4 THK 'UN IYLRSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 4 TH UMVRSIT OF ICHIAN DILY The Store W. W. Wetmore, A. Repeated Offeri IN OUR- THIS WEEK SATURDAY. FREE FOR ONE DAY Ladies' Rubbers. A pair of Goodyear Glove fit- ting Rubbers with every pair of Ladies' Shoes sold that day for $2.50 and upwards. Owing to the inclement weather many ladies were debarred from the benefit of the above offer we made last Saturday and although our trade was unusually large. We want everybody in the city to share alike this exceptional offer we make them, merely for the purpose of Introducing Our Great $300 Ladies' Fine Footwear. Satisfied that once tried will prove their worth for wear and comfort. Wright Peters & Co's. E. P. Reed & Co's. $2.509 $3.009 $3.50 AND $4.00 Shoes-a pair of Ladies' Rub- bers with every pair sold Sat- urdav, Dec. 11. .06 S. Xain St. and 342S. State St. UNIVERSITY TEXT-BOOKS, NEW AND SECOND-HAZD. HAS FULL LINES OF NOTE BOOKS, and STUDENTS' SUPPLIES. Fountain Pens and Fine and Staple Stationery and offers all at the Lowest Prices. For Forty Years GOLDEN SCEPTRE Has been smoked by college men and is to-day, a LEADER as a pure, mild, sweet mixture for the pipe. Lamps Expressly 4, Students' Use "The Rochester," "The Yale," "The Royal," "The Perfection," "The Berlin Student," all nickle plated, varying in price from $1.00 to $2.50 each. Every student should use Dean's "Red Star." It gives a pure white light, is odorless and does not char the wick. Deliv- ered in any part of the city in our cans at 10c per gallon. For sale only by DEA &~kY t ~L v k-PAJN Y. 214 South Main Street. To Captain Chicago. Official All-American. At a meeting of the members of the Walter Caiimp, Who has charge of the football team at President Harper's atlhletie depart-ment of Harper's Week- house on Tuesday of last week, Wat- ly, in the absence of Caspar Whitney, ter S. Kennedy was unniiously has imade up an All-Anierican football elected football captain for the sea- -teain, and, as Caspar Whitney alw'ays son of '98. did, cornfines its men'bership entirely It was agreed that Herseliberger to ea'stein colleges. Second and third should hare the ioaor again should elevens are also imade up. They are he desire it, but although "iterstilo" as follows: announced thut .he intends to return First Eleven-Cochlran, Princeton: to the 'varsity next fall, he refused to Chamuberlain, Yale; ftare, Pennsyl- accept the captainy for 'another sea- vaina; Doucette, Harvard; Brown, sen. Yale; Outland, Pennsylvaiia; IHall, W. S, Kennedy wa's born in Wood- vale; De Saniles, Yale; Dibblee, iar- burn, Iowa, June 59, 1574, and played yard; Kelly, Princeton; Minds, Penn- W. J. BoOtH, Pres. w. ARNOLD,1st Vice-pres J. . SnnN no Vice-pres. tOurN 0. WALz, Ast. Cashier. State- Savinys .- Banlk Transacts a general Banking busi- ness. 1Frmer of1rhatirs sPtk Cor. Main and auonStreets. Capital, $s0,000. Surplus, $30,000. Transact a generaibanking business. R. KErp, Pres. c. E. GREENE, Vice-Pres FRED. H. sESsR Cashier. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capitai Stock. <£0,0- Surplus. $15,000. Resources, $1,100,00. Organized under the General Banking Laws of this State. Receives deposits, buys and sells exchange on the princtpal cities of the United States. Drafts cased upon proper idenifcation. Safety deposit boxes to rent. OsracERss Christian Mack Pres.; W. D. Harriman Vice-Pres.; Chas E. Hiscock, Cashier: I. J. Fritz Assistant Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANKorgisn1b3 Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Profits, W,000 Transacts a general banking business. Foreignecange bought andsoid. Furnish letters fcredit. E. D. KINNE, Pres. HARRISON SOULE, vice ree 5, W. CLARKSON, Oashier e C. 1. MAJOR & CO., The Artistic deorators Have a complete line of Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, Window Shades, Room Mouldings, Etc. Specialty of ine interior decorating, painting, frescoing, tinting and paper hanging. Only the best of workmen employed. Work guaanteed. C. if. MAJOR & CO., The Artistic Decorator. KLEIN- TAILOR -FOR- MEN AND WOMEN Latest Novelties in Fall and Winter Garments. COR. WILLIAM AND MAYNARD STREET. One block west of University. Mutsic Stutdio PIANO, PIPE ORGAN AND COMPOSITION. CONCERT PIANO TUNING R. H. KEXPF, From Stuttgart Conservatory, Germany. 312 SOUTH' DIVISION STREET @ MUSICAL ! C@ M 1ilespie, teacer of Mandolin,Banjo and Guitar. Instructor is lbs University School of Music. 18 years experience as a teacher. Call at Ann Arbor Music Co's. Store to arrange for hours. HOLNES' LIVERY STABLE. 509 E. Liberty St. Central location. Good Service TRY TIIE. Toledo Steam Laundry And SAVE as PER CENT on what you are now p aing for laundry work. Leave orders at in South Main Street. his irst game of football on the Vil- lisca (Iowa) High School teann in '92. He came to the 'varsity in '96, play .1 tMakle on the team untilhe was in- jured in the INotre Daiiie game. Ie is one of the best players son this ycar's team, crities generally assign- ing to him a place on the All-Western tem. He is popular with the stu- dents and the aCtion of the team ;n choosing him as its leader is univer- sally comentided.-Univemrity of Ciii- eago Weekly. Professors Prescott and Steven's will coitorhoin ,the classes in Pla-iory at their 'Homies this eveunti. NOTICE. All candidates for the track team are -requested to report at the gymna- sium at least three 'times a week for rogular class work. It is advisable that;special liues of work should toot be pursued until later in the sea-son. J. AlTHOMAS, TiackCaptain. ADVANOE CREDIT IN GERMAN. Last exainntion for advance credit it { irman, 'Saturday, Dec. 11, 10 to 12 a. m., Room B. sytratia. 'Second Eleven-Boyle, Penisylvan- in; todgers, Yale; Chadwick, Yale; Catdwaader,. Yale; Itinehart, Lafay- ette; Scales, -West Point; McKeevor, Coriell; Young, Cornell; Nesbitt, WesT Point; Fultz, Brown; IMBride, Yale. Third Eleven--loultoa, harvard; IHillebrand, Princeton; Bouve, H'a- votrd; Oveiield, Pennsylvania; Mc- Cracken, 'Pennsy-vanh'n; Donald, Har- vard; Tracy, Cornell; Baird, PrinMetoa; Blannard, 'Prineeton; Walbridge, La- fayette; Wheeler, Princeton. . NOTIOE. The committee having the mtter in charge have mtade arrangemens whereby those -still iholding original inreserved S. L. A. course +ickets nay have them excth'aanged for tickets good for the remainit g unbars in the cotrse by prsonting them at lmee',% drug store any tim before Saturday, Dec. 11. All such tick ito i at cx- t,' beat t htdate will ee- By order of commiktee, W. T. HO'SNER, Ohaoirman. Advertise in the Daily. A Good Pocket Knife for 25 Cents. A Better One, Warranted, for 50 Cents. S...........AT........... Mummerv's Drun Store ,