, 1. c it VoL. VIII. No. 67. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 6, 1898. PRICE--3 CENT.. WILD H~asreceived a full line of Novelties for Fail and Winter in Suits, Trousers, and Overco atings NO. 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN Alliegretti'sI Chocolates.... Fresh every' week. Only in packages-I 1 1 i r 1 . e4e a pound. Lowney's if you virofa5. I PALMERS' PH ARA GY.j Just Rereived a Large and Elegant x.0 of New Wtpou I Htand Cold Lunches at all bourn. Agents forinylers and Williams and Werners o's Chclate eon eons. R . S. JO.I.Y. & 00. aoS:snuth State Street. Calkins' Pharmacy. .Books for the 'old 1 All tbs new holiday books. Flee bindings and books in nets are new nwview in oar two tores Books-weresnever sochesas. Some special prices: Cha.tDana lGibson's London.----.-------- $975 Chas. Dana Gibson's Pictnres of People. 1 75 ChasnDasa GI haonstrawi ngs- 1 ---- 7* Wenzell's Vanity Fair............------ 75 oVadis, Illustrated ----------------- 7S M iplinris C'e'-atn Consageono---- 1 IV ingssleyns Prisnerrs of the Sea - 1------ 15 Gunerhers Stories of Famsons Ope-ras--124 Merrnans In Kdarsnt-I-- St 10 Lilian nell's A Girl's Point of View-3 StO Sperial discount on entire stools of Holiday Books.1W E Up Town Down Tows S. State S. Opposite Court~onn Ann Arbor mlain et. r° 8 a b'. Y' 1 e PREIDENTS REPORT. 1 More Facilities Asked for Lawl and Modern Laiguages. At theit equest af President Angell Ating-President tinttasist eiael thle presden's repot for tie year end-1 Ig wept. 30,187, aliffireseted it at the last ileetinig of the Board of Re- glnts. Tile 11ep01 opened with a lengthy t-titlisteit on te slowig i'nade by tie Uivesity during thoS :1, anld epe- tally regarding tie lrg; increase i atteldallee of Mcilganl studfets. Tils President Hutchinis believes to be a signiian fatt in showig that tieI pleope of the stae of Michigan are " eotittg tu retliheinurt~e fir~ly tie ad.l- vantages offered -withinitheir own ter- ritory- for higher educeation. Foarty- folr states attd territories and thir- teen forlgn coturies hd represent- lives here. Vile over-rowdted codition of teS todsernIRM-agutagoe dpatmtent ws ntotedt and an apeal nde foras i l- trttlse int the fore of itnstfuictoo so sottnts funds fire uaslahi. The graduate deprtment ws dwelt upon ill length. the Prsidet crxtres iAug his anld Th.'Angels belief tat auca de-l pil~ittltI1s eetial not oly for its innease on unergraduttes, Stut also for the tiriig fopetilists anI thus bindetally helpig StolsahItaila ou tenvinthie issition amnag American oi- veries. Attention 'was saled to the ctswsled coiltion of expe-Itntal iaor-tories of the electtrcl