THE UNIVERSITY OF MI1CHI1GAN DAILY> 3 It Attra.cts Atten~tion $4.00 Sweaters.... ............... $3.45 Sw eaters: $3.50 Sweaters ...................$2 85. $2.00 Sweaters........ ..$1.39 Ifw'See our window for Bargains A Special on $1. 00 Gloves for ............"" "" "69c. tV-See oor windoe for Brains. MAIN STREET, S. M 'MAIN STREET, S. IF. J. SORLEEDE. 34 .SAESRE HRISTMAS! ofFULLER & BERANEK~ See th1Whtle f34 .SAESRE1 Take home one of 'w TAILORS Solid Gold Fountain Pens..1.05i. and up. 3nie other novelty in Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing. Almnm Mandolin Watermon and Wirt Pied.i stock an or Iii e. Wont called for and delivered. tnando Wkolesale and RetaIl Paper, 3% lbs, of Lia- INO 31 r1 e~n i S. STATEI ST.. over It osy's, tkthave god tnaddo hoele en Paper for 5Oc. V . Ax f>7 1d wn 00Phn N 11Ne t ANABRMUSIC G0, BROWN'S DRUG STORE 0. M. MARTIN GORNR MAN AN HURNSTRETSFUNERAL DIRECTOR. -27E.Wsington St. GON ANADHRNSRESEmbalming a Specialty. Is the place to Rlegister. This Register is always consulted first by the No 209 rOURrH AVENUE. Messengers-It's TZFZREE. Ambulance night orcd y. R [ Residence, 302 Fifth Avenoe. ANN ARBOR Cornell vs. Pennsylvania. At the Athena. ANTON TEUFFE.T~, Time Table, Sunday, Sept, ai, 1$07. B~y ptedll re-qast "Phe Isle ofl HEADQUARTERSO R TIME TABLE: 1lia di-tae betwveenl (erneil trl Qlid Clii:ssgie,"n Gil'if, it. iot the 11111t, Trunks, Valises. Dorans Sutl (_. -. aa49 Trainn leave Ann Arbor by Central Standard Pennisylvaiitia is to b it Ithaca, oil" succssful iieri in comiic operas Tereopes. Time. Marrih 4, 15:38, aiid ilie sibject is li re prioduced in recent yalr^,, wiii be seen Tronks and Valisen repaieed neatly and NORTH. nOUTH.chal, N.37SMintre 8:43 a. m '7:10 an r( lilted: at the Athiens iieater 151 M5111-.ceal. n.37S ai tre "12:15 a. mn. 11125 a. m. 'Itsoivell, That thie ilmigr~'ain in D~ecemiber 21) Tile eeoiipaiiy (_105ini *s We haveb w ~ f :0P n Ip ,Jtit re- tRz ewe a ro n neo onylii theInted1 Stale silold 'be r--70 altts. anld is litlidel ,by tieliard e ceived a large line "Rt ewe n ro n oeool yES. GILMORE, Atent striletId to persois xwho can read a11nd Goldin and i Ktlierilna Germiaine. NIi- of W. B BENNETT 0. P. A. Toledo 0. strite the taiiti-:i 5tO-i cllilsilit~I01 tGilden will be liliiberetl fo hs See our window. P.LJIPE in somie l u aigtiii d xllit 11:1.hil5, s r ie1nt Service las liii star of "Old tel HALLER'S Jewelry Store facoe Niovisirn Failsd Roals'orPou mn .EanAo Central Standard Time. 1lieil iinuiigrals.' smiithis 'Fe1ing iAasier." Tiii coin- Low-ney's Oihocolates, TRIStTAN RBRYpn deserves anlothier wariii eeilllisili -00 TO--- TRAIST ANN ERBO. NO CIX ill thits city oe t returni ill. w, w'. TUTTL3E'g S 335 a 1I11 . P.A0 M. .4 All eltlldidl}ttis for the casidk telii I -- W.W State St. Mail and Es.d.37 B,N, Y, chi 812 ge.ONtetdt ttosa h 'ta LERETIS, if you wish. N. Y. Special.8_ 458 Mail____- 91 ar rIi.'tt toRpe t i lal Iobelt Mlani:ll, tlie grelt actor, will AL o R. Exprens -.'_1 10 P'acific Es _. 1.2 B0 sill 1at least three linis a itweeL: 10r klllilear in l l Aoi Aetoor on1 the evenling 0S Limited.B.T5 10 a. Eastern En.-5_. 47 western Es. 1 38 # tulirT claiss tork. It is advisabis of Jalnlary -0 the dale oin vhieh lie D. N. Exss pens._..5 50 Chi Nt. Ex... ---- fl47 tt Special lirclss of w ont sill uiht .loit:y vaattoi closes. KL Atlantic Es.-..7 as b0'0 pirsetlrd until lti1r in thie saSilil.y - -- - OL -North Shore Limited is on extra fair train- 1. Nt. 'rTOMAS, Studentls going wvent of th.'icago ca.l AtLLiGRADESOFo tobeacharge of$50lto New York than on sc~,lsl~~ aist 011 ei AtSFCNE N other trains. Ted-k Caaptin. s1or -idldriisi)bii x-St al ORELESS COALS O. xv lcUGOn- ,W, YSY.In, aill Ilol i of Chicfago by calling Oi 'C'. AND C.OKE. G. P. &T Agt., Chicago.' Agt., AnnArbor (CLOSING AT GUANO ItaS. tl,~, '1) ( ~ # 8 iat 6125 1. lilli st., CAN FU NISH MUSIC OF FIRST-CLA$S First leini of lessons in dilneinsi xill beitw5ien 12..,o an1d: 1:t .3 M ". 111S rA EL R Orders, for all Fraternity parties, club cbose with next Wsedoesdlay tvelliil. le-axvinig thoe nae 19 wx Washingfton Street. Phone 8 dances, etc. Leave orders an Ann Arbor Prlogram fior laieis andi~ gn ulbinll. 'Pi --ies MuniceCo. or as keaidene, 5710 Gsddes ave. -lh nvriySho fDligTeNmteGaate P,.S. -Will take pupils en Piano and in All elansses ressine Iiecitin :, plier iiili-l coli )o:igTeSm h daane sight rending as ahove named Plaesa. days. Mr. and Mrs. Rtoss (Gralg(r, still give it p~r11 taiiarty. Every Sill.- SPALDINGi'S nbrdly exi-niug duing v saloln Sill Foot Ball Supplies For '07 A. J .JohlnstonL. Gtranger's Acaideoy dtI, nitrsninlili over luing s-s.i: ioh Every Requisite for the Game. fasg nd ilpowell 1o write U.tsmlsu ol.of M. Shaving Parlors andilath~om A__________ forsan samplesrauc arddl;aar odal nvtd ae 322 SOUTH STATE STREET. box: Of illingserfers Mo:st ExcellnlG Unllinltesd to 1111510 th~e imost is-ThBpligOfca Ladien' artintic Hair Dressing op tairs Ghoolttes. criliina-tiig, llangsicltri°rs Jlxt:s Ex- Foo Bh S alOal. Old friends tail again. We welcome new Fo al onen. t.R RJAOSI hio nrgen at th At illa t~-s Adoptrd ky Yale. Princeton, Pellusyivanla tdvertis, liii theil IIj Harvard, Cornell. and all ther lenin' uni- E~tOH DiTIGLE, a~etE~rtonght.Y.tealedeIn epa atelboa withnbrass inflator EhiBALMER-AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR.' Price. $ CalsAttended Day or Night. SplTn' ( . ~ antT r0offieal Fooes Rili ide funiversity schiool of Dac ing,.aj~5 for S97f Edited ky WoAn ECAIO, Pot- No. 116 East Liberty Street: Resldence, 013 paid, t ents. South Fourth Ave Phone 120. Slate Street, opposite Law Building. Cain OF e so sI il11 , r d51 11:: 151( ;t 1, T, RANDALL, THE PHOTOGRAPHER, Termis $5.00 a semester - - Single evenings 53 cents. NeA. 0. SPALDING & ROSii., WASHINGTON BLOCK. ANN ARBOR. Offle-427 Thonmpson Street. Chicao Wanhington HOLIDAY BOOKS -THE LARGEST COLLECTION IN THE CITY IN General Literature, Biography and Memoirs, Travel and Description, Art and the Drama, Theology and Religion, Politics and Economies, History, Poetry, and Fiction , SHEEHAN & COMPANY, Booksellers, Stationers and Engravers, ANN ARBOR: 920 SOUTH STATE STREET. DETROIT: 140 WOODWAURD AVENUE