THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 .............. .......,.....OU R.,....... S~toc1ko Furnishin~gs for. Men. Sweaters: $4.00 Sweaters................. $3.45 $3.50 Sweaters................. $2.85 $2.00 Sweaters................. $1.39 A Special on $1.100 Gloves for............" " "" "69c. W-See one window for Bargolos. -WSee our window for Brgains MAIN TREE, ~*MAIN STREET, S. F. . S HLEDE ~ CHRISTMAS! FULLER & BERANEK, Se3hemchtlkdo S. STATE STREET _ Take home one' of'~T IL R Book Binding...........25cents and up sur 1"U. of M'" Pins or solid Gold Fountain P'ens.. ..1.00 and up. tome other novelty inI Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing. Auiu Madln Waterman and n eard Wirt Pe'ns in stock and our lit e. Work called for and delivered. ththv odtn n o Wholesale and Retail Paper, 3%s lbs. og Lin- t~O1 LADING, 112 S. STATE ST.. over Iuoey'. ththv odtn n oen Papergfor 50c. WVV JWE IRoPhone No. 24,New State. not warp or check st the _______________________________________ ANN ARBOR MUSIC CO NOW is the time to join the classes at 0. M. MARTIN, FUNERAL DIRECTOR. 20-27 .'Wahigtnt Granger's School o f Da. Jncing Emhalming a Specialty. NO. X0900FOUTOIMH AVENUE. TERM BEGINS WHEN YOU DO. Ambulance night or tdsy. GRANGR'S CADEY.Rsoidence, 102 Fifth Av sue. ANN ARBOR Ground Floor, Maynard Street. GAGRSAAEY Time Table, Sunday, Sept. 5,2181.7 Thin Yearns Greeks. Illsss. liii.; Waldo B. itici, Anniti r- ANTON J,. ktFEL TIMtE TA BLE: 1Icc, Mini. Federick C . tiili-di, 8ag- 'runksn, Valises. Dress Suit Canes, and Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Standard (Continued from first page). snass', lMiti.; Jesse J. Phicks. Traylo'r- Telescopes. NOT, Time nr. trair M1ich.i; Eitiodgr F. IEsefe r, Detroit, viilc,I.; Waler itl. Sill, l)e s. l'ts Trutnkosad Valises repaired neatly and. :3a. ni . *7:s1a. m -Til.; Mx .Neil, Coldswatr l icb ;k Ill cheaply. No. 307 S. Main Street *12:15 a. m. 11:10 a. no. Ilslleil Drake, (aolswater, MNis-l. ~W ae. 4:46 p. m 840p. m, At the Athen, i E We havejutiSre- *Rut. between Ann Arbor and Toledo only 1'liieltaliela-Arllir '\I.sisecil ricoiledta"large 1-iine ES. GII.MORE, Agent Ociaver, Cl. ly .tsl.Arai lslluls n f fi ~s 101Seorwno. PIPES W. B BENETT 0. . A. Toedo 0. lii.. Benjaiiin E. Dalillt. Kalis sritcesftil American colI01iS H L R'Je lrSte M ECIGAN .(TI ENT ALT. C its rrMa B0-ci .bnel ui e Is. isc dlit lirecent yesrs, will b is1)e_________________cn____ ______________ MN't r .Pesil Mrtsl, at the AthienasTheaterai on l iay poRp, .... The Niagara Falls .route . xiviiNedl C. Begeie, AaAlso)l)a; l,-sssr2.'h ailly5Oi~ls as SdL 4 Central Standard Time. PC ovw cI,. Begole, Aiiii Arbsor; (Itrnl- 7 .ttAndiJeaeSyJtcadL wrieyxS Chocolates, TRAINS AT ANN ARBOR. ills K. l'hdlslll.Lansing, *Aids.; IPhilip ( _-san Kti GermaO-iiisin.MG-00TO- Boil a WEST. (1. -Yasiru;. S1isfersel, Ia(hGsl-is will ise reniemhebresl for his e - W. W.TUT LE S MteSat Mal , hL. Plels Diia(' clicst serevice sss ie stasi of "Old is I ALLEORETIS, if you wish. N. Y, Special.-4 5 - 58 a__ _918 Minineaplis, 'i14+111,; FranliltN. Sal.. rssy"rhle Mss;:-ii,10 l taMR. Express i.51410Pacific Eu-110 Pot, hie'-s 'Xra o NS Limited---8 15rPa. ('his-agoIll.; Fores"t P.1 . tiicashliiy" sr . a ritec ltDk5 Eatern Es - p--- 47 Wetern Ex-.-13I ''lues s Ba e~oi e~vaclK 0 A L I A. M. G R. & K. Ex..-. 5 '5- seroii; I etisali 1'. :Slveflo, Liiiri, Sisiis ' 'esiscilig ;Miter." l'irii si fi. N. Expresn---5B)0 Chi, Nt. Ex---7 d7 Olsia. cieeick C1)110) slu-scrvsi, Ctatc I W. 1,1 esre nthr171iii .si Vi. alcao 0.Egicivas}1i iiti iyfrs ea ll. uzt..snADnS or eNorth Shoe Limited is an extra fair train ltti iy-o rtr ae to besaoharge of $2 6PS to New York tlsan on pI1-.5010 OT CNE N othr tain. . SM1OKE LESS COALS 0. WiCRuout, nI. w. ogsvno, - gss - sIEstil-AllasK ihsohi-rO lslslitcli. lie gre-st actor, will AND COKE- 0. P. & T Agt., Chicago. Alt - Ann Arbor Itosti-li, i'0iotrKna s :1 3; (Oil00is . .l- 5ll(i5 il21. lhcal liuvsii CAN FU NISH MUSIC OF FIRST-CLASS. lient, 17015: l~ .itysl.; lT~isslltsew A. usl