I 2 il-HE UNIVERScIT'VY 0 t axtinent, wasI appointed University 3I..JO 4 1, & v 14&J. etitor.Ile shopes that eventually tthe Worlk of gathsering and editing thes the College ear, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Orine: Times hailing, 329 S Man St. be- twees Lberty and Willises St. 91s1N5(L[NG ItOIiTOlt J. P. THOMAS~, 05 L. IJUINE'S A'AIiitil . i. HAss.'to L. FIITO RS H B. SILLM, '55 L., Athletics. E. L. Gxissie, 'ii L. G.. HeDNsucv,'00, Moxrss LAM, '0. 'T. R. Woououw, '95 t. &CAsrsnsL, '00. A. CoArnEL, '9 F. EsoEL-HAno 9-. The subscrtpto price of the Daily is $2.50 for the college year, with a eglar detery before non each day. Notices commnia- -lions, anod other matter intended for puhlic- ion mot e handed in at, he Daily office e- fare p. i., or aled to the editor before 3 p. i., of the day pevos to that on which thee ae epected to a pear. Suhscriptions may e lft at The Daily Ofice,- Meyer's or Stoffet's Nwtand, or with Business Manager Sbebers will con- fer a favor y reporting promptly at this office ass failure of carriers to dever paper.I TIhe Daily has deided to msake the unpreceeted oifer of $9.511 fothtie reusaining three-foriho of tilt'c'lleg your. You cannot keep iii olitvii the University snless you have tie Daly iu yor room; It 11a15co11e0to tbo the represestatis e college organ,, ad is filed acti cay with live, scurat news, A promplt aidelritabts le lvrj gets the paiter to eacti ss.''ies' every day before 11001. Leave yosr name and tddess at the Daily odcl, 329l) S.Main t., ''NsyStae 'kl-sh0,, 1811, Regents Meeting for Deember. T'he regular Decetiier,,ueeing of the hoard of Uivetsity regets was ]geld Dec. 22. Presidenti Hutchins rad his annmal report tnd tie oard (order- ed 15,000 coties prinsed for tditribu tion. Treassirer ;Dotle repored tie re- ceipts for the yor as follows: rcn the state for crint exieses, $187,- 41018; frout the sate y secial p- propriation, $10,000; earitigs tind nito>- cellanieous sources, $9'9,939.48. Te disbursemtents duing the year have been $421,035.73. Prof. F, N Scott presened the re- port of a committee appinted to fora)- ulte a plan whereby tie ness of tie Universiy may e circulated amonlg the country newspaers itrughout- the state, The comittee recoi- mnend-ed. that somieuember of the lit. era-y faculty he appointed to oraie a hureau of University news and to bekiawn a University editor; that he Alumni News be nade tie offcal- orgpan of the University,- and thata part of its stace be under the super vision of the Uiverity editor; and hually, tat tabulletin or sews leter be issued every other week for dis- tribution by mail to the various ne-s- papers of the state, T1he Alumni As siationofered so ansnume the ex- }deuse of riting and potage, and the board voled $100 to sart the plan go- lng. 'rF. Sct, o the English d .I niews sil be assuted by tie depart- ueit of blnglish ('stlmtosition Ili executive session during tito aftc-- noon aund evening the " egits decid- ed ts call the somen's gytniasittm the hlathour' gymisnasium, as a constliieuir Iso thte'lion. Levi L. Barbourt, of D-I troit, wvhose tern of office s cetst (-xpired this moth, They also decici ed to name thte audience r'ooms in the wonton's buildinig tebard Hll, in hlonor (of ex-tegetitCharles Ie-ait, of l'quattiing, svhise tern of ohie expired in 18:35, stillwho gave$110 towards the building A tote of thatk wssstedeed Io. Orlando N1,Iarites, 'f Lawtisiu, fra gift to the tUnivesiy of iihirty-seven volutnes of rpolffs of tie scietific ex iedition wvhichi cco'ipniieci till Fren'ichl 10 Egypt undeer :Napoe--si l 1718. Miss .EsieleyI. 3Hl illb, lrence E. Davenport anid Beatrice Ieynvatin were gradoted from the tospial as trained nurses. George hoebo, il- Mtrutsr i hstilosphly, stas gieis thle degree of l'h. D. Thle follosing Lsppiittnlsstiswere itiade: Juill W. Snowv and I. G. 'litish-lake io be instructoini botany "Hiill tile c-ld of te year. Dr. C. A. loattloge, insrtctor In drmtatology lis the thoteoatihicodeiartmlentswith- outt pay, anldIH. IH, larke assisant in the isoseluis withioutitsalryyitl place of W. ;. t'raeger. Coliseum Destroyed, 'h'lthcago olise'um. iime scene of thle last two 5IC hganCiicago .foo- b'il gaules, sw-s destroyedl by ire ery t'lrisl'llis ese, the ttal lo'ss ag gr('gstiilg $700,000. Ftie fire was caused by the crossing of two electrc wares ad fromn the tme it origiaed until the buildinggveils a pile oftwisted Iron iitd hot bricks less than twety mlinutes elapsed. Aiotler company is orgasizig to rhiuildl the structure oni eveti a grander' scale thait before. Guaranteed to please the most dis criminuating, Ha-ngsterfers Mosi E7x- cellent Chocolates. .IF YOU WANT THE BEST FRATERNITY STATIONERY, BADGES OR PINS Send to SMITH, STURGEION & CO., 23, 19,241 Woodard. Ave., Detroit, Dsignandoesmaes furnshed on nl wools of this ind,- - ATEN - THEATRE. WED., JANUARY 8th, CISSY FT RID "TtIE- FOU1NDLING,", Neal Atracion-OlP4GAV PARS.~ f' MICHIGAN DAILY. IMNTEr RSHOES! Every Description ;.. A LARNE LINE OF t: " ^ .:..rSEE OUR WINDOW? .75"BEAU'S SIOESTOlIE, t .....109 N. Main Snrest. Oppesite - else Ceurt Heuse. Special Overcoat Offertig a' Here are the prices and descriptions. Toa get a better idea of the values, come in. anid examine them. OUR $26.00 Fine Black Kersey Overcoats, lined' throughout with Shinners Best Satin-a Merchant Tailored Coat in every respect reduced, to $18.00. OUR $18.00 and $20.00 Fins Black and Blue, Kerney and Beaver- Overcoats, some lined with serge, others with Clay Worsted with Satin Shoulders,- reduced to $14.00. OUR $16.00 Kersey and Melton Overcoats lined with All Wool Clay Worsted, Satin Sleeve Lining. Made as well as or better coats the difference being. in the goods, re. duced to $10.50. w Stude nts'z Lecture Associationf Powers--------------"--------------------- -------------J .22' Washington-------"--------------- ---------- ---_----Jan 29' Sousa's Band--- ------------------- ---------------------)Feb. 25 Burton ---------------------------------- ----- --------April 8. Save your money by buying a season ticket. Keybord o~ licnsderfer.... a Prce 55." Typewriter Machines Equal any of thm high-Priced machines in Mypaiy ~ - " and qualynof wnrkand excel them in convenience. -. " Practicllour-priced, portal.keboarllcd ene. - -rNo Ribbon. No. 7 FitteSwith Sclen o Wiingnalwayin imniersa en o *Td.- typeiterchngeable. 'rs.S i- Diretinking and I qaft fnainyeone r doffs]? PUnequal hys- -- Tyererrioon ni oldngowern sa. 251,om Sold in Twn Years. Mostnduaeabuesnehp- ona5 rm Snn ~eob.t n ly sixn, LF. FAIRBAIRN y ppoa t nC>So.neSerbl ae.n .5.ALIUM, 48 S. Fourth Ave., Local Agent- "3lispd5. eri,5b Tyspem rMarssaet in e r CHIANGE YOUR SHOESunI Health demands that you own more than one pair. Men's Calf Shoes-Tarr Chocolate and Black, heavy extension soles,.hand mbade, new toes; they are...................$3.50 Men's Slippers-Black and Tan. Coin Toes........ ...........5 WXTI J. APRILL,