4~TH TilN1JVER1SITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Smoking IJackets! Ready for You. Best effects for sesod'97-Black, Blue, Brown...Drab, 0, u f."ln fiies- perfectly tailored- $5 to $20. GO/ 0D1r/ PEED 9S. 17IMAIN STREET. -IN OUR Shoe epartnit THIS WEEK SATURDAY. FOR ONE DAY Ladies' Rubbers. A 1}air of Goodyear Glove it- tng Rubbers with every pair of Laielis' Shoes sold that dlay for $250 and upwards. Owing to the inclement weather many ladies were debarred from the lbenefit of tie above offer we made last Saturday and although our trade was uusually large. We want everybody in the ity to share alike this exceptional offer we make them, merely for the purpose of Introducing Our Great $3.00 Ladies' Fine Footwear.' Satisfied that once tried will prove their worth for wear and comfort. Wright Peters & Co's. I.P. Reed & Co's. $2.50, $300, $350 AND $4.00 Shoes-a pair of Ladies' Rub- biers with every pair sold' Sat- urday, Dec. 11. A1ACK & CO. I I - FOUND AT LAST A dri as shirt that will -~ Positively not Bulge at the ^r r Call and examine the I \_ I long felt want. y - WAGNER & CO., VYAT.i 'ev~' ~13 123 S. Main St. Furnishers Lamps Expressly 4o. Students' Use "Tthe Rochester," "1The Yale," "The Royat," "The Perfection," 'The Berlin Student," all nickte platted, varying in price from $1.00 to $2.50 each. O L Every student should use Dean's "Red Star.": It gives a pure O L white tight, is odorless and does not char the wick. Deliv- ered in any part of the city in our cane at 10c per gallen. For. sale only by W. J. B(0)5,nT teW. Aus-oro, 1,7 Vice-pres J. V. ,See1i ,-.s.' dvi-e-pres. JOHN 'C.WALe.Ast. Cashier. State - Saviii s - 1Bank, . Transacts a general1:Banking busi- Cer. Stain ansi iuren Streets. Capita, 5,000: Surplus, $30,000. Transact a . eneral baking business. 1 R. Keser , Pres. C. E.OR, ViYce-Pres FEb. 11. BELLER Cashier IHE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS' BANK Capital Stock, $55,555. Sorpius, $150,000. Resaurces, $1,100,tt0. Or anized onder the eenerat Banking Laws of thin State. tReceires deposits, boys and setto exchange en the principal. cities of the United Staten. Omats cashed uon proper Identification. Safety deposit bones to rent. OFsricEos: ChriotianMack Pres.; W. D, Hnrriman, Vice-Pres.; Chas E. Bincock, Cashier: M. .. Fritz Assitant Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BN Arnn Aror Capital, $100,000. Surplun nnd Profits, 840,000 Transacts a generat banking boniness. Foreign exchange bought andsosld. Furnish letters of credit. E. 1). KtNNE, Pres. HARtttSON POOLE, Vice Free S. W. CLARKSON. Cashier. C. II. MAJOR & CO., The Artintic deorators Have a complete line of Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, Window Shades, Room Mouldings, Etc. Specialty of fine interior decorating, painting, frescoing, tinting and paper hanging. Only the best of workmen employed. Work guaranteed. C. nI.MAJOR &CO., The Artistic Decorator. KLEI N *TAILOR FOR-T MEN AlND WOMEN Latest Novelies in Fall anad Winter Garments. DJEAN,-& QOMPANYM 214 South Manin Street. - I I I I "I I osmoramomm UNIVERSITY NOTES. j Among the Colleges. 'Ito (a i coil tmde Ise alyty hat ( aliferti a cdilltopetit.'ilibv"Ir Iln toc lerso ,1 Mttl club 1 al le'e l gIOls.Siliy (wtulips. t -'551" to hice bhicii t~tiltlii. Plhe Yate-lrilwcseichl, cce itt le' t I Io ticeintigof'lie tDaily helsticd at l's ieeti, Starch 25, 1815110. Se lrnrrdiy, 1{. illg(tlihard, ':la, wSill The Yale GOl'e ,Cltib scill cc o frari el chid ime-aolsrilii sit the 'dilerbcl crest as Dens-sr liitheir -Ilirisias stafftrill. ,In the list of seisior co lilitxtill u- Bowdoai 1 College receivs-cu gifts islixtietits publishei its S lnurc ,'si iltiontinigto $567000 doving the last Daily, te name of 1t. B. Mteirick was. scholastic year. en)tteit frssuii the auiditing conniuttec A1, chair inii te Norse lauigsiagen,.n or cliicili tie is a iueniiier. !iterahuce is to be estatblisheirni the A hiandi-isai ltouiruamienituster dtie Uliversily_ of Galiforuis. llitd'tlilo o flue Athletic Associati, Goruell has a dillereul stjc'ls of "C' for caci of 'iie fouir Ilicisiwse 'ot a~s- is sctir~liid to take place after Ilieies fors tissilitys . 'ie gaases cciltiroloslably talj Ihaeai ocu o lie piyaestnci olur- lay ilioriiilg, tie Yleterei-i n uicsi flialcitier jIs he givenanr ie o- relir,.acoirsieinlg 'ofthie idouible oors of ticred Icy fDr. Fitoge-raid. tie- to in t 8esitr-lithe .trusteevs of NO'trtlE. Yale Iliii 197 yasus Thieecsotlli ce i-hoing thein ater ltu 'lieo. a- Gul(itiub 11(10 riecest ii ?,'In ie hscc-e linde ;ira'll gy{ei'iis 1(1- 'oitGe Gl bo -1 -.li'tomy cliese still ihli i enl iiis'r-riiryof Ptusyivasia to shoot la~rlcoerved S. L. A. coss-se o-lies imayin Newv hoc s-n or 'hiladelhiia. tlv-ccBeit rxc-tiaitgedi for lites aol T he freshinan couisce in coslihiilsocy for tir- cetuiaiig xctnsh. intls iii-- Sltifcs artYaie has crcuii modti, vcours(e by tpr sc-tiiiig licit at Palinter'so;,toalw-h u iiiufrte Ot-u stoe aty~lic bforeSattritc-. letia-worsk of two-clessit:c-eels in Dec. 11. Alt suchli tck -Ns t exr - braiig, rowcist or feticig. chaorgcu-d before tIliactas~itewccitt tiecall- 1f1le tachisie itidit setisci has 89 ct. esl Mitideriti, rc tcr-iiiigsixty-ont te.-_'s. Bty ordlec of rollnnittcIt is iiiaiililndl by ihe goecnioeteli A.'.I'. ItOSNAi t,Ciitiatn. for tile ednea.itioti ef tie rdcii mciid0( ___________thle nosy faneis foothatispi'cr5okCase Ally itss ic