4 THE UIVERSITY OF The Store Smoking Shoe Jackets! SReady for You. MlIIGAN )A ILY. W. J. Boou., Pres W. Auteono 1st Vice-p Best effects for season '97-Black, Joi. iWL As ahe Blue, Brown, Drab, Grey and 8tae Svins fAncies - perfectly tailored- Sae- ails- Bad,~k $5 to $20. Transacts a general Banking busi- ness. GOOD SP EBE D ,S. C'or. Main and Heron Stre. I1I1T MAINe STREtET. Capitai,$505,500. Surplus, $30,00. Transact a general baeking business. R . Kturr, Pres. C. E. GRENE, Vice-Pres .. FOUNI) Al LAS1 IHE ANN EARDOR2 SAVINGS BANK Iiepartment!' ...:n ,bos n Capital Stock,$505,555. Surpius, $i5,000. A dr( s shit thagwilled underthe Genneral Baniking Laws Posiivey nt Blgeat he selechsange on the principal cities of the Bosom.Identifiction. Safety deposit boixes to rent. (Ji edexmii he Harrinman Vice-Pres; has EHscoch, i , , ~ (,al and examne the Cashier: 11.i. >. FizAssatCashier. lollu felt want. FIRST NATIONAL BANlK of Ann Arbor UIIOrfanizediS186 if L_____________ tapitni, $100,000. Surpus and Profits.,RW,000 ,_h Transacts a general banking business. 1t tinForeign exchange bought andnsold. Furmish -= letters of credit. WAG NER & CO., E. D. KINNE, Pres. HARIRISON SOULE, nor a 123Vie Pros . rL v ' CV a~t1:3S.. Main St. Furnishers 5. W. CLARK~SON. Cashier. Lamps Expressly , Studeuts' Use C.lif. MAJOR & Cuin, "The Rochester,' "The Yule," "The Royal," "The Perfection," TeAtsi estr hae Js eevd "The Berlin Student," all nickle plated, varying in price froml HaeaoplerPlms ineof do $.00 to $2.50 each. Wi aePitOlWno another large shipment of $ j Every" student should use Dean's "Red Star." It gives a pure Shades, Room Mouldings, Etc. O L White light, is odorless and does not char the wick. Dolly- Specialty of fine interior decorating, ered in any part of the city in our cans at 10c per gallon. For painting, frescoing, tinting and paper tebs aeol yepnin.dOWr urn dke C.f.MJRUNIVERSITY NOTES. Among the Colieges. The Artistic Decorator, ANDD Vellow iid bit e re 5 ad'. )Ic I I1 IsM'heale' Viils ('ii Ihasits psi d K I S'iii'sn's colors in 1467. tbi' 1'trinde' li n'li's c-bialii.t tioraK E I esseei isbyi'r. L'ntis lost Firiday.Its lths I iih sili ross its aiualts.ii .'is F. 1ois& Co., 5t'gi il5il'iii 15-i',i siiilt'dd(ti i' e liuii-FOR- titsniis.l; etmurse ithis splring. M EifN AND 'WAOME1N Iiir. (C. IK. 'Laint'. s, tl lc;lIniat as'~y. tnin l inl 213 goies Latent Novelties in Fall. faculty, i s toIs' 1sarricd 11evDo 22 to to vsiis'g-e; Ino SCo7tioniloei'Ci-i2; ii and Winter Garments. .~-iiLEBR~ATEliiss Edsili, of .lacskson- ii. Sl. Thi'es' lis' 5711it 'Statss.glsini 2,0i0i); atinl wi'dding s t s o ke'plies' ililei' rs's- 1Bxgiansi. sitS' iI 5,5() byteianch~rc 1. Pof.Tayor ill ealwi ape atCOR. WILLIAM AND MAYNARD STREET. isvtering iiiVairs thit. '1i ;1 tei'si. tiyissr siii iofsile Awci ic'' itOne blockwest of University. '3 F ot e r grui sitiiswill be opsensfrolntii 2 5, 1 EesiisoisAsssia'tiioiito Is hi iif'isi:it $J r oiw a and ew ier'idys'Thre i1'(11 iandduirof istuy isis t 's~xx tieuss classo work. Iisoofii sXsteis'. .asitsixI lssiec ' 64 9 Ian'Welts and Turns, As a vsesultt SMli t' "ts'isi s'Iiis.is'i lecailnd siail sutics s .isl 'at hsis ie d ill t he us aisst tti- i,.nt S3 (ft d'' l t ilit rvstcllin'ls tst 'uds ii. -ilfand Kid, Button or ii1' lixes liave jou lbstheStusdetts' )tiig thi 1141 ia-ll t rears, 27 Yils' Fine Confections Lace; suitable rsta for street iiittiiAssoiatiiin. MAii'itiA- 31140smen, 23:1liriist.22 1l11t sissi.155 Eon Eons. and ordeswsitt utisouteds'liy joiin i te next few i'cnsyis'aiii,.1it'd sits' 'st ; it a ll. Chocolates. wides.cks as ai couce ofs-s' iii "isork. s'lii's' ti 'iscshoctsel sODAll. A-ils ,ii 'lvs'le sextiuslt 'o is5V iatli'vs 893i ielcevcns. 200 EAST WASHINGTON STREET, tlilfibe,thse lii ii'r.st itsits hiitelIt-y. 3 6pllT T E T The_______- 'limasrk for ihi' yeari4 SS1,0g).: 51- NOI)'i.'TI)E li Wifr'i'SiN S316 t'STATE SRE hses. V si' MII'iiigall'Central Ily. xwill sot ltvsseuit-.tlon ssf vi'tifcte~'t, ns iisbs t O MUSICAL !@ tlII 1ADAIV i'A tIC). shillp Yisy i-irit-y Weinsisl' sissiheIfit Spca-teto s Th L- ia etalR.wl ae c~i "t owsenMel Gillespie, lead emr of Mandolin, Banjo ViseMisllgenCenrsi ty. iltsnak t~s-iu~ vie tois-stensude nts: and Guitar. testrertem in ihe University 8~ca teto tieusit redireclion ii lIrtes tio stui- ittivttit iii lets a1tcisc 'nd sot--School of Music. 18 years, experience as clled to our line of d'ents going hoimte for teihslidasy - irdlowest fiyst claiss flie-tos St. l'sitl, a teacher, Cxii at Ann Arbor MiusicCos catin, ellng ickts n te 16h, 7th()llah, :alyas iS's. Louis xIslStore to arrange for hours.t Ladies', gents , X sses and 186th, limitesd tosreturn Ja.1 d. inthlervieiiatelioin-ts. 'Tii'hot.iss tiltue H L ES, IV and G ildren s Slippers tionsiumini.ts iott presenit eerlifi- cicei-si lsroti Iides tisai IsiSSTA LE cts of5ine its rsiip sig.ni'd by Sicee-it V'.hA1 and" a ulliffiers for 1l1ii'y Wade. I. xi Iybislg h 'st tdcis 509 E. Liberty St. 11W.1A1l., g. 'rybadnattePrlnCae- ile yoar bosaringthouse is Ceiis'sI Centrsl location. Good Service H liday Trade! tO ii t folget (to tal'e .z box of Ilaig- for tie liaoltlsys. IFirst cliss boiird $'T0IY' TIE ... -~si ifot s echsocolates hboee, Per'twee c. Tld -Pretty Atomizers, Sweet Perfumes, Dainty Manicure and * Toilet Beta, Handsome wood back French Plate Mirrors df\ Sea AT Laundry ......... A .>>Id SAVE se PER CENT on what vousine ""No ME Washington 51'o g ynafor lausdry work. Leave orders