THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. r THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAiLY. 3 1* ,Araots A*tenion Stock of urzn.shi.ngs. forMm $4.00 Sweaters..... ..............$3.45 $3.50 Sweaters................... $2.85 sw ed~ers, $2.00 Sweaters.... ,.......... ....1.39 A Special on $1.00 Gloves for..............69c. L.See our window for Bargains M-PSee ouir window for Bargains. MAIN STREET, S. A K & C .; MAIN STREET, P. J. SONLEEDE~n. . CHRISTMAS!1 F $~ ~ ~~~4 S. STATE STREET Tk oooeo Setotctakdof Book Binding.. 25 cents and op o001'U. of M." Pirio or Solid Goid Fountain ions .... lit .0 and up. sonie other novelty in C Aluminum Miandolin Waterman and WiretPen in stork sod orlle teleal nd Repaiprd32 our f Li- EAIG not warp 0r chect; at the e a f oJEWELER0 ~ANN ARBOR MUSIC CO, EROW'NUS IDRaUG STOREa 200 2 E Wahin tn et.CORNER MAIN AND HfURON STREE'TS t5 the place to Regniste. This Register is alwa ys consulted first by the Messegers-It's IF'RE. A N A B RAmong the Coilegesn At the Athens. Time Table, Sunday, SeptE, 5, 511. 'iit' liil (i'tSt t ili t 'at 1'(iS-' Inalalty Cl ('Iioto itow ilsy. "A TIME TABiLE: nGi1 ll "h ilh~ Trains leave Ann Artor by Central Standard )orOl~d ttt ooci' i iodo iltittifciit.i,'ti li hti'2 Time. Ai an-isiolc ~l'tittotoi." i lit i hi I a 110 fttlhitv111 snpot11 o t~ro NlORTH, SOUTH. "ouch i2I. olitoll ililt i i i t iel'a.1i-ii I et'ii yii, lii'lit' i'itiie t' o w ii lovo ' nii c 8:43 a. m. *7:30a. m rtoft(plyCaeon>vl° yn ' i1:25 a. m. vt'tsty to eawp~thetool 111111 ofatlil. oto ii'ii;t.ll'ltlcttc I *Rui, between Ann Actor and Toledo only E. S. GtLMtORE, Agentl Attiitit of Fliti rt iiirt1111 01 rE. A'tkito sIn5 o~.-turigoldtial W. B BENNETT 0. P. A. Toledo 0. t iislc~tl 'itglt 1)1ti'ilt'iatli(ti'al iss I+ .0elioir 'itt'y is a -'tit(ietitt if .lttitol ot114 lto' Q1 n rI1 o ttClo ohS rcgtiie; Dtu. ('iolt a ,t IIIG AN jj +h rtlE . 'Thirty-iVe 11kilos Ittil (oll it lii tg. 10 5 10gb 'oilh2ittlity, 1Ott1eItittli1 The Niogora Faliu Route. 1t.t-i ttiti tuica'Ii tttt t t 310at ytiii Tti Sttt; l Central Standard Time. ("l t11)il lt tildit i ltta sTr;ttl t itifiti :ti.lltito; Si'.Ir . . F TRAINS AT ANN ARIBOR. Yit itil ii'ls ttl ('titi }i'ATttlilit t i l tii'i'ottip, 'tt r< 5' thu I.w llti' Ilattail follows Wtth .1 ileiS'1 jttoii. It. N. Fapress..5. 30Ciii. N.E .,.0d _______ Atlatntic Ex.... 7 30 iot' t, t . t1 ('itili1Itib i ll t1(1 t ' tiivt' 'i NI, tNtorth Shore Liwmciteditnextra fair train si y ttit'iio i f i Cs tDiAtitlOt. 'sa7,D''.5 It.'''tyIii lotte a charu of $2001o New Yorkititan on 41( ll}?IIll oliter traitis. I'>tI et '1 te vtttro1S72 a 1,11 ooS it'1 :1 1 ttttp tti'tt ls t 0. W 1t1tuoo, i. W. If sYtS. st tit o'tf at ili(llltta l tti.'till. '01,0 11o111 tjl atilt 0. P. & T At ,Chicago. Aft, Ann Arbor ftciiii eltd ttl ltlt tl f'iiltt'ii. t7,Io.1 taOltI' CAN FU NISH MUSIC OF FIRST-CLASS. 1118 frolatit'Iintitt :,1)lto I.sti:tt. I J..i, 8 1, ll., illtiig ir -f ti',i'i Orders for iii. Fraternity parties, club '1110 fiil'lltt''tttalii ;tt(t11111' o-itlritto i Oanc~es, etc.Lesveotrder:atasAnn Arbor t Iti r lu '111, titl'tto t tltesbyPo. \i01(1 5 MusicCo. or'at Residence,I7,10 tddes ave. 1117'j2,(0)iof lthe' ittiltittttthlit ,-.~tr 1P. S. -Wiil take putpils on t'iano and in tesrstttotiotia(t r i lt)0. 'lilet' ttoil ,os Ii vista.1 - I 't'ttItg, fDoe. :l7--Cltlir' ti to sight reading at atone named tPIaces. 481 t itillnio, 130 1 fwt'It hd ilittaoaigitiniiia'tititt. A. J . Johnston. 5tlnil~ lit i'rg'Ti11titl:Itt'iE't ('iLiSiN~x AT CI iA\ds itS1. U. of M. Shaving Parlors and Bath IRooms, Jty liolardiig at theyio tl'ItiiitGlfatt Pit t(=ri1 l ficotits ii l1211(111Will jna SOUTHI STATE STREET. Whiie yiitir b ittii'tiit 1111100 lo,4 tia-tI sus'with ccxllt oluoltesdy (cs't'tiiti. Ladies' artistic Bate Dressing op stairs. ftitor ltli IiiiYs. irl 't tt a cit 0 (}![( PI'iiI'iti an i t' latt'tt'u at:lii fti''ttt'11. Old friends tait again. We welcome new AleI-;s° eml ~cti!;,,f rIui ones, J. tR. TROJANOWSKI, 1100'weelt.Ausioiortlitii''ttgltle itt EOHl EELE dets nteDal.(ni-rsA-ici.IBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR.I Clls Attended DaynorNigb. Univers i-ty School of Dancing,i No, 1it East Liberty Streett Residence, 5332 Sooth Fourtk Ave, Pkone 129. State Street, oppostte Law Building.1 RANDALL, THE PHOTOGRAPHER,. Terms $a.00 a semester - - Single eveuings 5) 'cents. i WASHINGTON BLOCK, ANN ARBOR. 1Onfce-427 Thompson Street. FULLER &BERANEK, go"T ~TILORS ,leaning, Pressing and Repairing. Work called for and detivered. 3i12 S. STATE ST., ever Rtounyn. hone No. Old, New State. 0. Mf. MARTIN, FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Embalming a Specialty. NO5. (sOB 1FOURTH AVENUE. Ambolance night or day. Restdence, It021F11tk Avenue. A T~ONTEUF EL, Trunias, Valises.IDressSuit (Caxes, ansi Treiescopes. Trott~s and Tattsos repaired neatly and Iieaiily. No. 307 5. Main Street pipe We have just re- ceived a large line tee our window. PPE HALLER'S Jewelry Store Lowney's Chocolates -00 TO-- V. "W. TT LE'S, le S. ALEi_?FRI2TIS, if you wish. iIARTit. 5FT, C'ANN EL AXIS aSMOK~iELESS COALS AND COILh'. M., SPEBBR rhe Name tIenGuaramtee. SP.ALDING'S Foot Ball Supplien For '97 E- very Requiute for tke Game. Mianagers with do well to write foe sampies and special rates tiefore purchasing. The Spalding Official Foot Bail. Adopttdd by Yttle, Princeton, Pennsylvania Hiarvard' c'iutit, andallother teadinz sni- versities. Fat. ball testcd and pack ed, an d sealed insrepualae box with trots inflator Price. $5n.0 Sipalasls'n fficial 'FooE hail Guide Ioc 81)7 Edited by WALTERnsCAYnsP, Post- paid. in cents. Cain oyleg tof Ittt1endXWinter PtrlacSnRE., A, G, SPALOING & BROS., New York Philoadelphia Chicago Washington ._... _. H4 )LIDAY BOOKS THEl LARG3EST COLLECTION IN THlE CITY IN General Literature, Biography and Memoirs, Travel and Description, Art and the Drama, Theology and Religion, Politics and Economies, History, Poetry, and Fictic h SHEEHAN & COMPANY, Booksellers, Stationers, and Engravers, .ROS: 320i SOUOTH STATE STREET. DETRtOiTC14I WOODWARD AVENI ANN A'