4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. - -I JMFILIY FMIHGA AIY The Store Shoe Department! 'We htave Just received aniother large shipment of AN D -CELEBRATED $3 Footwear" I a Welts and Turns, Calf and Kid, Button or Lace; suitable for street or dress. Smoking Jackets! Ready for You. Best effects for season '97-Black, Blue, Brown, Drab, Groy and fancies - perfectly tailored- $5to $20. GOODSPEEID'S.' 117 MAIN STREET. t UNDERWESAR If you are in want of this article to keep the chills off the halance of this season, here is your opportunity. Fora ehort time, in fact they wilt cot last long, we will offer a iqi. $1.30 Merino, a tot $1.30 Fleeced Balbrigasn, a tot $1.25 Royal Ribbed underwear at ------ ]FANDICY SHIRTIS We want more room for our Spring Staffs, There's hot see way to get it-that in to clip the prices helow actual vaiss, We quoete k you here Fancy Shirts that are worth every cent of Si100,$1.25 and 1.10 for -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- .-- - -- - -- - -- - Ne treuble te shew goeds. 89c 75c WAGNER . & CO.. FURNISHERS. 123 SOUTH MAIN STREET. Lamps Expressly 40. Students' Use "The Rochester,' "The Yale," "°The Royal," "The Perfection," "The Berlin Student," all nickle plated, varying in price from $1.00 to $2.50O each. O IL Every student should use Dean's "Red Star." It gives a pure 0 white light, is odorless and does not char the wick. Deliv- ered in any part of the city in our cane at 10c per gallon. For sale only by DEAN &tOM PANY. 214 South Main Street. UNIVERSITY NOTES. defstisti ritftlit01fte I ofA. M (is.- (bwiltltssdoultss'siy is'the chief hie followinig stti d('cootilit~s'5' Osi'. 1,:l tisience of tine 'Varsity forcos. bsoen atottointetl its-N. UE. Ayrs's, lir- si- N-r. Joblioni, Ottoof ts' host firstcla ss el 'tt of ts'99'lat sss: A. d. . Keitis, iplayesoof te Ciciago Ytsscltub. ehirusstn; (s. C. AOsiists, It.ll. Kinl- reeointly saisi in a. oe'Osisoliii wish, tens ansd J. '. Arnistrotig.tsne of the itiis tplayestha1w50 h OIwinig to 0t' econtinuedd sesansd fssrregasrsle,1 (trifftith as tiss' s'ssitiitwest- 1900 Oracles, ts' -board xwiii isring (slitlotis'p-syor." 1This only goe"; to Show its secondssitliion onTthur'sd'say 111011,- the i'elltstioln its lsr cii's'leof Mch- lrtg. They xvwi l'li eon sissale itiglast's forensost ri'eenltliv\e ii list tUniveorsity ilstanid te booskstoures. gauss, a fact which Iis slotgeiry Lei, C. R. Laltsis. of-the wiisttcA l kssew n iughotit te Vsiivs'rsisy. fsscoil lty of tisleU1. of 01., was s,11oar ri ct it Ciring silt'b-hiisy vactiioito Miss Wisconsin Again Unruly, Crystal Ed~sllli, d s,iatgis of Dr1. alsd - Xlirs. E. C. EsI-it. tDr. aiudu Mrs. La,- Wiseslthe Site neroileg1iase s'ostsssstt e LuIsis loft fssr lt'e wotono5 i tIiili ril)appoisnted it 'fisanksgsving stimo to isttssiiato~y after lt'o 'ereissis y iidsraft stew stiles t got-es-nfootlesilInits iss'ifo1ritssd. theo west snoteto Cis1ica,'otwokisefore TiseVs ttlss ~esgsseit it itOOttlEst Profe;ssor 3. C( '.Elsoss. of te itnt- infornial distiee next riiisy e've'istag suits Ittilt 1(0 'siock illihtis sxostso'o'rs eoy of Wisconsinl, do-ltseisth lat ii, biltding., All eslIegirlsottO xvoni i tiversity lietereyesl tx-as otttsol inteorestedl in te Wowisse's league arel to the ANhole piroceedings misillst tie h cordially inviters to iso present. A loisst therefore sieelifwe to sit xxitli s sss charge of50cedits stiltliso sade 5to ie- ecosnin1ittee., fray She exxersze of she TI'. of At. Stawls, Ti cinxa ttss'ssit ,which 4is to ioas' for the isirsy. cin ~sntrif icc~lIn silte o)thier tossoisers of ste cotoistitteA Chess Club Meeting. a:~ it haid been) reisortei thatis iscooi- sits's lsoxrst of athslette eottol looakes The Univeroity Chess Cili steelet o- uitis des'sdoel disfavor oit t te idea Cfr inight In te isgtite'iiog Librar-y. V'bea issoilleietideo of te oust. after psssposctl iscth ith-iiste citicag Pof Chess Club -sill Io thsoroutghly 'liscs"rfss- or Itisoit's witlsslrastxth ie i's e0. A chsallenge hats already beeo sent irstining tstons'hrs of Shet boatrs, iProfs. b'y te local organsizatioin. but;thoing Sagg, of iCicago, and E"venits, of Iii- definite has .as yet been trsitg-si. ' Tse itoto, reni ned itn coaisiitatiton for soy- Citicago Chess Clubi is not coitnosiod oral hottrs hot acconissjshtsl littit 0or wish the Cicargo University, hot hs re- notising. Boath iaxe hee working 510 gardeod as the strontgest cisess eitthsointe revision ox-or since xithsout the alp- te west. poittlisent of a titisd cosssisittsecio, So thse (vent of a touroatineist Presl i- hoass yet baizetnasde its reliors: W. J. BOOTH., re. W. ANOL, let Ve-pes J. V. Sonuna, 2 Vice-pes. sOHNwC. WAL. Ast. Cashier, State -Saviiis- Bd Transacts a general Banktng busi- ness. ('or. Main and Huron treet,, Capital.$50,000. Srplus, $30000. Tranact a 5 general acking business. R. Knav, Pree. C. E.GOnENwE, Vice-es FRED. H. iisSsn Cashier. MHE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital Stck, 150,00. Surplus, 8150000 Rteources. S,100,O. Organized nderthe general hanking Laws of thin State. Receves depstts.buy and sels exchange on the principal cties of the United States. Draftn cahed pon poper identtfication.. Safety deoit oes to rent, OrFICESChristan Isacks Pre. W. tD, Harriman, Vice-Pres.; Chas E. icoc, -tashiers M.5J. FrttaAitat tCahier FIRST NATIONAL BANKirgAn Arh63 tiaptat, 800,0. Surps and rfit, 840,000 Transacts a. general anking usines,. Foreign exchange ought andssild. Furnink lettern of credit. E. . KINN, Pres. OHthISON SOUL, Vice Fre ** S. W. CLARCKSON. Cashier C. 1. MAJOR & CO., The Artistic derators Have a complete line of Wall Pper, Paints, Oils, Window Shades, Room Mouldngs, Etc. Specialty of fine interior decorating, paisting,frescing, tintiugand paper hanging. Only the best of workmen employed. Work guaranteed. C ff.MAJOR & Co., The Artistic Decortr. KLEIN TAILOR -FO- ME_,N AND WOMEN Latest $Noveltiew is Fall and Wintr Gar ment. COR. WILLIAM AND MAYNARD STREET. One hlock Wet of University. Fine Confections Bon Bone and 200 1ASTWASH ITN STREET 319SOU T STATE STREET. Mel lesipis. leal r of Mandolin, Bano and tGsitar intruette in he University Schoniof lMunat. 00 Yeas experiecelas. a teaher. Cali at Ann Acho. MesicCnns. Siores to arangefor ours. 5 KGLXES' LIVERY STABLE. 509 E. Liberty St. Central location. Good Service TRYT THE .. * Toledo Steam Laundry And S5AVE an PER CENT n sial yen £18 new ~ayng for laundry wek. Leava ordra at S36th MainSreet Special * attention is Bealled-t our line of Ladies', Gents', Xisses' and Children's Slippers f llifiers for 9oU day Trade! _________________Pretty Adtomizers, Sweet Perfumes, Dainty ]Manicure and Toilet Betta, Handsome wood back French Plate Mirrors -1............ AT. i~YIu AC C.M m erv's' Drug Store Or Futhae