t lc . of , 1 Jc l . VoL. VIII. No. 66. ANN ARBOR, MICHlIGAN; WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 5i, 1898. PRICE-3 CENTP. WILD Has received a full line of Nove: for Fall and Winter in Suits,. Trousers, and Overcoatir '1O. 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR I Allegretti's Chocolates.... Fresh every' wee] Only in packages- 60c a pound. Lowney's if yo prefer. Just Received s Large ad Elegasl Line. of New Pip c Hot and Cold Lunches at all hours. A for Ilsyler's ad Williams and Werners Chocolate lBoa Bess. R.B.JOIdY & C 30'Souuth Stats Street. Calkins' Pharma jities lgs AI In MAN THE BASEBALL LEAGUE. Full Particulars of .Formation, With Schedule. Il F:l roll e oto 1 rol l is,1ld1by Mlielligello b5011111 ll manager, A. 11. Kiethl, rroteeullllive4 of ia-glo, Illi ois, Noi thwvesteris, Wison~sil 01111 Mhieliga1ll oct ill ('1i1 1sgodlurig lthe 'iloliday rtecess01111 formned saIbaseball league, the first (-lose lthtetile orgilil iOatlou of lily ('olseluenee that 1110 westettlio-ersltieo l'hsve ever 11a1. ;Thle forlllotion of such ita lgue 11a1i log tbeendistusseid 0111 110d1not 111e1 with, as e.-itliusiaslie -supprt. as 0000111 hoped1 for, and so whenli 01 orgoosizit- 11110, ,veOsIffetedl 01111(t;.schiedule adopted it the first nieetilig of 1110 uniiversity tepl'I'oiltaltiVes there, wOO 1n0 little surporise. 'The sliedulle adopt- l1iios, A. H. Keithi siiilT. m. 1101010 of the 1Ufliverosity of Mlichigan, 0. 1P. Wlt 4111(1 11. E. tXl loon of Notweot- erii tilioresity. 01111. A. Al 'tllgg ofthet University of '(hicligo. Keithi ,vas (1le-led cha l ald111 h-oro se-- tory. 'The twoeofiriails will hoild per- Iii1alll'It offite until the l'lore of dll se0a011, 11111 iowvetr 0410 gili 111he crl~lnl to igila.1r 11e-ting iit lily A mleeting will bt ruled some 1 ub in tFetbriuary. 'Twos lltrieionl otioh «vere liscilOsed ,hart11(n1tldecided 0w111 to' settled thin. 'Tloy lore glull ioils on The Ipuestion of iiuires'foir tiei le-Igne 1011s one anduthait otf41. hoari1'f 1fi1a1 ap1111al1wao onotilir. lloo" iillitlO oill 'to selected and woho 0111111hiave entirely afte'r 111nilIlt lof froi-seIld- bitte. A MISTAKEN IDEA. Pres. Hutchins Denies ReportThat Dr. Angell Will Not Return. (If late a umberot-of1'larger dalies, oft this and 716-glilorinlg 0lr11'Shve heellCirelotiug -5the reporIt tilat Prei- dent Aigell doies not in1t111 to retuj u to th.e VUinvetoity at the e'xpiratiotn of his leilvelof absen'e. 111 on interviewv withi the Doily yes- 11101 oy,'Aethilg-P're4ilellt Histci 11110 lpre;,sed4a oil ep00 ogttt 11e11hiis e- porlts lied been olpreolt labroadl. "There i olotbey 110fountotn,"' 00111he, "tfo tereplort.. Dr. Angetll 0W111 re- turn a nd reotsiiie)his labors on (0t0. hot, nlext. 'tt 1sneedless lto Say that' these lelyortO tte overy eI'llltrralOsllg o tie, end iuinoiging tiltihe Interests oi the t11lo-ersil%'" edisth msttomdabi tatles As to a rllllegiorll' 1-0ctifnali1I University Hall Remodeled. lol fiei 11 tthfa-lee ~ it w00110 ~tlta~lll s~ltiu l l t tlll oii he11101 1111 111 e- 33 I-to ~ci T111111playsa series of th-et-aIlDuringtethlefathe vacatiting.uAt.051eeve gnegalieo00-1111eachol thetthe11i-teulnslof t101 .111110 1 lk Onllvt-d'n (o itlihis fore 'of cart~l-ler, 11 t~col- Co0.'s -twelve'in 4111. It 1 islite likely tiha1rOlliel~tlg 1 a tined ,tll'oirk of rel itling i nive.'- lteip tdiffeetb oardsloOf crlolltlil t 1111111lOs'rles of gailieo oWill be plhlye osily Itall. PhI'l loer floo lla110 beenl 1Q,1111h.should ainl~~t 01alsl luiii 1011boarrd elul 011 to nlni blttOVszt'iigliii'ntwo teelilo ronfiogtIeach- . oet tllrt theg f os-eason'slt troll ul-t..111100 wlieizlg furnl~ishswitlili 1,544 ultioiy itli pave'r to1 101t0111111l As owill beseen frolli till' Ohed'IIII',1staiedl bitril 1111r111chins ta llsulf tl- whi(ll allw-t'rzot1e0t, 01111to d°ide oll'011h11' 1llgilliity- '111 eleaoopen11110,111A11rtll'(tu ilhlido01110111 Fulr- 00-1)11-li foll (l'o. Alnliltof (fieyel-o. Tile}a a('-iUrediby thelt Iltidl't 110(1a1-1)c1-osesune 11th. ilitttre Co. 'PooH11a100ironll loinullo1 11hMing i11011 ly oiOtittt' 0aOllltrlil'olrInIll, plays sev-enigaitnes Ilbrold d ivle ttal0 tr oftelegehave 11011IIldIed to 111-ile tlllllltof 1aic l101111, the goaincwith ('Ilileogo a111)1'- _____________gallery, Owlicl lls11 01111o1nill o),rtunlity trIt outiiig 00s0aliolilogiliil: Whist Club Meeting. is offered wilt ' betzi'tllon111" ll' 0111 April tI-Nortliwestelrllat ('liane- hplan as00tihowver floorf. 'I'lieto10111 lligi].'fi''neriy hls ('11 tl s'ating lclplality owill ib' 2,5121. 1h April' 1('-Nolttiweolern at Madloon, bteettomioirow eo-ening. 7.1t) I1(ioelh, 4ltiftin-ifl, with itot ' iteaoffii '-' M'3ic-higan ilt Ch'ampeignl. at 1"tethlnili' T00lilt0c(1u11. olloill' Ahpril 2t)-N orthwestera at 'hitu' 1 the aterioit (yllnlultlf. Dullll-llte h ,lttil il 0111cllhl'etb Api-il 21--MIichigan at XModl-oon.reo hebs ob fudi l April 23-lichuiglln 411it IVimso, 'll. itbadF)aig a~l,;onAirei nvriy (tx-n date for' Illinois. tcardsoand it 0 f11101111113litof00 lust -_______ Atpril 27--4Wise-ons(iusat (Chiuspailo talheo have tteeuu puunlhuaoc3h 113yItie( +1x- Prof. Wenley Expected boon. April 2&-'Wiseensilu at ChTiag. Ienuticeecouztufte'01.1 ooillbeitt' rmIt April 30-Northwesterit at Ann At'- for tuoe gat that titme. 'I earn pah eas e- 't~s. W4'eflheJ-huts t'to'lio'ls 0a bille- Itor, Chicago at Chiampaign. 1111 11111 3'hecue lite. ~'~ 1f Oltt Wllyif, ftnil May - 7-MAichligatI at, Chuoun-paigul,ShldItahe oudTur ix 11diy Chlicago at Evanston. OlslIters-feo-e rraflie fort a ltlrtfi'tta i' 0lthtrettl1011btry May 0-1tl1111oi8 at Evanstoo. it once inl order to Scold beiiig Itirih''i llco it -xI--ttIo Itd I1 M~a3' tO-IllinoIs at Chilcgo. tithi a1l tfinknOo'-Ittphay-er. lThoe Il(Itil' to begil his (thisos ' teile3 Mlay 14-Chicago at AneArbor, seousof hcre(ifizfI iullelilers slutttih ut as t pt 041 ff1'hl'0hde11ll. Northwestern 'at "Madison. nt oe.'r llwt Osmte t n tt' X i'nh'3',aidh in regardh to the M Say 18-Wisconsin at 'Ann Arbror, (Chi- rmr sruatdta tedco a cagoat H-anton.Ilerf(' with their joinuug il lil. eltuheltiutue(111'OS no1t c'infg 11411k, thaut they -oenel- 'May21--Wisconsin at Chltago, iMhet~i- rT ie charter zuululhtrrhiht soill111. lue:th tirely tl~fiunl 111111dhunauhthorzedI. igan at Chonopaigli. pIt ilthis Ililtiluig ('o enalthotet OSheid' 1111o11flr 410ole kniewo te're W415 MIay 2=4--tlhlcago at 'Madiseon. enioll thems+elv-s woiththel'orgllliol- no reason 111fotr ttliiOi the profess~or ?11lay 27--1Vlconsin at C'hiailpahgsl. hm Wl ol o ul- ie01011-O~~~ ~ 1's~i 10131 idns May 28-:i~ichigan at Chicago, W itspreselnted at thuehoot nuerhtg. Wsigo 113wocosiWashvastn.nns Birthday Celebration ir tw coni atEvanton.Mssrs.Ihiliig 111111Ec-hiarl, lof -Miay 30-_lichlhgan at Madison,ills- aliitazoo huaoe kindtly 011en to- rthtstt eost'.I.itll.X'...Wibr -$~ nois at Elviesstoni. 'Msi.I.HzlW .X7tel 3 15 Junie 4-Northwestern at Anan Arbor, sm f1'o ioecliso lr iteanul1-I. B. iOlrihhirian, of tfi lowdepart-. 3a7 itnsmphlet describuitng tie lea113-at 1111111- SI3S7 Illinoshat Chilcago (snorning gamne).- cotewhst and gvig h lwso nRent, haove beensipin~fte'd110 0 eoln- 20 June1 vs. -- t(etose'eure noaorfrthe - 155 i nisns,..as at filualissen I 120 er~t ' gross o~f the Anuerican WGhiol Leagute. W'wohingtion'o Birthday celebrtions. 1 h onnite ne a palin's 'hiese will 'be distrhsibuI glrates ho thos' They 'hav-c carefully lookedt ovei the ullday and wits in sesaton over siX 11011rs. ioemher-s 'of the moetig Thurtayfill-d anddlire in corresttofodelsee wits D Pt Those present at the ineeling were F. evening. Any student inI ~~tjh niveur- a genltlemlan pih0011e111 115polihieat and ( dl ac no e uives itelyof NW"soon- Isity is eligible to nsensberslllp. rThe I'dlsI'itio -sl affairs, and a grallote o" VStA Sin,L. E. Ft S er, Gteorge A. uaff aod InitiatIon fee hs 75 cents anud tile seu- Shichiigam's law 111 rtinelit. Ducn:. uan J.H redicson ofthe lPnis'eisity of 1 cater dues 25 ceynts. tI nn' m Ientill be tmade later.