THE U1NIVERSITY OF' MICHIGAN DAILY. 2 sit L t I °tlb ( iiir~go tealn, wichfor difficulty 1 1+ t.~ i't. .of t x }ition have .rte ly becu 1 cur- -1,t1s~ediby tomt99Jr GYM SHOES ii09)'svt WNDOWv? - EAU S SlOESThORE, 109 N Main Street. Opposite "' -i~ " te Court House. o . ' " . , i.. r 1' .. 1 S J, : ...% { \ 1 is , ,71 1) Sylva r .BieYsfCv. Golf Suits TI W Wbf19 E lERALL Our $ ]8.00 1GLF SUITS and 100 at $.0 There are only about forty suits left. Early comners get first choice. GOLF HOSE.. New Patterns-New Styles-Imported and Domestic, 50c to $2.00 per pair. 'it tlllt.9 019111igh'ltl'1 1an1y'iltet('Slt. .141 Mollt19 . oot 11119' '9ill tepil 1 i tl~ch of suppollrt n{ti ly119' il- 11 _______r _____._____dovo _____ r nrt1 <<:'11;lA r kld, 9101)t1911 l (l' 9 I'' F YOU) WANTl''E ' P itt11 T 110 '1111019 10151l's llthe cI ltilwnrttg ' FRATERNITY STATIONERY, 1-9ho llt i tIt till' l'l'l ;1ll-1llir 1119 BADGES OR PINS rets aIlliotie ellllt 110111 11 31 SM THD , 'Y U sRukGEekNYouCen learn it while buyin vrrity' ssilii ric 9-;411101 a1rpition~l111 Fruit andl candy at the Greek Sn fo h~vn-will11(fllztllo.1:~t11-' O-2011 Nsrth Mai street, opp. coin ftr it'il991111 19 it ~iil~fto 101house. Pure bomne made candil itilt ' tatdots1in11so11111 11115151111' -it and ice cream, fine California fruit e- -;i ,tisecneis ti very suitable for presenots, and ws 11110.ctt-ttl ig' il' 1'1 lilsi. i 5know you will wanit them for tha t'o h l' ~lt 11exlit 'i'iotrstiaoy 10119111 Party you are going to give. th Ilal 11 190.19tef tihl'lilelary- ilplr _JAMESKOS'rAtIs 0111011 90.111 1 Itr'y 9 tte1tlelt KINDERGARTEN, i . uonS Western and Eastern Football. Call and See Us, Ci if. Pat01110ncliirlnhllhIents