THE UNIVERSITY OF MNICHIGAN-YDAILY. THE In the Clothing line are the famous makes of - .- - - ---& - A IP...-& 111-4v THE STEIN BLOCK CO.'S JI A ' %JVz1 U Made by these celebrated makers are models of beanty, latest of styles, perfect in fit, idde. ci Sj in i the very beet of manner. A GUARANTEE GOES WITH EVERYXGARMNT. We arc sole agents in Ann Arbor and Guarantee these goos to be the beetYmade we r't, IixjIi country produces. We allow you to tke these goods home oni approval or to other stores for comparison cnd if you buy aiid are not pea .lwhen you get honie, comie back and get yxou money. We return it just as cheerfully as we take it. Our store is not filled with cheap goods but in Fine Suits and Cverroats we show two to fyncIto ay of our competitors. Come in-WXXe are :Bound to P lease -You. 221 SOUTH IVAIN TREE. L"oindenscIlsitt & ApTeL 1G. ..k r ~_ncs~ ,- I PIANOS FOR RENT ANN ARBOR !MUSIC CO., Pens. 205-207 E. Washington. " IHA L1DER"S A ar clock . :1Jl WE .lRY STORE!: ________________U. Of .Pn. ft HM.ARU, L EOII LER) ANN ARBOR~GagrsSholFrD ig RAILROAD. Gr ge' ScolFr a . Time Table. Sunday, Sept.:. 1897. Ofic open every day and eveningo this week for negitaton. T1I TABLE: Call and -get acquainted whether you join class, or no. Traissee Ann Armor by Central'S5tandard NOT.Time. SUT. OGRAN OEBSACADEMY, X3110312 Maynard Street. Grond Floor. ,3:43 a.ini. *70am, l R *1^:5 a. M. 1:5 ap in 19:10 a. M. "8:5 p-m *Run betweens Awrn Arbor and rolrdo unlyv CORNER MAIN AND HURON STRE 17%, 4tiuuns between 'Toledo and tiowell. Tbis3 tri xetSna udy ~ y All 5551cer tiains daily is the place to Reg'iser. This Regi1ster iS always COnSu11d first bo the 0xc! - . . GA. OF, Agent W. Ht BENNETT . P.5. 'oledO. Messengers--It's YIFR B.y AXIG I A UB J 4 ACULTY ANNQEINCEIVENTi"S. I Monday, lWedre,;day, T u'yaid Sat-U N I "The lNiugarai Falls Route." SNCI.urday. AI-lNANISFtt EtWET. CentrelIStandard Time. Mr. Etifiners corses will nenet t A ALY1'tCA l)IIQ II i:t'i. 'RAINS AT ANNW ARBOR. the asstiined hours :as fsllows: Students intenctina l0ea Teirane 1P.M. A. 11. eiuuin Feud, S.Ia au. orses 5, y '. 5 acol t.ntapply ! all anpEx-ial347B. N Yea. Sh_-FT os 2 ,, Uiliverstty Stai:; 'our, e I, for tables belere Wede]dn s-y evenin-, IN--&.1£imited .0 a a'. B egii.niieg FreiichiSec. 11, at . s. ., Oct. 6. hatern -_A. G. t5 foa hWeren K.Ex 555 , 0... Ea:ais Uuirero~tty sHall; Coerse 8, ('lassie UttOF. I^1 _ SS'iIL D.NExpresn _5 5)1 Si. Nt. Six.Sat U 40, ranmaSec. I. at 10 a. im.. tloo i 2 -__? Atlantic SEx----7;0 Pacific Ex----. 1 2 0,' G. R. Expresu ---It iso-Unliversity Stall; *Coors.o 5, ;Unitii Work will 1be gisin tez Writaas ,*NortSho5re: lalmited is an extrs taro train; Proe e Writing, at 11 a. 1in., llilot2, I Uyln~uasiuoc Tue 4ryr, S4 _ i, .an 4 c rt einbgunStl 5Nw e be Univer,§ity Hall; :C ourse 30, Urecicux Iil. The imontio s $, ,;l Iw:plbe do- u. W. itenU04En, iH. W. nAYEs, .,,tPrecissses, at 11 a. il.ii. lon2, voted to re.-slealoi-o cc-nc-lv or-k G5. F. & T. Act.. Obleuneg. Avtn. Asnn Arbor.' I , Silverofy Hall. and lectures by ILL-Relr, end Miat ss .L f A.Iiavna rlor c'q i s 'aildBe amhRs I t xpect to bo in 4Ilooni 1, TilaI v ISilydor on Uby sicat OUEdnSAE SRET Hl, caiiauiie, Th 1 11, etue aet I*- voese Ladlies' selistie BasinrSiesslac up stairs t oie cii.s u i ele 'iio are nlmci'eil.l i i _e Univr- Ol1d telends tall ugain. We swelcame new toilc.nMissWSnyderal'itsttee an her of-V 4nte. .Rh. TLIOJANO5VSKI, bliiurs for the seiester. 0Ihoe-c nt io isSndc 1le f "to assignc advaiiced credit till nexstccalieCn-sioifnNto1 RE ICLER x sI .A .tMli.ill d2 t0 I3y tI so-;>' -i iiCi ;r- 1I'ATHEM! ICz1"(S iG. l R 1. t hot ogranh1e r. Sections I1 and I xIiil recile.(like - ~ . T'~boeto ANARO]Sec.Ilt) on Moiida , Tuesiday and _______- 1la~pn 'D. NNARORThurslisaiseandSot .a inusune,,,: idlln Free deliver toila- EINOCHI DIETERLEa f q . ErIBAL JS'lR AND) A. FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Embalming a Specialty. NO. Q00 F OURIH AVENUEL Ambulance nigbt en Say. ttenielene, Sec2ifth Avenne. Why not start the year right. by choosing the right Laundry? See Ai-LMENDINGER and BAU.ER,, White Laund ,- 3 EAST LIBERTY ST'RET DET'ROI'T, ICH. C. H, MAJOR & CO., The Artistic decorators Have a complete line of Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, Wilndow Shades, Room Mouldings, Etc. ~ Specialty of fine interior decorating panitiiigfreciig,lieliiig unit paper ganging. Only thie best sat workmen.m euiployed. NI irk guaranteed. C. H. MAJOR & CO,, The Artistic Decorator.. T-o Pent!!! Tha Largeeat Line o ciyclesn, Sum- sdriesnud Suppiena at Mi. STAEBLE Telphone No -f. 4f FUNERAL DIRECTOR. 4alasActended Day or light. Nie. 116 Eant Liberty Street: Residence. 33S SounthiFourtb Ave. Pbone 115. RANDALL . 1 ue THE PHOTOGRAPHER. WASHINGTON BLOCK, ANN ARBOR. K1NDERGARTEN, i2Q.Hro t Call and See Us, YOUR DRUG TRADE And will do the square thing by vou. We've a good.stoc-k an back of anything we sell. Your uconeys wortIh or yoancncuay b PFA1mE'S PHAR 3o6 SOUTH STATE STUSEEr. -University S3chool of IDa State.Strect , oppos-ite Law BoR in .g Terms $t5.00 a semester - - Sing ey Offlce-42?7 Thompson Street-