3PPeeralbaking business
.. FED.H. OELS u Cashier.
Powers-------------------------------- ------- Jan. 22 Caia a ,5155Srls 150
Washington------------ ----- --------- ---------Jan 29 ~ale Resources 1,10005)
Sousaes Band -------------------------------------------Feb. 25 55jnzes Sat nderhethe deoono l itBuankiaws
Oatorical Contest- .---------------- -- --l'arch r5 sells excaugeontI prncIal ities oOthe
Burton--------------------------------------------------Apris Sidentifcatlos. afety depo it boxes to rent,
OFSOtnuss ChriJtan Itlsk Pes. 0. D,
______________Harriman Vice Pes. (ss 1;. lscock,
I e p r n i n ! Save your money by buying a season ticket. U se e xch. (iia n g a a 1 , rss
Students i paptal, 1SiS00.S. ~ian oele B, 40,1158
Le "Iamps Expressly w seFreg ecagsogitned uns
lters g credit.
"The Rochester," "The Yale," "The Royal," "The Perfection," R D. KINNE, Prs. AtISON SOUL,
"The Berlin Student," all nickle plated, varyng in price from S. Tw CLAPISO. sir
2 7 0 >f1.00 toy $2.d0teach.
$ 7 OOI Every student should use Dean's "~ed star." It gives a pre C. ff. !AJR&C-
IL wielght, i odorless and does not char the wick. Deli-The Atistc derators
ered In any part of the city In or cans at 10c per gallon. For Have a compet eof
The adjoining uts represent sale only byDE N & OM A Y WalPe, is5inw
2 of our many styles of 214 South Main treet. Shades, Roem Mosdigs, Etc.
UNIVERSITY NOTES. I Alumni Seretry Resins. Specialty of fle interior decorating,
._SHSa paltng,freci ,tnltngadpaper
1EL- hn ig. Oly te est of wrkmuen
p l.:zlcAivyIeouro'ito the l lxI11. M . 01. i realgil iii ke np oy d.Work guaranted.
LADIES YTS II e~ ' l . iii iionofr - eeretui of te C. f. AORK& CO.,
TJim till stof IDartsi niuh Colleg' Uiver. IIlnn Ascata nd1
hae voed i vo f 5the athhnooCri r hsa tThe Artistic locortor.
Tihat we are offering this tenoli rsg u r.Hh e
wek a Miitay ot ril uneta en mtred. met is thle Wok whih the newly 00 L E I
wek t 011ray drllli abe t i tiiidiat IK L I
the Universty -of (itag.sllatl alui oci . eies ave unr
Prof.7Thomipons was ou of Ithe c3tak, f abuieaso no 01elyand T I O
$ 2.70 yesterday and Prof. AMeetcii tlivepii th 11ed Cfi t isgr ly regrtId.A __pR
lectures uring is hous. new gneniral seretary w il e secure M EN AND WOfl1IN
Prof. Knowlon was motile 10 ioe- witin a few slays, so the pians of tie
These shoes are all of this lre to the law elaes ste crdiy f- Laotests i-l 100 wtNolyvelts- ies i al
season's Last and Paterns and erioon owlto iig 10si~s- p orry eOll ssr~ilt.
wee formerly sold at Hon. J. 11,I1. ,ill, late inikter to _______
001e u hapreiontuod 1(o tho lnivoir- Madison H. S. Champion CObRn iaoIAwn fws oAND ?MAnAROit STREET.
$.oad$.0 styinosoiini a easi of figures which Onok*tofseciy
$.0nd$.0 the Cocons st ip l o ir te ilieixpo IIi (Listuas dy theIhigiscool h t d o
'We have g ot more than we cosisiiia .v, rmTnwntt .YwsM scgf twliy bseil seios defeated by tle Maisoflis, Wi - high
isht ar oe onx has apoitd a oilite of four to sieeol een by a score 04 -1to, PIANO, PIPE ORGAN
visit the ire-paratory lcluds during
season, hence this great offer 'vacations to -secure all te oofalllilhe-ue is ot. playe -a0 Deroit eli AND iaeilpsilr .D.A .gon; ok C OMRTPAOITUIN
$ , 0Indoor basctsoll iiatic. at oil.icoi ti-e.sme for atlsoo Bth . H. EXPY
7() neacnoet at tie U ix-rity of (Ticige ttals tup to this gamie hail cdewi
$a.nd a larger iumibe tof candidates reorsfo teseso.Te game uas From Stuttgart Conservatory,
thever before hve reiorted. All therisd i Germany.
Welt Soes. Sizes 212 t .2 sa minderoio. ena ndpyclluirniishiis of the nted Sttes, 32 SOUTH DIVISION STREETn
SI is said that M. II. Soc, '>f), bt-I-u canotbeUoSrgarkd
tot known as "ag."or big guad. -® MI IA
is to leave o'te 1toaccept a pos-itiol NTICE.Mel Gillespie teer of Mandinan
out west. Air. Snw is one of the bes Th'flct pital. Circle of Kin's and Guitar Instrutr In he Universiy
Daugtes will give a bweotit ot the seool of Music 1 years experene an
knowntein h isll cls, hivig bee-i a eaer all at An Arbor usie Cos.
ftehiai tostnal . O ~ -hopit in the shape of readdngs by store to arrange for hours
fre hma _ ___st __aste _ fo Miss Mary French Fieltifroion 10 ___her________________
fathr s works, on , tldtb-evening LM S'LIER
Obl H L S LV R itge i at the Athns bhe-b-Jtn.t Tickets 2 cnts l ,Fl L V R.
ter anext W edesday night. -will -550m yMis lebe SA L
Guaro ee o plese ~teiplI ssfler, of aP(its- who will fing a SsBE
rininatia,, 1angsteo s Mot ExInumberof the Feld p os ih hav' 09 E Liberty St.
11 -~e t Co boltes, b4EH e t. o ust -fi
Central location. Good Service
lldies' ]Romeo Alaskas [ Gove rs7 For Forty Years T oledoE
Has been smoked bycolege men and is to-day, a LADR Ad and5ryCN nwa o r
ssa r ow pai forlaundry wor.Laeodr

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