3 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY.3 Great' Reduction Sale--For One Week O nly SWEATERS GLOVES .. { GOLF HOSE $4.50 for $3.45-$4.00 for $3.00 $3.50 for $2.25-$2.00 for $ 1.39 $2.00 for $1.87-$1.75 for $1.49 $ 1.50 for $1.42-$1.00 for 69c $2.25 for $.75-$1.75 for $1.50 $1.50 for $1.25-$1.00 for 89c Neckwear, $1 for 63c-95c for 43c Fancy Hose, 75c for, 63c==50c for 43c fancy Shirts--the best-90c ' COMBINATION UNDERWEAR PAJAMAS * IN OUTINC FLANNEL. . . RAIN STREET, S. M\ApC K 8ZCQ IAIN STREET, S. You Want a Mando. dolin, Guitar or Banjo, don't you p You want the price right, don't you* SEE OUR WINDOW. ANN ARBOR MUSIC COS 205-207 E. Washington St. ANN ARBOR Time Table, Sunday, Sept, 5;, 1897. TINTE TABLE: Trains ltave Ann Artbor by Central Standard Time. NOTHv. SOUTH. 8:43 a. in. *7:30 a. m *12:15 a. ra. 11:25 a. in. 4:46p.in. 1 8:40 p.m. *Rsi. between Ann Arbor and Toledo oniy E. S. SILMORE, Agent W. B3 BENNETT 0. P. A. Tniedo 0. MIGHIGAN (JEflRAL Thie Nan~ara Falls Route." Central Standardi Time. TRAINS AT ANN ARBOR. EAST WnST. P. M. A. M Mal andEx.-3 47 B., N.Y ,Ci 12 N. Y. Special----58 Mall .---.----918 G 5. Express -.-A 55 Pacific En.1230 *NSLmtd-- 0PM 1Eastern Sxi----0 47 Western En._1 38 AM. G LIt. .Ex_..55 D. t Expresn.---5 50 ChiNtEx .....747 Atantic En....573 'North Shore Limited in an extra fair train to te a chargeof $2.t0 to New York than on other trains. OW, RUGooES, H. W. HAYES, G. P. & T Agt, Chicago. Aet., Ann Arbor CAN Flt ISH MUSIC OF FIRST-CLASS. Orders for all Fraternity parties, club. dances, etc. Leave orders at Ann Arbor Music Co. or at Residence, 171tGzddes ave. P.S. -'Wil take psupils on Piano and in sight reading at 'above named Places. A. J . Johnston. U. of M. Shavig Parlors andBath Rooms 322 SOUTH STATE STREET. Ladles' artistic Hair Dressing up stairs old friends tail again. We welcome new ones. J. R. TSSOJANOWSKIL ENOCHI DiFITERLII, EMIBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Cals Atteinded DayeorNight. No. 110 East Liberty Street: Residence, 533 South Fourth Ave Phone 128. RANDALL, THE PHOTOGRAPHER, WASHINGTON BLOCK. ANN AtRBOR. Do You speak Greek? You can lanit while buying, Fruit and candy at the Greek Store,' 203 North Main street, *opp. court house. Pure home made candies F. J.SCHLEDB.~ CHRISTMAS! 340 S. STATE STREET Take home one of Book Binding ...H...2 cents and up our '-U. of M." Pins or Solid Gold Fountain Pens ...51.00 and up. somje other novelty in Waterman and Wirt Pens In stock and our Iii e. Penn Repaired. Whoesale and Retail Paper, 3%4 lbs. of Lin- S s LADN, en Paper for 50c. .a ai x i FULLER & BERANEKS Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing. Work railed for and delivered. 312 S. STATE Si'.. over Rtoe I. Phone No. 2'4, New-State. 0.,NM MARTIN, FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Embalming a Specialty. NO. 209 FOURTM AVENUE. Ambulance night or clsy. Residence, 302 Fifth Avenue. BROWNS DRU STOR CORNER MAIN AND HURON STREETS Is the plate to boy Dissecting Inetronients and all things needed for Bacterology, Pathology Histology, Etc , Etc. 'Wwr"PRICBS RIGHT. I Stuart'n Case Sifted. ihear from is tegcnticii::ii, Stheboard The "Stuart" affairaso fair as the passed a deg:rect barring hill frns al puiblic is t'oisctrnitthaso Oct'11ly ing nthlttio aitl rtco:iiclnii lii: to 111e lti-islalit during f "casioll, litstheurliterary faicuity for extIisoli;acion o11 thiioreconxinetndation: will probably Hoard of Control iius .Otto, lid still ira ae t ttse ficesty is:"stiig or vcorking alongglines known ony to ne'xt Afua ih) TodEsfl themelvs. Tat he na-ter Nill ItY, win~g this sieve, aftlerits 4 .iiotilltc- tllorotlgilyiyofted is ce'rtasinl, il atiko. nslitl'Cisse:1: sri ~ eittint date. pero. Prof. iiess lion receivid a rely Izx.stit~ta~r, St~trt nteed s, t to his sinqil'o Mr. Stulart suited thait elteciasil stsdenin ithe'literairy leppsit° hteisadsregistered 'lwihlthe deasn of tte iln''lt on 0Oc tlt.last, bhot llithi litrr pecn tbt o ihth registered swititihlistesiartti nsr lmasiiistewrd, sanduictitt tlit wilihist his feeto the ti50'r.curt.ilc' irst failed to-py Iiiio dtu's.Iei'sod pleayed 0n the 'Vacsity in liie'U. ;S. i U tlie iuttdtd lteo1'etllr'1lstly tsi- gaine en Oct. 10thi, at that dint sign-icvsittniit ile51hswrk)1 ing a cetrtitetetha11131e wsst;. lona ert i desoltc ' a ~ ~ ~ ~~~osix yearsco'e.I etrswit- fide tdent of the ~Unisersity. FeialOm yS tnart to 0other' stdetstllO with then on to the enid oft hit tt'sieonhe wso i vu lol so'ssd i was considered out of lielhigaLt:s states that litehas bOtt o snfinled to strongest players. After lteCicago his 'honewitih sickness, itht w i-ll gaineltStuart rtturi'ltdlhit ec'on1°15pita. retun 'to soliege 50s00011 as poooiie,.t of stcknes. It was shortly ifter tliss91(izlstatlit btlitet's lit' cin oie~c tihat hisscrookedneso wvas disews'reei tesily expslaini iis actioni. by the athitoiies. Tile only e'xcuse t x-Captrt:iiii Ilegg«, wile colilt fo fie's offered 1s to wily it ditd hot tomeltto the nanae sacademl ias Stunrt,sidl 'o light earlier istohltthel" losurd if ('on- a reporte't'fei' the Daily tit tlit wste tiel took Ihis word wlut'ni e 'signetd theIt ciholttly ill the cladck ccga i li certificatt of eligtibiity a1111neglected ISttuart'osiction. to exam itunohileretord, it tenig ess-j tonlary to examine tilt record's ferC co- I t0-HMtAN ANt) SIANIISII St'IN)(t. dittons only. 14tuart Issiiligjusot eni- Abreast of tie' tinies. Ituic ntliosi. tere, nutssod this serutinly. thitNaotcsal, :tcstaleczziall or C'5)11 cc- The Board ef Cotrlol he:nledittly Satlionai. Otir sleeilyldiintii~te took the ni.atter in hland for- iilvtti' rt'rnciait an Inlecii('tionl. Ca'll1 01, gallon aiid :Prof. lKnowltoit wrote' t'01'rsiddress XM. S. Kaunini, tili Ii offender for hlis versioni of lis tiratnliet. :11a(d paish Sciool, 24 S.. SIrte si.. Af ter wali n5 six slays ausd fsihiii5 to alrnlArbor, Mi('l. Un i'vers iiy School of Dancing, State Street, opposite Law Building. Terms $5.00 a semester - - Slngle evenings 5) cents. Offce-427 rThompson Street. (DCI tNEW QUAiivEReI K IND"R6AI1ILIB1025. tturon St. Cal and See Us, , t i ANTON TEUEL, HEADQiUARTESnnFOR 'Trunsks, Valises. Dress Suit Cases, and Telescopes. Trunks and Valises repaired neatly and cheaply. No-. 357 S. Main Street p We have just re- 1. e cei ved a large line See our window. fPIPES HALLER'S Jewelry Store Lowney's Chocolates -GO5)TO--- ALLEGRETIS, if you wish. KO A L! ALL GASu OFo BARD. SOFT, CANNEL AND S lOKELESS COALS AN CSOKE. M. S'TABBLER, 319 W. Washingten Street. Phone 5. Tham nse the (Guarantee. d SPALDING'S root Ball Supplies For 197 Everv Requisite for the Gam~e. Msanagers will doe vel no write for samples and special rates before purchiasing. 4' The Spalding Official ?Foot Ball. Adopti d by Yate, Prieceton, Penesylvania Harvard, Cornell, and all ether leadin g snl- versities. Each ball tested and pushed, andl sealed in separate bon with brass inflator Price. $5.0n. Spalding's O1celtFoci Nal Guide for 897 Edited by WALTERa CsAr. Pest- paid. is seats. talesi5 l ~ll se lo,, ~t7 tt 01nr. A. G, SPALDING & BROS#, New York Philadelphia Clhicago +,Washington FINE NEW LOT OF ..Washburns... Junt received. Lowest prices on STRINGSad TRIM- MINGS for all instrumentns, ;SCHAEBERLE'S MUSIC STORE" s4WestI~ibry s. AArbor.t