4 'PHE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 4 H VRIYO ICEGA AIY TheiStore Shoe Depart1i't We have Just received another laage shipment of !ii~It Fotois & Cc, AND . J. B h &5C., CELEBRATED $3 Footwear Welts, Tans, Calf and Kid Button or Lace; suitable for street £ or dress. Special attention 'is called to our line of Ladies', Gents', Misses' and Children's Slippers and Nullifliers for Holiday Trade! W. W. Wetmore, 106S . Main St. and 343S. State St. UNIVERSITY TEXT-BOOKS, NEW AND SECOND-HAND. HAS FULL LINES OF NOTE BOOKS, and STUDENTS' SUPPLIES. Fountain Pens and Fine and Staple Stationery and offers all at the Lowest Prices. W. J. BOOT. Pres. W. ARNocL,lst Vlce-pres J. V. SHEEHAN, 2d Vice-pres, JOHNaC. WALE. Asst. Cashier. State - SaviRs - Bad. Transacts a general Banking busi- CJr. Main and Huron Streets. Capital, 550,0. Surplus. 530,000. Transact a general banking business. R. KnEMPF, Pres. C. E. GREENEe, Vige-Fres FRsD. it. BuEtSECashier. -_--- For Forty Years GOILDEN SCEPTRE Has been smoked by college men and is to-day, a LEADER as a pure, mild, sweet mixture for the pipe. Lamps Expressly ' Students' Use "The Rochester," "The Yale," "The Royal," "The Perfection," "The Berlin Student," all nickle plated, varying in price from $1.00 to $2.50 each. OIL Every student should use Dean's "Red Star." It gives a pure white light, is odorless and does not char the wick. Deliv- ered in any part of the city in our cans at 10c per gallon. For sale only by D EAN & OOMPANY. 214 South Main Street. UNIVERSITY NOTES. Chicago Alumni Officers, Prof. *Angell will meet his crasoses The following are the officers of the for lectures today instead of last1 tiicago Alumini Association. Thursday. I. Giles Lewis, tPresident. John Baird, of Philadelphia, has Samuel F. Hawley, '85, vice Presi- been unsnimously elected captain of dent. Princeton's football eleven for next Henry 1I. Bates, '90, Secretary. year. John A. Jameson, '01, Treasurer. The holiday debating club will he The University School of Dancing organized Saturday at 4 p. in., in will give a program party. Every Sat- lRooii 12, law bniklng. Tats club s urtdlay evening during vaCtion. Stu- Ssignied for thase who r('nain in the tints lenining over during vacation City dliirhig the holiday reess, are cordially invited.I The '99 law class adopted resoln- e a tions yesterday thanking the Ocatori criinina~tiriig, angslerfr's Most Lsx cal Association for procuring the cellent Cascolates. presence of Mr. Jefferson Tuesdaiy an _ _ _ the University 1faculty for dispencing HOLLDAY VACATION. sithclassvork for lie hour. The Michigan Central By.willmake Dr. W. A. Dewey, of the honi-o- the usual rvuction in rates to stu- pathic department, accompanied by dents going home for the holiday va- his family, is spending the holiday eation, selling tickets on the ioth, 17th vacation in San trancisco, Cal. The and 1sti, uiited to return Jan. 4th. doetor formerly practiced in Sa 11t89. In -order to secure this reduc- trancisco. Upon his arrival there ie tio, students Ilist present certif- xias bancuited by the local profes- eates of inemnbership signed by Secre- shon. He will give a brief course of tary Wade. lectures before one of tire San Fran- H. W. HAYES, Agt. eisco medical colleges. CILOStNG AT GRANGERI'S. NOTICE TO WESTERN STUDEIN'TS First term of lessons in dancing will The -Miehigan Central Ity. will sri close with next Wednesday evening,. presenttion of certiflrate of ieiber- Program for ladies and gentlemen. ship bry Serrelary Wadsiieiae the fil- All classes resiie meetings after holi- lowimgrate to werst-rn stsidents:days. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Granger, Ronnd trip tickets at one and one- Granger's Academy. third lowest first clrss fare to St. Paul. Omaha, Kanisas City, St. Louis and Strdents going west of Chicago can intermediate points. ficrts include secure rteldneed rates to paints weat transfer at Chicagoa and baga' uiand norti of Ohicago Iy calling on T. Checked through to tdestinatir n. L. Legg, '98 L, at 615 4. Williani 5%., H. W. HAYES, Agt. between 12:30 and 1:30 p. m., and leaving their nanie. 'ry boarding at the Portland Cafe while yoar boarding house is closed A pleasant reunenbrance would be a for the hol'idays. First class board $3 box of 'tangsterfer's tost Excellent per week. Obosolaies. I THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital Stock, $50,000. Surplus,,$150,000. Resources, $,100,000. Organized under the General Banking Laws of this State. Receives deposits, buys and sells exchange on the principal cities of the United States. Drafts cashed upon proper identification. Safety deposit boxes to rent. OrrIcEns: Christian Mack Pres.; W. D. Hiarrimuan Vice-Finn. Chas E. Bincock, Cashier: ik. J. FritzrAssistant Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK asAnn Arbor Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Profits, Wd,000 Transacts a general banking business, Foreign exchange bought andsold. Furnish letters of credit. E. D KINNE, Pres. HARRISON SOULE, Vice Fres S. W. CLARKSON. Cashier. C. ff MAJOR & Cos, The Artistic deorators Have a complete line of Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, Window Shades, Room Mouldings, Etc. Specialty of fine interior decorating, painting, frescoing, tinting and paper hanging. Only the best of workmen employed. Work guaranteed. C.f. MAJOR & Co., The Artistic Decorator. KLEIN TAILOR -FOR-- MEN AND WOMEN Latest Novelties in Fall and Winter Garments. COR. WILLIAM AND MAYNARD STREET. One block west of University. Misic Studio PIANO, PIPE ORGAN AND COMPOSITION. CONCERT PIANO TUNING R. H. KEMPF, From Stuttgart Conservatory, Germany. 812 SOUTH DIVISION STREET S MUSICAL!@ Mel Gillespie, teacher of Mandolin, Banjo and Guitar. Instructor in the University School of Music. 18 years experience as a teacher. Call at Ann Arbor Music Co's. Store to arrange for hours. : : : HOLMES' LIVERY STABLE. 509 E. Liberty St. Central location. Good Service TRY THE. , --. Toledo * Steam Pretty Atomizers, Sweet Perfumes, Dainty Manicure and Toilet Sets, Handsome wood back French Plate Mirrors ..Co. .. AT.... .Mummery's Druo Store No.1 E Washingon -1 TJ _J L. tor C~r. Fourth ave.