THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAIL'. 3 It A&ttracts Attention~ ..... u........... Stock 'of~ Furn~ishin~gs for Mon. £ $4.00 Sweaters...................$3.45 Sw eaters: 3.50 Sweaters...... .............$2.85 2.00 Sweaters......... ..$1.39 V See our window for Bargains A Special on $1.00 Gloves for............. 69c. '"~See onrwindow for Bargaiins. MYAIN STREET, S. C1TI TET IF...J. SORLE>EDE. fCHRISTMAS ! FULLER & BERANEK, eeteuhtakd340 S. STATE STREET j Take home one of '"w"-TAIL0RS Se h nchtle f Beck Binding .........2.5 cents and up tur 4U. of M." Pins or Solid Gold F ontain Pens ..... $10100( 01p. otte other novelty in leaning, Pressing and Repairing. t IU1T1(I~tl MailtOl1I1 Watersman and Wirt Ieos in Ste k cnd Yg Pens Itepaired, our in e Work called for attd delivered. thatthave a good tone and do Wholesale and Retait Papee, 3% lbs, of Lin- LEADING, 11 S. STATIE ST.. ever ileose's. ntwrorcekath I en Paper toric Or_ .&~od sownE Pthone No. 21, New State.-'4 ANABRMSCO. NOW s the time to 10111 thte classes it 0. MY. MARTIN [ ""/yy FUNERAL DIRECTOR. 20520 E Wshigtn t. y rb] er S chool of ancing Embalming a Specialty. lJNI ( V NO) '.209 FOURTH AVENUE. ITERM BEGINS WHEN YOU DO. Ambulance nightlor day, A N A B R Ground Floor, Maynard Street. GRANGER'S ACADEMY. Residence______________e ANN RBORANTON TEUFEL, trime Table, Sunday, Septi ., 1597. At the Athens NOTICE. HEADQUATRSL IORu TIME TABILEAl ead~'a~eor thii1 leks tr: Trns1 Vlss.DesSutCse1ad Trains leave Ann Arbor by Centrrd Standard ttlci dilllwllI i sII5it(tIcesoe Time.. itIbal' i ena'211c. i n lcl at leas I tree limes a week for Truoks and Valises repaired nrally and 8:43 a.m in1 "7:30l 1a' lr' l a 11. lil tills i la « ciltos wi I l is fl lvisaittt ceply No. 307 S. Min Street 012:15 na. 111210. m. "A s'ct Wlartll," by 1XV. A. l'' t111( speeO iii ' 1)2< of 11 av i iotitl 1101 -j e have jusit in- "Ruin between Ann Arbor and Toledo only llytt ..i,' lllllsulll lrttl itrii t h e sea 111 0 11ittt. j" j~ ' eived- a large line E. S. GILMORE, Agent loch0 ceturliy, It' scs'li b eili laill aj,.11 . 1.10'IOsAS, of TI LC W, Hi BENNETT 0. P. A. Toledo 0. tluteomtiic of ih l Iie d'(llii. Sli-Tiklnl't' See our window. PIPIES I' r tll has ii" ne' his I'aiit: 1515 rt Etsa - HLA.LLER'S Jewelry Store ,NTIHIAN G IR -Leies it h Iwa til )tils ldSl'illi M ,ICIhIGAN POLITICAL SCILNCE 1 The Niagara Falls Iot. type-jyoang, lllnrlscili', l ":)ltdi~tl'ls ASSOCIATION. O ..rl CenrafanardTie" Ill is'nt a pterect swosci'll- Alnibersbip, including pulicaticos, Lowney's Chocolates Central Stndar T~me Iorris le Ihestulosil C'aptainlo ith e is open to studento at $1 per year, osie- TRAIN AAN ARO. lti's Guardcts 'Ilsc' plty is not heav'y hlalf the regular tee. Apply to W T ir -00 TO-' nAST. rilsa, and11, 1thou~gh strictly iii stolit'al, leasCARSI.COSY v.v.TU LE , e. NalPi~ ...14 M N. WE,Cll .s 12 IstCALEe.ltet W ,tae. N.Y. Scal Ex.d5 M~ ...... . 3 7B .Y 1110 1 2twr light eo issdy. .311 is ~s'll It a1 Treasurer. ALLEGRETIS, If you wish. O R. Express :1 710k Pacifc Ex ..12 10 'lids Wsell, asid nthiing'e "ill ed besti f: r asn. E - Liie .810 iti' M n. tC1 Eastern Eu .5__ 47 Western Ex.-. 1 15 than li of s "A St esretaci tlit." I'10SIN(I Ar Ih.IiAN\C PlI'. 5 .M .&K x_55 (alhcBl nwohs:tc r rtt flsosi gv l A .Epes .5 M. Chi N. tK Es .-_ 51 4, srt AllautleEs . 30 Mcslel'sIadinig lady tfir mny ir o, c1(os0 wills 1nex1 W~desldeay evn,.K OL ! 'North Shore Limited Is to estra fair train slays Marguserile Bertrando, a ros'll- Programi tfor lathes an11( gesitlemse's. A3Gass O F lobe achargeof 011010t New York than onaIRSF, A'E N other traisns. ireutlly fittlel to 'her well kown 11)11 t 11il A la'Ises restsine minsligs titter loissiI-I.S P.C N E N eM KEESS COALS 0. W. RirOOCno. ' H. W. HlAVES,. ily. slays. Mfr. uand Mrs. Mltss (irasigic, AND KCOKE. G. P. & T AgIt., Chicago. Agt., Ann Arhor G'rtangers Academny.'N CAN FURNISH MUSIC OF FIRST-CLASS, CAI.IilaLSM.Ir ," ST AIBLE , OOMS t1 tI'(I IINT. l7t W. WashsOigoni Street. 15h0ne 8. Orders for al11 Frnternity parties, club T ctdy, Dc. 14-1Unt mt~aV1x1 ielresie un