2 THE UNIVE1ITYCOF Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the Cotlege year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. OprE: Times building, 329 S. Main St. be- tween Liberty and William Sts. MANAG5ING3 EDITOR J. F. THOMAS, 10OIL. BUSINESS (ItANAGER 0. H. HANS, 'to L. EDITORS H. Bi. SKILLMAN, '118 ., Athletics. EL. GEInuen, '953L.. G. D. HUDNUSTT, 't0. BUTLER LAMB, 'tt. *T. R. WOODtsOw, '9$. L. A..CAMPBELL, '110. A. CAMPBELL, '119. F. ENGELARDs~n, '95. The subscription price of the Daily is $2.5t for the college year, with a regular delivery before noon each day. Notices, communica- tions, and other matter intended for publica- tion mnust be handed in at the Dully offieebe- fore S p. mnor mulled to the editor before 3 p. in., of the day previcous to that on which they are espected to appear. Subscriptions may be left at The Daily Office, Meyer's or Stoffiet's Newstand, or with Business Manager. Suberihers will con- fer a favor by reporting promptly at this office any failure of carriers to deliver paper. '17110e reception tentdered 11he distin- guishetd actor, .loscph Jeffersons, was 'A onucecs in every particltr. A llag- ifitcetnt ansdience, perfecit or'der, not a hitchlinIDtile 1sl-angt'lpeti. 911(1d almo-it entertaining in1k itittit'tts addre11ss- trodell OtheoQoSiOD oe long to bc rc- wwi:etiered. !Mr. Jefferson deserves (hi' thlanksi of tile UlllverSitry for graillit- oUly affolling linoppor-tnnity for he- ,camning at-qlailtetl withtAmneritas g realestIactr. oral written questions. Tile first reads 'Whatt phae of life coal be bhest ert- bodied in a gennine Anliertealld-rama1?' 'f Old 'Honiesteaid,' 'David Crockett.' 'Pndden'ctead «Wilson' andt 'Rtp n Vaa Wtiinkle 'are poplnar plnyts. Amoericanl life offers great oppotrtutiies for tile playwright. bOle <'313 lick out andi chitisse from n tainy different tylpes -13n1 never go astray. "'Thle setond qtuestion, wichl deals itil the relation of orattry tand act- in~g I hcave aletady answered. Th ie ,tha rd is 'How ftir s11ould1tbeactor ideuify Ihimself xithlhis part.' It las been said tlcat by toolitlch gnshinlg 1)110ruay override tile part. trying takes the opposite ,stand. 'fte 011010 matllter is adlmcirably s5011311 upl in1 _ -amlet's advice to.11t1' actors* 'Ill 111 Svery whlirwinld and torrenlitif llsioll, ect.' I like is, feel tiheibecart waivoh i-ntl the icead cool. Thlcacst ;question, ' Wh at constitutes lice acior's ic MNSfralisrmns Cosin both caes. t. he Imtall. SCHEBERE'SMUSIC STORE9 thing isndit1i1n, not conception. 114 West Liberly st., Ann Arbsr. 9 'I have ben a.skedto answerc I1 For Christmas!1 PUT A KODAK ON YOUR LIST7 CA NDI ES Tb9 Folding Pocket Kodak ithe latest addition and it is We shall have a liberal sup- so neat that every amateur ply of both Allegretti's and wants one-$10. The Eureka Lowney's cbs colates fresh for at $4.00, the Quad, Falcon and Christmas. They will be in Premo 'IV', at $9.00 and the all sizes of packages and we Bullseye at $8.00 will all take will pack them for shipment good pictnies and we stand or deliver them in the city at ready to take them bock if any stated time, without ex- they do not. Catalogs free. tra charge-Soc per lb. Tow. ney's Suranne 50c per lb. ATOMIZERS A Fancy Atomizer is accept. PEULJRSIS able to anybody. Ours are all warranted to work and they Your sister or. somebody cost from 26c to $1.25. Men use else's sister would like a new them after shaving and ladies purse. We have all the new -well ladies use them, shapes and colors. State St. CA LJINS' Pharmacy.. THIS GOLD, DAMP, ATMOSPHERE IS AN INDICATOR; INDICATING THAT YOU SHOULD DRESS MORE COMFORTABLE. WE HAVE THE: NECESSARY CLOTHING, BE IT UNDERCLOTHES, CLOTHES, OR OVERCLOTHES-WE HAVE THE LARGEST LINE IN THE CITY. CUTTING, RIIYFR & CO., 201 and 203 South Main Street. - - Ann Arbor, t' lib' CHANGE YOUR SHOES Health demands that you own more than one pair. Men's Calf Shoes-Tan Chocolate and Black, heavy extension soles, band made, new toes; they are................... $3.50- Men's Slippers-Black and Tan. Coin Toes.. ..........$1.50- 119 EAST .WASHINGTON STEE T.-