The"S tore Smoking
A Aepeated Offc Ready for You.
W. J. BOOTH, Pros. W. ARNOoL,ilst Vice-pres
Best effects for season '97-Black, J. V. SHEEmAN, 2t Vice-pres.
JOHN C. WALZ Asst. Cashier.
Blue, Brown, Drab, Groy andDl
fancies - perfectly tailored Sat - Saviivs - Bd
$5 to $20. Transacts a general Banking busi-
Cor. Main and Huron streets.
117 MAIN STREET. Captai, $S,000. Surpius, $30,000. Transact a
general basking business.
IN URI EDPe. . F. O EEN, Vice-Prs
- FOUNDoAT.LAST $Bitsou cashier.
Shoe D epartm 't oftalStte. rluceves6eposits
A dress shirt that will Oganted tnder the eneraiBanking Laws
Positvely not Bulge at the sells ecainge on the prncpa cities of the
dested Saton.Dr bu c se toreni
THIS WEEK SATURDAY.Bsm dniiain Sft eCl oe o
Call ndHeaminithe n ,VcePres.; Cas Ettiscock,
".-1 ;_-Callandexamne_ he asherpita,3 . rpisisand ft she,140
lon fltwat.FIRST NATIONAL BANKgauize16
Tranacts a generai asing bsiness.
2. k\\\Foreig echange boght and sold. Furnish
x ~WAGNER & CO., SetrCed.
""F~i +eri < ..c +(Vice cFreec
FOR ONE DAY I r 23 S. Main St. Furnisers S. W. CLARtKSON,. Cashier.
(, Lamps Expressly w Students' Use C. IL MAJOR & CO.,
jadjes' Rubbers. The Artistic deorators
+- a L"The Rochester' "The Yale," "The Royal" "The Perfection," Have a complete line of
"The Berlin student," all nickle plated, varying in price from Wi aePit isWno
A pair of Goodyear Glove fit- $1.00 to $2.50 each. Wl aePitOlWno
tine' Rubbers with every pair OIL Every student should use Dean's "Red Star." It gives a pure Shades, Room Mosldings, Etc.
of Tdies' Shoes sold that day 2. white light, is odorless and does not char the wick. Dl- specialty of fine interieor decorating,
for $2.50 and upwards. ered in any part of the city in our cans at 10 per gallon. For painting, frescoing, tntigand paper
sale only by hanging. o~ny the best of workmen
DEAN & C MP N .employ ed. Wor uarnteed.
214 South l))ain Street. IIC i. MAJOR & Co.,
ti December Irlander Out. giierally very up1iorpos. itc vet-ge is The Artistic Decorator.
by II. M. -Bowi . n, . H r it i
01 rThe christitts inmbler of the In ati Hlm i atsn,5. ~Tere reis n L I
atnder appears today iiiholiay ariay unsti.ltinuan rof book treviews.AllK L I
Iand with ,nuicsithbodsy antd pomp. VyIns,11till ilt tittiisr-t avery ie Ohtb
(eette:"ud'annth a)treadwu, onaefvrbyMask." This puportos to be a solitttit wit any cllge itontly in the
of the isillertsitonnwet-ti problem outititr. M EiN AND 'IAOMIBN
eC(.teitn~tig the Identity of ti ditt i'terlI- THSYA'ORCE Latest Novelties in Fall
esn lti-ae terQ. it. IlLlo- lsis ~os 1 TI SYA' RCEand Winter Garment.
b~Ooroghikite-ledge of to sbj t
Owinga to the inclement weather 01151 iprisents iis itotiet tintavry (Csntinued from first page). CR ILA N ANR TET
many ladies were debared from readatble orm5t.bw-lttr. 'o l'Jety AissIlis Thisl," One block west o tUniverity.
the benefit of the above offer we "Anet Clintles L'mbIt he 01 title by Prof. Wenley bting an aneetse
madle last Saturday and although ft asries of everes ty Dr.8. A. onitt os camstitiof te Lord Recoso
our trade was untusually large. lotes.ThVithttor sitess vitinntt- atdrsss a t tinlersity of 1i.050ocv.
We want everybody in the city to alogittitie poswss sitdgret eretee! "A lootlurli Claitm' in '0, Prof. J. C. /r1/IpItIl//I
share alike this exceptional offer for lhe idissyt.erate hngialtetootyst. Kniowtoni. "Tiht' Yle lPents," by
we make themr, merely for the Prof. Wvil is eo'ttttunes ittaticle't. Prof. (ito. W. Patterson. itentuis-
purpose of "Nos totuernitig the Sutdy of t eett':' of My Oollege Trays," Prof. Mt.
law." 'Vie two lis linlss fortmit t.I ()ogeV'T'ent thre are te usul Fine Confections
Introducing Our Great very iiiowttit sketch, osposaly to class propey and history. Bon Bons and
those ineresedl ii the hiasriigrt'tiy of Tersa Femting is the winer o the Chocolates.
1 "0 0 1he sulkoet. Ptof. Knowtont also cat--ptoze Isry, with a tale nbetites,1A
tai i rb te-,;lts' fortmltof a bitirof writ- ir.atsstsr ''huolItotmattc.' Mr. Paul 200 EAST WASHINGTON STREET.
it ' taut "low =is Slusy." It is ~l eshiess ihons oletciutniotio try 36SUHSTT TET
Ladies' Fine Footw~ear. susiltisluto te feiitutti Ito'shtdesle f 5nltleol "A t a Ilandertlk f. 16SOIItTAE TRET
nd wihi prove hisfut -to tiose tkngite s ory of a youg athlete wuinnitg
Satisfied that once tried le etilrse sit totrats. a hurde race bornetonothe n gs 'Cf @ MUSICAL ! @
will prove their worth for A . inttubi, -'DisI&tie authior io lve itf agil ft'rte opposesi oto- MetOGiespie teacher of Madoin, Banjo
wear and comfort. - The Esc4aped dOtvit," a sourt atdlioge. Arthur Al. Stitt eotbributes n and tutar. Intructr in the University
breez'y skoishin. Z . ,0. is te se- 05th:, "WhetiAWe Wre Frooshusot.' Scoesl of Music. 10 years eperience as
a teacher. Cal at Ano Arbor Msic Co's.
, dostyi of the writer of ',Jenkins Sit-il hll usualtiy lapiy vei. Tho. AMar- Store to arrange for hour. .
Wright Peters & CO S. orIop Gir ' . tory very ~rit tosP shall hus'"oatl" whichistdbri HO MES LIER
Ree ~ sertes f inpi'ton 9etitled Itt 01. feiowshtp.
E. P. Red & Cks it l f a Countury Tw~n." The de-'Sudens goig wotof Ciagocan STABLE
$2.0,$3.00, $350 ND@4.0 lttmnit nailed Tip D , iis ly cn- sereur a ned rtes to ot wst 509 B.Liberty t.
2 5a, 3, 0AND 00 'nued y Wothintonal ann by-.ad oultorth tof hms ao by phulngonT
to uni ftr a gradn 0 e. L teg, 'fSI., at 61(v i ll OXhau s., Central location. Gfood Service
Shoes- pair of Ladies' Rub- 'Those-ttoaia coluouti is fited wilthtb'eeen 12:30 and 130 i.' n., andTl TE
bes with every pair sold Sat- brief and sharp, suggestions andl hits, leaving their nae. Toledo....
urdav, Dec. 11. Tld
Pretty Atomizers, Sweet Perfumnes, Dainty Manicure and *
4 Steam
-Toilet Sets, Handsome wood back French Plate Mirrors
At11 And SAVE 20 PER CENT on what you ar
MII% & M lit,7, v -Wasingon t nw pying for laundry work. Leave orders
M11.7C1I11 Y'V. .J~uz 7t r3 Cur. Fourth ave. at 128 South Mlain stree.